Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Question: One of the thugs helps Rapunzel and Flynn escape by showing them the passage that starts from their pub. The Stabbington Brothers - who escape the clutches of the guards - follow them in. Later when the red-headed thieves meet Mother Gothel in the forest, they exit through a secret door in a tree trunk with the same "Snuggly Duckling" symbol on the secret door at the pub; that's where Mothel Gothel waited and expected to meet Rapunzel and Flynn after threatening one of the thugs to tell her where it was. Strangely, however, Rapunzel and Flynn end up at the dam that appears to be the dead of the tunnel, while the Stabbington Brothers burst out of another tunnel below them. If the forest was where the other end of the tunnel was located, then why didn't Rapunzel and Flynn end up there? How come the Stabbington Brothers came out from another tunnel, and how on earth did they find their way to the other end of the tunnel where Gothel was waiting?

Answer: When the dam breaks, Rapunzel and Flynn run for cover and subsequently get trapped in a cave that was not originally part of the secret tunnel. The Stabbington Brothers get washed away by the water, and are implied to have found the real exit of the tunnel once the tide died down. Gothel went to the same exit because that is the legitimate exit of the tunnel, and the only one the drunk viking would've known about, especially since Rapunzel and Flynn only escaped the cave out of pure luck.


Question: Tangled is promoted at Disney's 50th Animated Motion Picture. There is even a countdown of the 50 films on the blu-ray. But, they seem to be missing some movies from the list. I did not see Duck Tales the Movie (1990), A Goofy Movie (1995), An Extremely Goofy Movie (2000), Return to Neverland (2002), The Jungle Book 2 (2003), The Tigger Movie (2000), Piglet's Big Movie (2003), or Pooh's Heffalump Movie (2005). Now I know these weren't blockbusters, or timeless classics, but they were Disney, animated, and theatrical motion pictures. Why were they not on the list?

Answer: I've actually found the answer to my own question. It seems that it is a matter of which a Disney sub-company actually produced those films. There are films promoted as "Disney" which are from "Disney Toon Studios." However, since these are not "Walt Disney Animation Studios" they are not on the list. A complete list of everything Disney can be found here:

Question: I have three questions about the lake scene. One: When Cyclops fires his lasers, he falls to the ground afterwards. Is that draining his life or something? Two: When Cyclops kisses Jean, how come his face was wavy? Three: Does anyone know why Jean is knocked out when Wolverine and Storm found her? Or why mist is everywhere and everything is floating?


Chosen answer: 1 - Cyclops fell to the ground because he was in psychological pain from being in the place where he lost the woman he loved. 2 - His face was wavy because it was being disrupted by her telekinesis, the same way he eventually died. 3 - She was knocked out because her power overwhelmed her. The strange things going on are because she can no longer control her powers.


Question: In the beginning of the movie, when the Cullens walk into the school, it's sunny outside, but they don't sparkle. Why is that?


Chosen answer: In order to sparkle, the vampires need to be in direct sunlight.

Answer: In addition to the other answer, it should be noted that Forks, Washington is one of the rainiest and most overcast areas in the continental US. The Cullens moved there to avoid being in sunlight.


Question: I saw the answer to the whole Frankie death scene, but there's still something I don't get. If Wendy and Kevin had stayed in his truck, wouldn't they have died, and messed up Death's list?


Chosen answer: They would've died, but Death "knew" they wouldn't have stayed in the car. If they had stayed, Death would change his death.

Question: Here's an interesting thought; Debbie was provided with a small power saw and told that to prevent a pipe piercing her skull, she would have to get a key, which is revealed to be in William's side. What was to stop her from simply using the saw to cut off the spear on her chest? Couldn't she have cut it off her chest, and had the harness taken off later?


Chosen answer: It's possible, but unlikely. 1) She was under great distress and might not have thought of that. 2) It would be easier (and more importantly, quicker) to cut through Easton's soft skin than the spear. 3) There is a good chance that tampering with the spear might have made it go off.


Question: In the secret wedding scene Wallace gives his Tartan to bind the hands but what is it that Murron gives to him? Is there a documented tradition for this?

Answer: Traditionally the woman gives the man some cloth that she has woven or embroidered while the man gives the woman some food that he has grown (usually wheat or barley).

Question: When Abby is in the store, Lee calls her. What is Abby's ringtone? It sounds familiar, but I can't place it.

Answer: The tune is called "Twisted Nerve" by Bernard Herrmann. It sounds familiar because in one of Quentin Tarantino's earlier films "Kill Bill", Daryl Hannah's character was whistling it before attempting to murder Uma Thurman's character in her sleep.


Answer: That song is actually used in a couple different scenes of Kill Bill.

Question: What is the name of the song playing while the Order are transporting Harry to headquarters?


Chosen answer: The song is titled "Flight of the Order of the Phoenix" on the soundtrack.

Question: Here is something I really don't get. Near the end, Wendy and Kevin find out that Ian was supposed to cause Wendy's death somehow, but Ian would've already been dead. If Wendy hadn't intervened with Ian's original death, Ian wouldn't have been at the fair to cause Wendy's death. Can someone please explain this?


