
18th Feb 2022

Deadpool 2 (2018)

Revealing mistake: Near the end when the orphans are exiting the building in the bus, you can tell they practised the sliding part. There are marks in the roof of the bus from previous takes.


12th Feb 2022

Lethal Weapon (1987)

Trivia: Laura Linney's police radio is tuned to channel 37. She would've been the 37th victim of the bridge collapse had she not been saved.


Visible crew/equipment: Right before Munro is attacked by Magua and killed, there is a shot of a soldier falling right toward the camera. The shadow of the camera becomes very obvious on him.


Continuity mistake: When Tom is on trial, the large crowd is there to witness. Barnaby is there, thinking he got away with his ploy. There is a man standing next to Barnaby who disappears from the wide shot and reappears in the closeups.


22nd Jan 2022

The Truman Show (1998)

Visible crew/equipment: Right as Truman is leaving to go to Fiji in the sedan, he backs out of the driveway. The shot is a camera attached to the rear of the vehicle. The rig is reflected in the bumper on both sides of the license plate.


21st Jan 2022

Wild America (1997)

Revealing mistake: The bats coming through the cave mostly appear to be rubber or plastic as they fall the first time. You can tell as some just fall down to the ground and don't fly. They switch to computer generated after that.


21st Jan 2022

Wild America (1997)

Revealing mistake: The bears turn their heads at the cave to a sound, and both are standing on their hind legs. They both are people in suits. They look incredibly fake.


19th Jan 2022

The Enforcer (1976)

Continuity mistake: When they're demonstrating the LAW rocket, Callahan's new female partner is standing behind the instructor. He pulls her away before the rocket fires. The angle cuts, and she's back closer to the instructor again. If she was standing where she was the second time, she would've been hit by the exhaust (which is why he pulls her away).


Continuity mistake: When Violet is leaving for New York, right before she says "I'm glad I know you George", the scene cuts. This is the same camera angle as before so the scene appears to be an edit splice. The jump cut is obvious. The reason for the rough edit is that a short sequence was cut where Violet asks George to run away with her to New York. It doesn't excuse the jump, but does help explain it.


15th Jan 2022

Batman and Robin (1997)

Audio problem: When the telescope is falling and the two people are with Batman, he tells them to grab onto his belt. The audio is terribly clipped.


Revealing mistake: As the ghost of Christmas present is finishing "It feels like Christmas", the camera starts to crane up. Look to the far right. The forced perspective effect starts to become noticeable with the background row of buildings. There are people that are slowly walking down that street and you can tell they don't get smaller as they should. Director Brian Henson said they were hoping people wouldn't notice the error.


2nd Jan 2022

9-1-1 (2018)

2nd Jan 2022

8-Bit Christmas (2021)

Revealing mistake: When Jake is sliding on the floor at the mall trying to grab his retainer, streak marks are visible on the floor from where they practised the shot.


31st Dec 2021

Dumb and Dumber (1994)

Continuity mistake: During the snowball fight scene at the ski resort, it's either snowing or not depending on the angle. In one shot it's sunny. The first two shots showing just Harry feature snow. Cut to Mary and it's not snowing.


28th Dec 2021

Family Guy (1999)

28th Dec 2021

Prancer (1989)

Continuity mistake: When Sam Elliot is reading his newspaper, and Prancer can be seen in the background, it's snowing in one window but not the next. Then it's sunny, then snowing again.


28th Dec 2021

The Truman Show (1998)

Trivia: Composer Phillip Glass reworked some of his compositions from an earlier film he worked on, Candyman, to fit this film.


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