
Revealing mistake: Ice Cube peels the sticker from the hard drive, but he starts peeling it from the right side in the first shot, the left side in the close-up - in fact looking at the numbers you can tell it' s a mirrored shot. (00:32:00)


Revealing mistake: When Ice Cube is escaping from prison and the prison sniper tries to shoot him down, the actor might as well been doing "pew-pew" noises with his mouth, because his finger is not even on the trigger. (00:13:00)


Revealing mistake: The wider shot (after the POV) of the boat going up the ramp to rescue Agent Toby Lee Shavers from the Virginia police is a miniature work recognizable at first glance. (00:24:55)


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles mistake picture

Revealing mistake: Michelangelo dodges the axe a Foot clan member swings at him by hiding his head into the shell. When he knocks his assailant out with a backhand, you can see a large gap between the mask and the rest of the suit. (01:17:30)


Revealing mistake: In the middle of the fight inside April's apartment, there's a comedy/action bit with Leonardo repeatedly trying to slash at a Foot Clan soldier. Ultimately, he fools him and kicks him. Behind him, another two bad guys arrive, but there's a very awkward bit in the choreography where one of the guys quite literally does not know where to go and puts himself in a corner with nobody there, stumbling into the other. (00:43:30)


Revealing mistake: When Darius stomps on the police car with the speedboat, an explosion starts from the bottom of the car just the moment the boat nicks the roof. (00:25:00)


Revealing mistake: In the fight against the first 2 prison guards, in the shots furthest away from action Ice Cube is replaced by a leaner stuntman. (00:10:40)


11th Sep 2020

XXX (2002)

Revealing mistake: When the cop that Xander drove insane gets wasted, the holes on the armchair don't match in timing nor pattern the ones in the door, and somehow the gun pierced the door, his body and the stuffed furniture without even producing entry wounds on his chest. (01:21:45)


Revealing mistake: During the brawl in the 'saloon', the protagonist frees himself from the predicament that had him with a knife pointed at his throat. Cut to one of his friends who punches away one baddie, parries a strike and then "punches" someone else. Sarcastic quotes are needed here, because the straight punch misses its target. (00:44:35)


Revealing mistake: When Ice Cube shoots the grenade at the car, the explosion comes from inside the car, but the car itself is raised in the air before the explosion happens. (01:28:05)


Revealing mistake: When Xander Cage chases on foot Xiang in the Detroit underpass, he leaps over an incoming car, then on top of the hood of another. The hood is already dented from previous takes. (01:08:25)


Revealing mistake: The DJ dude is trying on the super gloves, but loses control and punches a hole in a hatch. Before the shot changes and we get to a close-up of the hole in the metal, you can see Kris Wu pull his arm back and the not-so-metallic parts of the door being pulled back, caught in the denim of his jacket like carton or foil. (00:38:00)


Revealing mistake: Xiang storms the CIA headquarters at the beginning of the movie and fights off a dozen of agents and executives. Check out the moment when Toni Collette comically pokes her head from under the table and Donnie Yen kicks two agents. The second agent is charging at him with his fist raised, but blatantly stops with no guard raised, waiting to be spin-kicked into oblivion. He was also seen hopping up but when they get blasted away it's the burly Asian guy who is level with Donnie Yen, not him. (00:09:35)


Revealing mistake: Shredder is enraged because April O'Neil mentioned the Foot clan. He throws a knife at the screen, with an effect that is not only transparent in how fake it is, but shows cracks with secondary circular holes like it was sprayed with bullets. (00:18:05)


Revealing mistake: When Raph trips the two purse snatchers, the second one doesn't come anywhere near connecting with his leg. (00:11:40)


Revealing mistake: When Don tries to be hip shouting "Bossa Nova!" at the back of his open mouth you can spot the white of the teeth of the actor inside him. (00:05:40)


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When the Turtles make their triumphant entrance jumping in frame after the logo, at the bottom of the screen you can tell they are wearing white socks/shin guards, except Raphael who is the one the camera is focused on. (00:05:30)


Revealing mistake: In the first, unseen, appearance of the Turtles in the movie, Raphael saves April breaking the streetlight with his sai. The lights go out a good second after the bulb is supposedly shattered, though. (00:03:55)


Revealing mistake: In the opening of the movie, a citizen is reading his copy of the New York Post and you can actually read the date; Wednesday September 12, 1990. It is obviously a movie prop though, because the scene was shot in late 1989. How can you tell? Easy; he is reading it next to a newsstand kiosk full of magazines from that period; instantly recognizable are Vanity Fair's November 1989 issue with Baryshnikov on the cover, and GQ from December 1989 with Sting sporting an epic 'stache. (00:00:50)


17th Jun 2020

Slow Local Trains (1960)

Revealing mistake: Louis de Funès tries to squash a bug that was alive, well and moving in close-up, but is obviously fake and still in the next shot, in a different spot from the close-up too. (00:03:30)


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