
29th Jul 2021

Seabiscuit (2003)

Trivia: Charles Howard (Seabiscuit's owner) married second wife Marcela Zabala Howard. Marcela's sister, Anita Zabala, was already married to Lindsey Howard, Charles' son. Though the movie never mentions it, Charles Howard actually had three sons from his first marriage not just the one who died (who was not as young as depicted in the movie).


7th May 2021

The Conners (2018)

Keep on Truckin' - S1-E1

Plot hole: In "The Conners" premier, Dan solely blames neighbor Marcy Bellinger for Roseanne's death after finding a bottle of opiates with Marcy's name on it. He only relents after Darlene shows him additional opiates that other people gave Roseanne and were hidden around the house. However, in the Season 10 reboot of "Roseanne", Dan had previously discovered and confronted Roseanne about her multiple opiate stashes, including one bottle with Marcy's name on it which he read aloud.


Trivia: When the 2015 Marty Jr. is walking across the street and a car stops, almost hitting him, he bangs both hands on the hood and yells, "Hey! I'm walkin' here!"I'm walkin' here!" This is an exact recreation of Dustin Hoffman's scene in 'Midnight Cowboy'.


27th Apr 2021

Roseanne (1988)

The Wedding - S8-E23

Character mistake: When Roseanne, Darlene, Jackie, Bev, Becky, and Nana Mary are dressing for Darlene's wedding, Nana Mary comments that all of them were pregnant when they married. However, Becky, was not pregnant when she and Mark eloped and they never had children together. Roseanne was not pregnant before marrying Dan. When the series began, Becky was 13 years old and Dan and Roseanne had been married 15 years.


9th Apr 2021

Friends (1994)

27th Mar 2021

Friends (1994)

24th Mar 2021

Roseanne (1988)

Bingo - S4-E13

Factual error: When Little Ed is cutting a tooth, Dan tells D.J. to get a frozen waffle for him to teethe on. The waffle D.J. takes out of the freezer is not frozen and is soft and bendy.


9th Mar 2021

The Big Chill (1983)

Trivia: Three of director Lawrence Kasdan's family members have small roles in the movie. His wife, Meg Kasdan, played a flight attendant. His youngest son, Jon, played Sarah and Harold's toddler son. His older son, Jake, played the little boy asking Sam Weber for his autograph at the funeral reception.


28th Jan 2021

Wonder Woman 1984 (2020)

Trivia: Gal Gadot's real-life husband, Yaron Varsano, and their two daughters make a cameo appearance in the snow scene at the film's end.


Malice - S2-E6

Revealing mistake: Angelica and the other children are about to crash through the door to attack Lyra and Will. As Lyra runs past a cabinet, a lamp sitting on top is knocked over and crashes to the floor. Dafne Keene, who plays Lyra, reached over and very obviously pushed the lamp to the floor.


4th Dec 2020

Friends (1994)

The One With All The Kissing - S5-E2

Continuity mistake: A few days after the friends have returned to New York following Ross' wedding, Monica's hair is suddenly about three inches longer and a completely different style than it was in London. It was previously just above her shoulders in a sleek "pageboy" style. Once back home, it is much bushier and longer, well over her shoulders. This was obviously due to Courtney Cox growing her hair during the break in-between Season 4, which ended with the Ross/Emily wedding debacle, and Season 5. (The first episode of Season 5 was filmed the previous season and was Part 2 of Ross and Emily's wedding).


The Cave - S2-E2

Continuity mistake: When Will Parry visits his grandparents, the grandmother is sitting on the sofa next to Will's grandfather. The grandmother's position keeps changing from sitting right next to him to being further apart.


5th Nov 2020

Field of Dreams (1989)

Buelah Gasnick: I experienced the 60s.
Annie Kinsella: No, I think you experienced two 50s and moved right on to the 70s.


31st Oct 2020

The Descendants (2011)

Continuity mistake: When Matt is angrily talking to the comatose Elizabeth in the hospital, her mouth continually changes. From the side shot of her face, her lips are partially apart. When the shot is looking directly down on Elizabeth, her mouth is now opened much wider. It continually changes back forth as the camera angle switches.


6th Oct 2020

Friends (1994)

16th Sep 2020

Friends (1994)

The Last One (2) - S10-E20

Character mistake: Even though both Ross and Rachel have cell phones with them and use them for other calls, it never occurs to Ross early on and as he's frantically racing to the airport with Phoebe, to call and tell Rachel that he loves her or at least to say that he is on his way to tell her something important before her plane takes off for Paris.


Look, She Made a Hat - S2-E7

Archie [after Joel's celebratory speech to his staff]: Such a strange mixture of happiness and horror.
Mrs. Moscowitz: Oh, clearly you're not Jewish, dear.


21st Jul 2020

The Birds (1963)

Stupidity: When the birds gather in the schoolyard, Melanie runs in to warn Annie. Rather than calling the police or fire department for help and then shelter in place until aid arrives (which would take about ten minutes), they instead decide to make a run for it with the children, out in the open, getting attacked by the birds. As it's the 1960s, the schoolhouse presumably has a working phone.


Thank You and Good Night - S1-E8

Deliberate mistake: In the Maisels' 1954 wedding reception flashback, Midge hired professional dancers who perform the "Bottle Dance" (where they slide on their knees). This famous dance, often performed at Jewish weddings and social events, was choreographed by Jerome Robbins for "Fiddler on the Roof," which debuted on Broadway in 1964. It did not exist in 1954 but, as an inside joke, while Midge watches, she says, "That's really good. They should do something with that."


28th May 2020

The Birds (1963)

Other mistake: Annie is the only teacher in the town, and there is only one classroom with students, all who are around the ages of 10-12 years old, even though the schoolhouse she teaches at is a two-story, mid-sized building with multiple rooms. There are no administrators, staff, custodians, or other teachers and no students in lower and upper grades at all. Even when Annie and Melanie are evacuating the children during the crow attack, there is only the two women and Annie's students. There is no-one else.


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