
10th May 2022

Roseanne (1988)

Trivia: Shelly Winters, who played Bev's mother, Nana Mary, was only seven years older than Estelle Parsons, who played Bev (Roseanne's mother).


Season 4 generally

Trivia: Jackie, the Gaslight manager, dies suddenly in Season 4. This was written into the plot due to the real-life death of Brian Tarantina, the actor who portrayed Jackie.


5th Mar 2022

High Society (1956)

Trivia: The large engagement ring that Grace Kelly wears in the movie is not a prop. It was a real 10-carat diamond engagement ring given to Kelly by her fiancé and later husband, Prince Rainier of Monaco.


It's Comedy or Cabbage - S3-E5

Continuity mistake: When Midge descends the hotel's grand staircase, the piano player and guests are below. Once down the stairs, Midge finds Abe and Rose sitting in chairs with their luggage, just to the right of the piano, in front of a large pillar, with a round sofa behind. However, when Midge was walking down the stairs, the lobby looks different. The piano is in the same position relative to the stairs, but her parents and the chairs are missing and the round sofa is a different style and the shape of the carpeting in front of the pillar is also different.


30th Jan 2022

Seabiscuit (2003)

Plot hole: Immediately after Seabiscuit injures his leg, the track vet tells owner Charles Howard that the horse will never race again. He offers to euthanize Seabiscuit, even though it was not a life-threatening injury. Even if Seabiscuit was unable to race again, a champion racehorse has more value as a stud horse. It is nearly inconceivable that a random vet would suggest this so early on. If anything, it would be "wait and see."


28th Dec 2021

White Christmas (1954)

Continuity mistake: During the train club car scene, in the booth next to the foursome (on the left side of the screen) the large menu card leaning against the window continually appears and disappears.


28th Dec 2021

White Christmas (1954)

Continuity mistake: When the foursome first arrive at the inn, the general and his granddaughter walk in, both carrying firewood. The granddaughter's bundle suddenly changes shape where one piece of wood is sticking out, then everything is neatly together.


Continuity mistake: When Sirius and Lupin cast a spell to change Pettigrew from a rat and back into human form, he is fully clothed, as was Sirius when he changed from a dog. Later, when Pettigrew changes back into a rat to escape, his clothes remain behind as he shrinks.


Continuity mistake: When Melanie is showing the nosey reporter around the Carmichael mansion, she peers through the kitchen door's porthole window and sees the top of the maid's head on the other side. She quickly steers the reporter in a different direction. The scene cuts to a shot of the maid inside the kitchen, only now she's much shorter and her head is about six inches below the window.


21st Oct 2021

Friends (1994)

Trivia: Sophie Thompson, who plays Mafalda Hopkirk, the Ministry of Magic employee that Hermione impersonates using polyjuice potion, is the sister of Emma Thompson, who plays Professor Trelawney in the series.


Other mistake: Just after newlyweds Gil and Lana arrive at Gil's small log cabin, they are visited by a Native American named Blue Back, who brings them a side of venison. Even though it has been pouring rain outside for hours, Blue Back is perfectly dry when he enters the cabin.


14th Oct 2021

Roseanne (1988)

14th Oct 2021

Patriot Games (1992)

Continuity mistake: When Cathy Ryan is lying in the hospital bed, Jack gently strokes her forehead. The shot changes view, and Cathy's long hair is now in a different position around her neck and shoulders.


20th Sep 2021

Field of Dreams (1989)

Question: Maybe someone with agricultural expertise can answer this. Ray's entire cornfield is large and obviously worth a lot of money. How much would the small section of corn that he plowed under for the baseball field have been worth in comparison to the rest of the crop once sold?


