
20th Dec 2009

Elf (2003)

Corrected entry: When Buddy and Jovie are in the bathroom singing "Baby It's Cold Outside," you can see a crew member reflected on the wall.


Correction: After repeated viewings of this scene, there are no crew member shadows reflected on the walls, the shower curtain, or the fog covered mirrors.


30th Jan 2017

The Polar Express (2004)

Corrected entry: As the train goes up the corkscrew the cars bend like rubber to match the tighter top curves. (00:41:30)

Correction: Not a mistake. The Polar Express is a "magic train" as the Hero Girl pointed out earlier in the film, and can do incredible things that other trains cannot.


16th Feb 2006

Star Trek (1966)

Correction: The unconscious woman's foot did move, but not on her own - other cast members' feet caught and moved hers as they were exiting the scene.


This is incorrect. While the actors DO move her foot, once they've gone, she can be seen repositioning it herself.

25th Apr 2006

Star Trek (1966)

Correction: Spock does hand the sword to one of the submachine gun-armed guards before they are escorted down the corridor.


21st May 2016

Minions (2015)

Corrected entry: In this film it is revealed that the Minions were around long before joining with Gru but in the first Despicable Me it is implied that Gru created the Minions himself. In the girls' room a poster can be seen on the wall showing a schematic of the Minions during their final stage of design.

Correction: Given Gru's genius and his need for more minions for him to follow, it is not unlikely that he and Dr. Nefario studied their anatomy (the poster on the wall) and figured out a way to duplicate or clone the minions to create more of them.


11th Jul 2005

Kelly's Heroes (1970)

Corrected entry: When Mulligan is sleeping his alarm clock goes off. Kelly arranged to start the mortar attack at 2100 hours (9 PM). The alarm clock does not read 9 when it goes off.


Correction: This scene is an example of the indifference and incompetence of Mulligan's command of the mortars to deliver accurate fire at precise time coordinates, as Mulligan demonstrated in the first part of the movie, when Big Joe complains about Mulligan not giving him "three minutes" before Mulligan started firing off the mortars and dropping them all over the place. For Mulligan to not launch a barrage on time and target is in character.


Corrected entry: When Upham takes several German prisoners, he shoots Steamboat Willie. We see Upham's face and gun as he shoots, we hear Steamboat Willie's body fall, then the camera turns back to the German soldiers - and Steamboat Willie's body is gone. (02:34:00)

Uri Raz

Correction: The scenes after Upham shoots Steamboat Willie never shows Willie's body on the ground in the first place, so it could not have disappeared. Also, the blow of the rifle bullet hitting Willie would have knocked him back and out of the scene, and rolling/falling into one of the many shell craters dominating the scene.


30th Jan 2005

Kelly's Heroes (1970)

Corrected entry: In the scene in which Kelly and the others must go through a city while it is being shelled, if you look in the bottom right corner you see German troop traffic going through the town with lots of German soldiers walking around. None of them seem too concerned about the shelling, even when it starts falling on the road they are on. There is even an explosion that happens just behind two German soldiers - they do not move and then merely stroll away afterwards.

Correction: The German soldiers are veterans who are used to the shelling and accept it as part of their lives. They would also know what kind of shelling they are under and react appropriately. In this case, the shelling is routine and inaccurate (harassing fire) nothing for veteran German soldiers to panic about.


8th May 2003

Kelly's Heroes (1970)

Correction: Crapgame said Kelly was a lieutenant before ("a pretty good one, too"), so he still had connections, influence, and respect from other soldiers, especially those who knew Kelly was the scapegoat for the attack on a hill that wiped out half a company of friendly troops. As an example, notice how First Sergeant Mulligan panics when Kelly requests a favor of a mortar attack - and Mulligan outranks Kelly by several pay grades.


19th Jun 2010

High Anxiety (1977)

Corrected entry: When Dr. Richard Thorndike sees his former professor Dr Lilloman right after first arriving at the institute, Dr Lilloman quizzes him by asking, "a patient comes into your office suffering from Belldon's Hysteria, and he has a seizure right in your office, what do you give him?" Dr Thorndike responds "2 cc's of aqueous Thorazine coupled with Somadiozine". There is no such thing as Belldon's Hysteria, and there is such a thing as Thorazine but it is used for bipolar depression but there is no AQUEOUS Thorazine. There is also no such drug as Somadiozine. (00:11:50)

Correction: Of course there are no such drugs - the movie is a comedy written and directed by a comedian that spoofs Alfred Hitchcock films as well as the psychiatric industry.


