
3rd Feb 2021

X-Men (1992)

25th Jan 2021

X-Men (1992)

20th Jan 2021

X-Men (1992)

Come the Apocalypse - S1-E10

Other mistake: When the Lady Gardener touches the flower on her table, it instantly dies, which elicits a shocked reaction from her. This show establishes that mutant powers begin to manifest during puberty, and this character is middle-aged. A character that has been living with their powers for that long shouldn't be shocked at what her powers do. (00:03:56)


8th Jan 2021

Iron Man (1994)

8th Jan 2021

Iron Man (1994)

Hulk Buster - S2-E11

Other mistake: When Hulk throws the ring into the volcano, it is rapidly approaching the lava before Iron Man dives after it and successfully catches it before it lands in the lava. At the rate the ring was falling, it would have landed in the lava well before Iron Man could swoop down and catch it. (00:09:08)


8th Jan 2021

Iron Man (1994)

Iron Man mistake picture

Empowered - S2-E10

Other mistake: When H.O.M.E.R. is bringing up the map to show where MODOK's likely location is, the states are so crudely drawn that they shouldn't be considered to be a legitimate map. The four corners of Utah, Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona don't line up, Utah is almost entirely square-shaped, Nevada looks like it has been smashed between California and Utah, and the eastern part of New Mexico has been elongated. (00:08:52)


8th Jan 2021

Iron Man (1994)

The Armor Wars: Part 1 - S2-E8

Other mistake: In both establishing shots of the wellness center, the water on the fountain in the background is not cascading down. It is just hanging over the edges of each level, resembling icicles. When Iron Man knocks Controller into the fountain, the water is moving properly. (00:08:47 - 00:11:25)


5th Jan 2021

Iron Man (1994)

Hands of the Mandarin: Part 2 - S2-E13

Other mistake: When the mountain bandits are galloping towards Rhodey, they get about 10 feet from him when he raises his War Machine armor above his head, spins it around a few times, and then knocks a couple bandits off their horses with it. Given the short distance the bandits were from Rhodey combined with the speed at which they were approaching him, they would have reached him before he could have begun spinning his armor around. (00:08:58)


5th Jan 2021

X-Men (1992)

X-Men mistake picture

The Cure - S1-E9

Other mistake: When Rogue is hovering above Muir Island, she pulls out a book to confirm she's in the right place, and the picture of Muir Island in her book shows it to have three smaller islands on its south side. When she lowers the book to look at the actual island, only the large island shown on the southwest side in the book is there. She's only hovering a few hundred feet above the island, so even though the other two islands were small, they should still be visible. (00:09:48)


4th Jan 2021

Iron Man (1994)

4th Jan 2021

Iron Man (1994)

The Armor Wars: Part 1 - S2-E8

Other mistake: When Tony is at the wellness center, the sign outside says "Center for Achievement of Bliss," but the receptionist welcomes him to the "Center for the Achievement of Eternal Bliss." (00:08:47)


Doomsday - S2-E13

Other mistake: When Dr. Doom is calling Thing an insufferable blot on the escutcheon of society, the stars in the night sky behind Doom are moving way too fast across the screen. (00:05:40)


29th Dec 2020

Iron Man (1994)

Distant Boundaries - S2-E7

Other mistake: As with all previous episodes in this season, this one ends with Mandarin tracking down one of his ten rings. However, when he retrieved a ring at the end of the previous episode and adorned it, he was shown wearing a ring on all ten fingers. (00:20:37 - 00:21:17)


27th Dec 2020

X-Men (1992)

The Cure - S1-E9

Other mistake: When Rogue begins flying towards Cable after disarming him, she is only about 30 feet away from him. As she is flying towards him, he takes the time to pull a plasma grenade from his belt, pull out the pin with his mouth, and then throw it at her. In the time it took him to do all of that and given the speed at which Rogue was flying towards him, she should reach him well before he could throw the grenade at her. (00:18:05)


27th Dec 2020

X-Men (1992)

X-Men mistake picture

The Cure - S1-E9

Other mistake: When Avalanche places the sack over Adler, the sack is covered in holes, but no part of Adler's body or clothing is visible through the holes. The holes are the same color as the rest of the sack. (00:14:53)


27th Dec 2020

Iron Man (1994)

To Battle the Living Planet - S2-E6

Other mistake: This series is in the same continuity as the other Marvel animated series that aired around the same time - X-Men, Spider-Man, Iron Man, and The Incredible Hulk - by virtue of each aforementioned show crossing over with at least one of the others. However, early in this episode, the Fantastic Four receive help from the Avengers, and two of their members are Iron Man and She-Hulk. Iron Man is not a member of the Avengers in this universe, he is a member of Force Works. She-Hulk is not a member of the Avengers either. She is an attorney and is also frequently off doing missions with Bruce Banner/Hulk. (00:01:52)


23rd Dec 2020

Iron Man (1994)

Iron Man, on the Inside - S2-E6

Other mistake: When Iron Man has successfully shrunken down, Julia confirms that he has been reduced to the size of a molecule. However, the line separating the slabs on the floor of the platform he was standing on, as well as the edge of the platform behind him are also still visible. If he was the size of a molecule, the floor around him would also account for a very small surface area, not even large enough to be the size of a drop of water. (00:08:36)


23rd Dec 2020

Iron Man (1994)

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