Chosen answer: In modern times (say, over the last 10 years) corn crops yield about $240 in profit per acre. In the mid-to-late 1980s (when this movie was made) the profit yield was far less, maybe only $150 or less profit per acre. Today, most farms produce about 1100 acres of corn per season; but, back then, most farms produced around 600 acres per season. Of course, these are all just average figures. So, let's say Ray had an average Iowa farm of 600 cultivated acres in 1989, expecting to profit $150 per acre. Optimistically, Ray would profit about $90,000 on his total crop. Meanwhile, the acreage of a large baseball field (with 90-foot baselines) is only about 5 acres. Which means Ray plowed under only about $750 worth of his crop profits to open up land area for the baseball field. It doesn't sound like much of a sacrifice at all, in terms of corn. Ray could still potentially profit $89,250 on his remaining crop (assuming he had the farm hands and heavy equipment to harvest it).

Charles Austin Miller

Thanks! The plot seemed a bit far-fetched by implying that he would go completely bankrupt because he sacrificed five acres to build a baseball field. And it appeared that not all of those five acres near the house were previously being used for growing corn. Factoring in the other incidental building costs would be a different consideration, however.


Yeah, the 5 acres of corn was not a bank-breaker. My impression was that Ray probably cut down the corn himself at no great loss; but he then mortgaged his farm to have that one small piece of the cornfield leveled and professionally developed with ballpark-quality turf, baselines, stadium lighting and fencing, et cetera, not to mention the bleachers and professional-grade field equipment...all of which would total, what, a half-million bucks (or more) in the 1980s? Ray's brother-in-law rightly thought it was an insane risk that would result in bank foreclosure.

Charles Austin Miller

I just watched it again. It's mentioned they paid for building the field using all their savings, so presumably nothing more is owed. Another year passes and there is another crop of corn to be harvested, but the bank is threatening to foreclose.


Maybe it's a plot hole or a deleted scene; because, if the bank was threatening foreclosure, then a mortgage of some kind existed somewhere.

Charles Austin Miller

He did spend a lot to build the field, and those profit margin numbers are best-case, no?

Yeah, all the figures I provided were just averages for the year 1989; but the figures do demonstrate that cutting down 5 acres of corn didn't significantly impact Ray's profit on the whole crop. It wasn't cutting down the corn that cost him money (as the original question inquired); rather, it was developing the cleared 5 acres into a level, professional-standard baseball field that cost him a ton of money.

Charles Austin Miller

Stupidity: If the song "Beyond the Sea" can be continuously broadcast on the radio station as a "cryptic clue" that there are survivors living on the island and the aliens are unable to swim, then someone could verbally announce that information over the radio and otherwise communicate with other humans. The same thing about how Regan's hearing aid incapacitates the creatures. Rather than explaining how to weaponized the high-frequency sound, only the hearing aid's noise is broadcast and anyone hearing it has to figure it out.


3rd Sep 2021

Patriot Games (1992)

Question: Near the end, during the dinner party at the Ryan house, how did Jack figure out that Lord Holmes' assistant, Watkins, was the IRA informant? He seemed to put it together very suddenly.


Answer: Because, while everyone was scared and running for safety, he was the only one cool and calm. Plus, everyone was together, he was the only one alone and appeared out of nowhere.

Answer: The guests seemed fine, but Jack realised the power was intentionally cut since the boathouse light was working. Maybe he saw the external powerlines were still intact and thus deduced the power was shut down from inside the house. Going toward the basement, he sees Watkins coming from the direction of the basement shortly after the power went out and this made Watkins the prime suspect of the power outage. Ryan may have also known about the existence of an informant in the Royal entourage due to his extensive study of the prior attack situation. Finally, it may have been inappropriate for Watkins to have a gun since he was not a bodyguard. Seeing the blood, the dead guard and the power switch off confirmed Jack's suspicions which led him to shoot Watkins to get more info.

29th Jul 2021

Roseanne (1988)

The Dark Ages - S5-E3

Revealing mistake: When Dan calls Becky, there is a shot of her and Mark in their Minneapolis apartment. This is the exact same set that is used later for Darlene's Chicago apartment when she goes to college. The fireplace shape and style, the wallpaper, position of the bathroom door, and the windows are exactly the same. The only difference is that the Darlene version looks shabbier.


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