
1st Nov 2007

Spartacus (1960)

Corrected entry: If Crassus wanted Spartacus alive after the battle, why didn't he just get him to give himself up by having Varinia and her child go among the surviving nailing them all up.

Correction: Character Choice. Not a mistake.


1st Nov 2007

Saw (2004)

Corrected entry: When Adam is going crazy in the beginning trying to get out of the chains look at his foot its touching the pipe then it is no then it is again.

Correction: People can move their feet fast if they are "going crazy".


Corrected entry: When Harry, Ron, and Hermione are in the library, Hermione find the Polyjuice Potion 'recipe'. Hermione looks down at it and you see a shot of the page. If you pause the movie right then, you can see that it says "...Into the form of an another," when it should say "...Into the form of another." There is an extra 'an'. (00:52:40)

Correction: Seeing as it is a book, it not impossible for mistakes to accour. Even in the magical world.


Corrected entry: When Gordon is bursting Denis's blister, he sticks the nail near the top and at an angle. Denis then brings it up to his face before putting it back where it was. Not only is the nail further down but it's no longer at an angle.

Correction: The nail dosen't change place.


4th Oct 2007

The Incredibles (2004)

Corrected entry: During the plane scene Helen changes into her Incredible outfit. She goes in a toilet to change. This makes no sense because she appears to be alone until she throws the bag on Violet. If she indeed was alone, then there was no reason to go into the toilet. She just could have changed her outfit right there.

Correction: Character choice, not a mistake.


Corrected entry: In the scene where Fergus first sends out his Gyarados(where he's crossing the ocean to New Island on it), it's lips are blue very briefly. I guess the water was pretty cold.

Correction: Not really a mistake. Other Pokemon can change.


2nd Oct 2007

Friends (1994)

Correction: Having just watched this episode, I can say that Ross starts to step down, camera cuts, then back to Ross and he's on the road.


3rd Oct 2007

My Cousin Vinny (1992)

Corrected entry: Tire marks and a few eye witnesses alone are not enough evidence to take to trial; the prosecution would have needed fingerprints, recovered the money or a gun, gun shot residue, ballistics reports, etc. Lawyers never go to trial unless their case is air-tight, and Trotter's case was all based on circumstantial evidence.

Correction: Not all the time do they go with an air-tight case. If they are desperate to get them convicted they are going to try as soon as possible.


The Broken Reflection - S3-E3

Corrected entry: When Victor plays back what he has just said on the tape recorder to Alfred to prevent him from repeating himself the tone of Victor's voice is very different, which means it must have been recorded separately and not from what he had just said.

James Ransford

Correction: I don't know what version you're watching but there is no difference between What Victor says and is repeated on the tape, the tone of the voice does not change, the words do not change, and when Margret plays back the "in the name of god go" section there is no difference.


Corrected entry: When Bart is hiking up the hill with Flanders, in the wide shot Flanders has a walking stick and Bart doesn't, but it then cuts to a closer shot and Bart suddenly has a stick.

Correction: Bart has a stick the whole time.


Corrected entry: During the film, Rita Skeeter's and Harry's glasses have no lenses in some scenes.

Correction: Too vague. Which scenes?


7th Aug 2007

The Terminator (1984)

Corrected entry: When the Terminator starts shooting up the Police station, Traxler goes into the room where Sarah Connor is and locks both doors, yet when Kyle Reese comes in later, he is able to open the other door in the room without a key.

Correction: He breaks the glass and unlocks the door from inside.


Corrected entry: When Harry looks back at Neville when they are in the Hall of Prophecy after they have found the right orb, for a split second, he doesn't have the famous scar.

Correction: The scar is not very visible but it is there.


Corrected entry: In one of the earlier scenes, the TX steals the Lexus and is seen speeding down Rodeo Drive passing other vehicles. However, camera shots showing the dashboard, show the car is only moving at 30 m.p.h.

Correction: The dial is not shown. Therefore it is impossible to say how fast the car was travelling.


23rd Jun 2007

Saw III (2006)

Corrected entry: Kerry's hands are above her head when she first comes into the room where the guy was chained up. The detective says "it's not detective Matthews" and she slowly starts to lower her arms, but they are still above her head. The shot cuts in to a close-up of her and you can tell by her shoulder position that her arms are already down by her sides. (00:06:00)

Nick Bylsma

Correction: Not a mistake. Just watch and you can see her lower her arms.


27th Sep 2005

Casualty (1986)

Gimme Shelter - S17-E12

Corrected entry: When Nikki phones the ED to ask for a medical team, Simon says they have got the overflow from St. James' RTA and they are 'Flat Out.' This is evident by the number of patients and nurses behind him in Resus. He says they are already one doctor down, with Lara being banned from Resus. But later, when Lara is talking to the wife who is later brought back in because her husband hit her, the wife starts to shout. Harry comes out of his office and comes over to them. If Resus is overcrowded and understaffed, which is evident by the fact that the only doctor in there is Simon, why isn't Harry helping out? There are about five patients and only Simon and some nurses to deal with them. Surely Harry should be helping? Obviously he is only in his office so that he could have the argument with Lara and end up taking her home.

Correction: Harry could very well have been on the phone and it was an important phone call so he couldn't help out. Beside the team would have paged him. So it is obvious he is busy.


12th May 2007

Music and Lyrics (2007)

Corrected entry: In the scene when they wake up after having had sex and slept beneath the grand piano. Fletcher wake's up banging his head on the piano. You can see he made the face show that he's getting hurt just before the sound of his head hitting the grand piano appears.

Correction: There is no way to know how thick the support of the piano is. Therefore, the sound could happen when he hits his head.


26th May 2007

Red Dwarf (1988)

Correction: Not really a mistake, I used to work in a shop and the badges varied in size.


Corrected entry: In this movie, Professor Flitwick was in human form. However in all the other Harry Potter movies and even in the books, he was a troll-like creature. I know this movie had a different director and they sometimes change things a bit, but at least keep the characters looking the same.


Correction: Most things (school robes, Hogwarts geography, ect) are different between each of the films. It's not a continuous series, the way LOTR is.


Mistake is still valid. Clothing and buildings can easily explained when they change. But even in the wizard world, changing from a creature to a human? Come on.


Corrected entry: When Harry is searching the restricted section, he puts the lamp down first and then the cloak. So the cloak would be on top of the lamp, but when he pulls on the cloak so he can put it on, the cloak is under the lamp.

Correction: Harry puts the cloak down as he is using the light to look at the books. He then puts the light down ON TOP of the cloak.


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