Corrected entry: After Charlie finds the last ticket, "Slugworth" stops him to make an offer. As he talks, he mentions a better home, good food and comfort for the family. It wouldn't be possible for him to know Charlie's entire situation in the couple of minutes since the ticket was found.

Movie Nut

Correction: As Willy Wonka tells Charlie near the end of he movie, "Slugworth" is really Mr. Wilkinson who works for Wonka. By no coincidence does Slugworth/Wilkinson shows up whenever a Golden Ticket is found, it is possible Wilkinson planted them to get the appropriate mix of children (spoiled rich, gluttonous, poor, etc.) Wonka would want to test to see who is worthy to inherit his factory. Slugworth would no doubt have cash on hand (provided by Wonka) to tempt a poor child with money to get the secret of the Everlasting Gobstoppers to test the child's reliability.


21st Jun 2015

Fury (2014)

Corrected entry: When the tank crew is in camp private Ellison calls War Daddy first Sgt Collier. He is wearing Master Sgt stripes. (00:12:00)

Correction: Collier's arm sleeve rank shows three stripes and one rocker, the insignia of a Staff Sergeant (pay grade E-6), not a Master Sergeant (three stripes and three rockers, Pay Grade E-8). Also, due to the high casualty rate of the tank company, it would not be wrong for Staff Sergeant Collier to be addressed as "First Sergeant (three stripes and three rockers with a diamond in the field between them) " by a new soldier, especially if the "Master Sergeant with the clipboard" referred Norman to report to "First Sergeant" Collier. Since Collier was (presumably) the senior NCO according to time in grade and service, plus the high casualty rates among the tank company NCO's and officers, then Collier would be the "Acting" First Sergeant, despite what his arm sleeve insignia indicates.


4th Feb 2015

Kelly's Heroes (1970)

Correction: The SS Tiger tank troopers in the movie are panzer crewmen whose uniforms were black. Even the Wehrmacht (Regular Army) tankers wore black uniforms throughout the war, as well as being issued camouflage uniforms.


The key marking on the tank plate means the tank is supposed to be from LSH Lieberdstand Adolf Hitler Panzer Div. LSH tank crews wore camo pattern black or grey uniforms. They had Deaths head emblems on the collars of the black tank uniform, often leading to them being mistaken for SS and executed in the field.

28th Oct 2014

Fury (2014)

Corrected entry: Fury is an M4 Sherman Firefly armed with a powerful 17 pounder gun. Unlike the standard Sherman, the gun carried by the Firefly could and did penetrate the armour of the heaviest German tanks, including the Tiger, at long ranges. In one celebrated encounter a Sherman Firefly destroyed three Tigers during a brief battle which saw the death of German tank ace Michael Wittmann. Fury's rounds would not have bounced off a Tiger at the short ranges shown in the tank on tank battle scene.

Correction: The Sherman tank "Fury" is an American M4A3E8 model with a 76mm main gun, not a British Firefly with a 17-pounder main gun. Unlike the 17-pounder gun, the 76mm would have difficulty penetrating a German Tiger tank's armor unless the Tiger was at close range or exposed its vulnerable side or rear flanks.


The 76mm gun would penetrate a Tiger from the front at distances far exceeding those given in the film.

Look it up. Tiger tanks were famous for having indents where Shermans hit them head on. No penetration. There's a story of a tiger tank taking 5 direct hits from a Sherman and surviving.

Corrected entry: When the German sniper enters his bunker, he renders an American style salute. He should be rendering a loud and boisterous "Heil Hitler!" and a Nazi salute, complete with feet clapping together sharply.


Correction: The sniper's "American Style" salute is correct, as most armies saluted that way. Also, shouting "Heil Hitler" and giving the "Nazi" salute was not required in the German Army (required by those serving in the SS, however) until after the July 1944 bomb attempt to kill Adolf Hitler.


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