
23rd Mar 2005

2 Fast 2 Furious (2003)

Corrected entry: Immediately after the fly through of the car's electrical system, we see the US Customs tracking computer display. It reads Skynet. (00:30:05)

Correction: How is this trivia? An item that can be spotted by just watching is not classed as trivia.


14th Jan 2005

2 Fast 2 Furious (2003)

Corrected entry: When the cars are on the highway there is a scene when the Evo is speeding past the camera at the close up angle, beside the Evo there is the grey Corvette and behind is the orange and then the blue muscle behind it. In the next shot the blue car is in front of the orange car. (00:29:05)

Correction: It's very plausible that they switched places as Brian and Rome do it all the time.


Corrected entry: In the race at the beginning, the front of Suki's car is all banged up. However, when the cops arrive, as Suki drives the car the front is completely fine. (00:14:00)

Correction: Having just watched this part of the film I can say that the front of her car is missing the bumper throughout.


12th Jan 2004

2 Fast 2 Furious (2003)

Corrected entry: In that scene where Brian is introducing Rome to Tej, there is a big waterski-race going on, and Tej is following it apparently with great interest. Yet he's always looking in the wrong direction, for the waterski-racers have to get past the house-boat, which is seen to Tej's left.

Correction: Having just watched this scene, he is always looking in the right place.


14th Jun 2003

2 Fast 2 Furious (2003)

Corrected entry: In the scene where the two thugs and their boss have searched Paul Walker's houseboat for the girl they turn to leave, satisfied she is not on board. Just after they have left Paul Walker's friend turns to him and comments really loudly about the girl on the boat. Surely they would have heard him?

Correction: If the thugs were in deep conversation they wouldn't have heard anything.


14th Jan 2005

2 Fast 2 Furious (2003)

Corrected entry: At the start of the film you see Tej on the phone and when he walks into the room, beside him you see a red cabinet and a calendar next to it. In the next close up view beside him there is a harnessed alloy. (00:01:10)

Correction: The wheel is off the car on the ramp. You are looking at the side of Tej's face and the cabinet is straight on.


Corrected entry: When Roman and Brian arrive at Tej's garage they approach into the backyard, where the water-skiing is held, and if you keep your ears open you can hear a girl shout out, "I love you, Tyrese".

Correction: I've reviewed this scene three times and don't hear that.


Corrected entry: On the Baker kid's first day of school we see everyone go to school except for Henry and Sara. (00:44:30)

Correction: How is this a mistake?


26th Apr 2008

The Terminator (1984)

Corrected entry: As the Terminator breaks into the little room where he fixes his arm and eye, he sits down and cuts a piece of his arm off. After he does so, he moves his finger back and forth. You can see that it is made of rubber and that his arm is in his jacket. You can even hear it bend like rubber the same time it makes the mechanical sound.

Correction: Already listed.


1st Apr 2008

Friends (1994)

The One With The Red Sweater - S8-E2

Corrected entry: Chandler and Ross go back to the reception site to take pictures with disposable cameras to "replace" the cameras they had misplaced. Chandler is posing, smiling, etc. In the previous season, Chandler and Monica are getting their engagement picture taken and Chandler can't smile for the camera. In fact, Monica ends up taking her picture with Joey and puts that in the paper.

Correction: That is previously. Chandler could have learnt to smile in that time. Not a mistake.


29th Mar 2008

Hitman (2007)

Corrected entry: Much of the movie's portrayal of special forces teams was completely wrong; they don't take the lift when going in after dangerous criminals, they don't leave the power on, and they definitely don't group up near the door so the booby trap on the other side can kill them all in one go.

Correction: Not true. Yes they don't take the lift, they will sometimes leave the power on if normal police or milita have to go in. The SAS when on EMOE (Explosive Means Of Entry) excerises do group by the door for a rapid entry.


17th Mar 2008

Friends (1994)

Correction: It may be a long shot but it could happen. Not a mistake.


3rd Apr 2007

Wild Hogs (2007)

Corrected entry: Any time the guys on are on their motorcycles, the camera, cars, set lights or crew are reflected in the chrome of the bikes.

Correction: At no time are the crew, camera or cars visible in the chrome. The lights could easaly be the sun.


23rd Jan 2008

Pokemon: Red and Blue

Corrected entry: The first question of the Cinnabar GYM is "Does Caterpie evolves into Butterfree?". According to the GYM the answer is YES. However, Caterpie doesn't evolve into Butterfree. Caterpie evolves into Metapod and then Metapod evolves into Butterfree, later. So saying that Caterpie evolves directly into Butterfree is a mistake.

Correction: It doesn't actually say directly though. Caterpie does eventually evolve into Butterfree.


Corrected entry: A heavenly beam of light falls on the bike that Homer uses to ride up the dome, but the bike wasn't there in previous shots. (01:07:45)


Correction: The bike is out of shot.


Corrected entry: When Marge closes the curtain in the motel room the other curtain changes from being open and closed between shots. (00:38:15)

Correction: It stays closed throughout the scene.


Corrected entry: Right after when Homer asks what the secret knock is, the lock changes from a rectangle with a circle, to a rectangle, back to a rectangle with a circle. (00:38:50)

Correction: The hole isn't visible due to the angle of the shot. The camera is by the wall so you wouldn't see the hole. No mistake here.


12th Jan 2008

Shaun of the Dead (2004)

Corrected entry: The Jag never suffers a dent despite hitting and running over a dozen people.

Correction: Already listed.


22nd Nov 2007

Captivity (2007)

Corrected entry: When Jennifer sees her now alive dog through the glass, the killer takes the dog away and there's a close-up of a note saying "Tricked you ha ha ha", but when they pull back the note now says "Nobody's perfect". When they go back to the close-up the note is back to the first saying.

Correction: He actually flips the card.


Corrected entry: Before Green Days' Funeral there is a Text board outside the Church. Later, when the dome is being lowered over the town and the people in the church run into Moe's and the people in Moe's run into the Church, the text board is gone.

Correction: Since some time has passed between the instances the church could have moved it.


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