Chosen answer: This is REALLY tough to explain. Ian was NEVER supposed to cause Wendy's death. When Wendy looked at her shirt in the picture, she assumed that Ian was supposed to cause her death. Instead, Wendy was supposed to be crushed by the MCKINLEY sign, following the MCKINLEY shirt. Because Ian's death was skipped, he arrived at the fair, stopping Wendy from going under the sign, thus, skipping HER death. Also, the fireworks weren't supposed to kill Wendy while she laying on the ground, but to kill her while she was SUPPOSED to be under the sign. It was a coincidence that IAN showed up at the fair, and that he was under the sign, and had died. So, Ian was never gonna cause Wendy's death in the first place.


Answer: Well if you look at Ian's death picture he was suppose to be killed by a wood arrow. The sign was just like the flags in the picture. (With the same arrow tip shape). So Ian's death picture really wasn't wrong.

Plus when they are on the train there is a stop called McKinley street she was wearing a mock key T-shirt and was killed on the train.

Question: Near the end, before the fair, Wendy is looking at the pictures on the computer, and she sees her picture. The clue is that Ian will cause Wendy's death, but Jason is next to her, and his face is blurred out. Is this another clue to Wendy's death?


Chosen answer: Yes, it is another part of Wendy's death. At the end, on Train 081, Wendy was looking out the window, and the people were blurry, and then Wendy saw Jason's face blurred out in the window.


Question: In the beginning, Richy gets his foot caught in a bear trap. Did Jason put this there or did the people put it there?


Chosen answer: It was left by hunters. Jason doesn't have the mental capacity to set traps for his victims.


Jason had set up an elaborate warning trip wire that rang bells at his house. I am sure he could have set a bear trap.

I agree. Jason has shown to be quite intelligent and even able to carefully plan his attacks so setting up a bear trap wouldn't be hard to do.

Question: I've seen the movie several times now but I still don't know the answer to this: in the beginning of the movie, who kills the two Japanese snipers - zombies or some clones of Alice?

Answer: Based on the sounds to go with the scene, I'd say it is zombies taking the guards out. However, considering following events it is more likely that Alice and her friends have something to do with it.

Show generally

Question: I know that JJ is/was the media liaison for the team we as the audience follow; but a few times other teams have been mentioned. So is she the liaison for the other teams too? (She seemed to go with the team most of the time on their cases).

Answer: Having seen just about every episode, as well as the spinoff (Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior, which focuses on a different team) it seems like she ONLY works with her team, being the liaison and media specialist for them only. The other team didn't have anyone in that capacity, choosing their cases on their own. And since that team specializes in crimes happening now, not after the fact like the original team, they have no need for that position.

Kimberly Mason

Question: Does anyone know how to access the easter egg on the DVD? There is a sign in the lower left corner that says "Keep Out" but I haven't figured out how to access it. Thanks for any help.


Chosen answer: On the selection bar at the top, move the highlight all the way to the left so that "Play" is highlighted. Press the down arrow. "Keep Out" is now highlighted. Press the Enter or Select key (or whatever it's called on your remote).

Question: In the scene where 777 is curving on the viaduct, is that the crew, with the video equipment and stuff?


Chosen answer: Yes, for the news crew they used the filming crew.


Question: In the mistakes section it comments that Jude Law is wearing a hearing aid in one scene. Does anyone know anything about this? I couldn't find any reference to him having hearing loss online. Is it possible that it is actually just an earpiece?

Answer: Jude Law's hearing is fine, he was wearing the hearing piece so the director can tell him where to stand while they are filming.

Answer: Because when they are sitting in the prison yard side by side Jude law has an earpiece in his left ear, if this is supposedly for direction why don't they both have ear pieces in and not just Jude law or are you suggesting that Jude law requires more direction making him a lesser competent actor or is it just the fact that it IS a hearing aid.

Question: In the scene where Connor and Murphy are walking to the Copley Plaza Hotel, the song playing is just amazing. I've looked everywhere for it but it wasn't listed on the credits and I don't even know the name or who performs it. I've looked for "Indigino" by the Chidros as suggested, but couldn't find anything. If any of you have the name and artist and where I could find the whole version, I'd really appreciate it.

Answer: The same song is in the second movie (just more updated) - Crew cut vs. Poppa M.

Answer: It's by Jèff Danna called Skyscraper Assault.

Go Get Mommy's Bra - S2-E4

Question: So after they find the bra, both men assume that it was left there after a sexual encounter. Women change their clothes in cars all the time. And since Alan usually avoids sexual topics, wouldn't he at least have assumed that it was just left there? After all, when you are dressing after sex you should notice a bra missing; not so much if you were just changing your clothes.


Chosen answer: Alan might have thought the bra was too fancy to belong to a regular woman, "I'd love to meet the girl who filled this", he says. He assumed it was one of Charlie's many women.


Question: What is the point of having Reuben in the gang? What does he do? Provide them with money? Because everyone else has at least one job, except for him.


Chosen answer: Yes. He's bankrolling the heist.

Captain Defenestrator

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