
Continuity mistake: In "Lot 249" Andy has Bellingham tied to a chair, and he then brings over a box of paper and dumps the sheets all around the chair. In the following shots, the sheets of paper spread out change position. (00:26:35)


28th Sep 2006

Batman Returns (1992)

Continuity mistake: When Oswald starts shooting bullets out of his umbrella at his failed mayor speech, the crowd ducks down on the stairs, at the edge of the red stage, laying down their campaign signs. In the next shot some of the crowd and signs have vanished from around the stage, then reappear in the next shot. (01:27:15)


28th Sep 2006

Batman Returns (1992)

Batman Returns mistake picture

Continuity mistake: The fruit and vegetables (tomatoes, lettuces, eggs etc.) thrown at Oswald at his speech, litter the stage as well. The amount and position of these items laying all over the stage changes between shots. (01:27:10)


28th Sep 2006

Batman Returns (1992)

Continuity mistake: Just after Selina has hit the ground, we see a shot from above, with her lying seemingly dead in the snow. In the next shot the pattern of the snow around her is completely different. (00:27:15)


28th Sep 2006

Batman Returns (1992)

Continuity mistake: After Selina blows up Schrek's store, her and Batman begin to fight on the rooftops opposite. When Batman is pushed over the ledge, hanging from Catwoman's whip, the Schrek store is visible behind Batman, fully intact. (00:56:25 - 00:57:55)


28th Sep 2006

Batman Returns (1992)

Continuity mistake: When Oswald is in The Hall of Records, it is snowing heavily. In the next shot of Batman coming around the corner in his batmobile, it isn't snowing. In all following shots it's snowing heavily again. (00:37:55)


28th Sep 2006

Batman Returns (1992)

Continuity mistake: When Oswald goes upstairs and finds Catwoman on his bed, he goes over and hangs his hat over the end of an umbrella in the rack. When he picks up an umbrella as he talks with Catwoman, the hat is now in a different position. (01:01:30 - 01:02:00)


28th Sep 2006

Batman Returns (1992)

Batman Returns mistake picture

Continuity mistake: As Oswald and Max talk beside the water cooler, the shape, size and prominence of the blood on Oswald's shirt, beside his black scarf, changes a few times. (00:49:45)


28th Sep 2006

Batman Returns (1992)

28th Sep 2006

Batman Returns (1992)

Continuity mistake: When Max is talking to Bruce in his office, the pen and the tray with the coffee pot on it move closer between shots, as Max gets up from his chair. (00:43:00)


27th Sep 2006

Batman Returns (1992)

Batman Returns mistake picture

Continuity mistake: During shots, before the shot of the two cats coming through the window and onto the table, the items on the table (lamp, snowglobe, glowing santa, etc.) change positions. (00:30:15)


27th Sep 2006

Batman Returns (1992)

Continuity mistake: When Selina puts the pink teddy down the shredder, it begins to spit and churn out stuffing and feathers. However in the next shot of Selina grabbing the frying pan, the shredding of the teddy has mysteriously stopped. (00:30:00)


27th Sep 2006

Batman Returns (1992)

Continuity mistake: When Selina enters her apartment after going back to work, there is no wooden spoon in her sink draining rack, but one appears later when she puts the teddies in the sink. (00:29:00 - 00:29:50)


25th Sep 2006

Will & Grace (1998)

Continuity mistake: At the end, at Dupree's book speech, the woman in the front left jumps out of her chair and begins to clap, but in the next shot she is suddenly sitting again, then standing.


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