
4th Jan 2020

Deadly Friend (1986)

4th Jan 2020

Deadly Friend (1986)

Plot hole: It seems unlikely Paul could've just taken Sam's body out of the hospital with ease and not run into security.


4th Jan 2020

Deadly Friend (1986)

Character mistake: Given how smart the lead is he doesn't seem to know the proper dosage of sleeping meds he put into his mother's coffee. He placed in enough to possibly cause an overdose.


4th Jan 2020

Deadly Friend (1986)

4th Jan 2020

Ebbie (1995)

Trivia: When Elizabeth "Ebbie" Scrooge lets her hair down at the near end it's a sign she's shaking off her mean businesswoman persona and going back to the kind, caring self of her youth.


4th Jan 2020

Movie 43 (2013)

Answer: There have been several conflicting reasons given as to why this movie is called "Movie 43." Some people claim it's a reference to "rule 43 of the internet." (Although there are also several different conflicting versions of the 43rd rule of the internet, so this explanation is pretty shaky.) Some claim it's an inside joke between the main producer and his kids about a fictional "banned film" they heard about called "Movie 43" that didn't really exist. And some people claim it's just a random title they attached to the film with no actual meaning.


Matt: I just haven't been with that many girls.
Vivian: I'm a real good teacher.


Stupidity: Given both Emily and Luke were sweaty, the young woman who came to see Luke should've noticed his sweaty chest and heavy breathing.


3rd Jan 2020

Carrie (2013)

Continuity mistake: Carrie still has her shoes until she lands outside where she's suddenly barefoot, then she seems to have them back walking home.


Question: Why would they tape a match between Mimi and Jean Kirkland in a studio instead of selling tickets and making money off it?


2nd Jan 2020

Venom (2018)

Question: I'm a huge Spider Man fan, but I've never understood Venom's weaknesses. Why would he be affected by sonics and fire?


Answer: It's from the comics and much like Superman's weakness to kyptonite, it was just written that way. Venom is part of a species of extraterrestrial symbiotes that were forged in the head of a dead Celestial (which would later be known as "Knowhere") by an evil deity known as Knull. One of the unintentional effects of the forging in the head is weakness to sound and fire.


2nd Jan 2020

Venom (2018)

Question: Given how Ann is, why would she let the symbiote briefly bond with her unless it told her about Eddie?


Answer: Ann let Venom briefly inhabit her because it was quite obvious to him that she still had feelings for Eddie. This is most noticeable when Ann takes Eddie to the hospital and Eddie apologizes to Ann for making her lose her job.

2nd Jan 2020

Basic Instinct (1992)

Question: Did Stone have a motive for all that she did or was she nuts and doing it all for fun?


Answer: She is portrayed as a psychopath with an uncontrollable urge to kill.


I wouldn't say that she had an "urge" to kill. Rather, she was willing to "dispose" of people by killing them. She would kill people who were in her way or were no longer interesting/useful.

Plot hole: It's never revealed how Vivian's husband knew of their affair, he just seems to know.


31st Dec 2019

Ebbie (1995)

31st Dec 2019

Gospel of Deceit (2006)

31st Dec 2019

Amsterdamned (1988)

Other mistake: Amazing how quickly the killer, armed only with a butcher's knife, could behead a guy under water before killing the other one.


31st Dec 2019

Amsterdamned (1988)

Other mistake: Amazing that nobody sees the hooker's dangling body before that boat tour which looks like it's around nine, plenty of time for somebody else to notice her.


31st Dec 2019

Amsterdamned (1988)

Other mistake: The hooker's killed on dry land, bloodied before being dragged into the water yet she somehow has dried blood on her face when discovered.


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