
Revealing mistake: When the boys shoot the flaming arrows at the workers tent, it's painfully obvious they land in spots covered in fuel.


31st Mar 2021

The Walking Dead (2010)

30th Mar 2021

Beverly Hills Cop (1984)

Revealing mistake: During the opening chase, as the truck driver is hitting vehicles, there is a front on shot. The stunt driver is visible. It's not the regular driver we just saw.


30th Mar 2021

Beverly Hills Cop (1984)

Visible crew/equipment: When Foley is released from the cell, he is taken to see Rosewood and Taggart. The camera tracks through the police station and it is visible reflected in the glass.


Revealing mistake: During the scene in the woods with the communication machine, Elliot tells E.T. that they need to go. You see the machine still working at a regular interval because a rope is pulling it. The shot pans to the left a touch and the rope stops moving, as if the person pulling it realises it's no longer in the shot.


19th Mar 2021

The Walking Dead (2010)

Find Me - S10-E18

Continuity mistake: Daryl and Carol are walking to an abandoned home. Carol walks by a bush with bright sunlight coming from the left of the shot. The angle changes and it's overcast with no sun. Then we see Daryl again and it's once again sunny.


Continuity mistake: When King Akeem is training his son to take the whiskers off a sleeping lion, they are up in a platform. In the angle looking at the son, a fan is causing a shadow on Akeem's shoulders. In the opposite angle it is not visible.


29th Jan 2021

Quantum Leap (1989)

Blind Faith - February 6, 1964 - S2-E5

Factual error: The episode takes place in New York in February. During the scene with the Beatles arriving at the theater, we see a tree that has very green and full leaves on it. Trees with green leaves are visible in other parts of the episode as well.


22nd Jan 2021

Quantum Leap (1989)

20th Jan 2021

Cobra Kai (2018)

Now You're Gonna Pay - S3-E3

Audio problem: The man Larusso neglects to sell his dealership to thinks he just got the deal before being punked. He turns around to talk to his assistant but the audio here is off enough to be noticeable. His mouth doesn't match briefly.


12th Jan 2021

Quantum Leap (1989)

5th Jan 2021

Quantum Leap (1989)

5th Jan 2021

Die Hard (1988)

Visible crew/equipment: The shadow of the camera is visible right of screen when John is wrapping himself with the fire hose and asking himself why he's doing it. It lingers for some time. It looks to be a steadycam with a monitor.


5th Jan 2021

Lethal Weapon 3 (1992)

Other mistake: Murtaugh is in the bathtub in the end and his kids rush in to celebrate his retirement. He's supposedly naked. Later, he pulls his wife in with him and you can tell he is wearing black underwear.


29th Dec 2020

Quantum Leap (1989)

29th Dec 2020

The Mask (1994)

Revealing mistake: They put the explosive down near the end and open it with a crowbar. As this is happening, the shot pushes in a tad. Notice a rough cut here as if the box wouldn't open as intended, so the editors spliced the scene together.


27th Dec 2020

A Christmas Story (1983)

Visible crew/equipment: During the parade, the camera moves in and back a couple of times and the operator's shadow is visible left screen. This is really obvious after the Wizard of Oz characters walk by.


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