
27th Jun 2018

Preacher (2016)

Angelville - S3-E1

Continuity mistake: After Jody kicks and knocks Bruneau Boyd to the ground, Jesse peels out in the pickup truck and Bruneau's body disappears, even though it should be lying next to the truck as it quickly departs.


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Suggested correction: Actually no, in that angle and the way Jody kicked him away hard from the truck it's possible he landed a lot further away than you might think.


Before I submitted the mistake, I did take into account the angle and the distance that Jody kicked Bruneau, replayed the scene several times, and he did disappear, as there was a sidewalk and a length of lawn leading up to the apartment building where Bruneau should have been lying as Jesse and Jody took off in the truck.


Corrected entry: When George is drunk and crashes into the tree, the homeowner comes out and yells at him. The man says that his great-grandfather planted that tree, therefore this man and his family would have lived in Bedford Falls for generations. It is also apparent from the movie that George's family has also lived there for a generation or two. However, the homeowner doesn't know who George is. It is mentioned time and time again that Bedford Falls is such a small town. It would be impossible for George and this man not to know each other. (01:37:00 - 01:38:00)

Correction: There is no evidence in the film this man has lived in Bedford Falls all his life and would have known who George Bailey was. Just because he said his great grandfather planted that tree is not proof he was a resident of Bedford Falls in years past. It is just as plausible he inherited the house and property and recently moved to Bedford Falls, and was told through family lore which relative planted the tree.


Correction: Not everyone in Bedford Falls knows George. His daughter's teacher's husband doesn't know him by sight.

Brian Katcher

2nd Dec 2003

Kelly's Heroes (1970)

Corrected entry: I could be wrong, but I reckon trained soldiers would rather seek cover than to take on tanks with only rifles and submachineguns. In the scene where Oddball's tank squad shoots a German train station to pieces, the Germans fire at the vehicles with their smallarms, even though it's just a waste of ammo (maybe they were just desperate?).

Correction: Soldiers will use whatever weapons they have on hand to defend against the enemy, whether or not they are outgunned or even outnumbered (reference Captain Miller in "Saving Private Ryan" using his .45 caliber pistol against a German Tiger tank). The heaviest weapon the Germans had in the rail yard was a 4-barreled 20mm anti-aircraft gun that would be useless against a Sherman tank, yet, they used it to fire on Oddball's Sherman's, in addition to the small arms the Germans were using against the Shermans.


15th Aug 2007

Kelly's Heroes (1970)

Corrected entry: During the discussion between Crapgame and Kelly in the supply depot, just after Crapgame realises that snatching the gold from behind enemy lines would be "the perfect crime", a jet airliner can be heard flying overhead. Jet aircraft were in use by the Luftwaffe - but only on their side of the lines with the exception of a few recon and bombing missions at the front, specifically on the Remagen bridge in March of 1945, months after the movie's timeframe.

Correction: After watching the scene many times, the sound heard is not of a jet aircraft, but a piston-powered propeller-driven craft that can be prominently heard over the whistling sound that was mistaken for a jet engine.


10th May 2018

Timeless (2016)

Correction: Not really a mistake. In the context of the show, small historical details are being inadvertently altered as the Lifeboat agents track down Rittenhouse sleeper agents to prevent Rittenhouse from drastically changing American and World historical events.


Correction: Sometimes Scooby's dog tag does not show the blue diamond on it. Presumably, when the blue diamond is not on the tag, then it can be reasonably inferred the tag has been turned around to the backside, where there is no blue diamond, showing the gold-colored backside of the tag, instead.


Corrected entry: Right before Doctor Frankenstein (Gene Wilder) gives life to his creation he is standing behind the monster on the platform giving his speech. While he is giving his speech you can see the "dead" monster breathe, not only once but several times. (00:43:35)

Correction: You must have really good eyes, because aside from the camera movement and angling, there is nothing that shows the monster is breathing.


Corrected entry: When Dr. Frankenstein breaks the door handle, there are two pieces in his hand. The next shot shows him holding only one.

Correction: With the shadowing, the dim lighting, and the fact that Frankenstein's hand is blocking the viewer's point of view, it is difficult to ascertain whether he was holding two pieces of the broken handle or one. The close up shot of his open hand after the handle broke shows two pieces, however.


He is holding one because if he was holding two broken pieces, then the sound of two pieces of the door handle should be heard hitting the floor and not one.

Corrected entry: In the movie, screams of terror are heard outside as the Israelis are eating Passover inside. Very unlikely, as the Israelis lived in the land of Gosh-en separate from the Egyptians, and they all followed Moses' instruction to be protected as in Exodus 12: 28 - "And the children of Israel went away, and did as the lord had commanded Moses and Aaron, so did they."

Correction: Maybe so, but in the context of the film the screams were from those (Jews and Egyptians) who did not believe Moses was their deliverer and thus disregarded his instructions from God to mark their homes with the blood of a lamb to protect their families from God's wrath. After the first born of a family who did not mark their homes with the lamb's blood was found dead, people would start believing Moses' words were for real.


11th Apr 2015

Fury (2014)

Correction: In what scene was a TicTac referenced? I have seen this movie over and over with and without subtitles and nowhere was mentioned a TicTac. The closest thing to hearing "TicTac" was when Gordo is telling a German lady he will take care of her and asks, "Wanna see da tank?", but says it quickly, so it may have sounded like he was saying "TicTac."


26th Jun 2010

The Twilight Zone (1959)

Time Enough at Last - S1-E8

Corrected entry: Right after Bemis's glasses break, he leans down to pick them up. Instead, he first opens the book. When he does that, you can see that the pages are completely blank and that there is absolutely nothing printed on them.


Correction: There are many words printed on the pages of the book he opens after his glasses break.


Corrected entry: When all the family is outside to see the christmas lights, there is an aerial shot of them. Clarke starts to say "Joy to the world" before you actually hear him say it. (00:26:20)

Dr Wilson

Correction: Clark is not trying to say "Joy to the World" in the overhead shot, he is vigorously moving his head to elicit more louder and enthusiastic "drum rolls" from his skeptical in-laws and parents. Further, the next shot of him (before he turns the lights on and actually sings "Joy to the World") shows him comically moving his mouth to simulate the drum rolls he is getting from his family.


21st Mar 2017

Star Trek (1966)

Space Seed - S1-E23

Corrected entry: During Kirk's fight with Khan in engineering, he pulls a white rod from a console and uses it to subdue Khan. The rod is very light, and several times when Kirk hits Khan with it, Khan shows no reaction at all.

Correction: First off, we do not know how "heavy" the rod is, but could have been handled easily by Kirk due to adrenaline from the fight. Second, in context of the story of Khan and his people being genetically engineered super humans, Khan would be able to absorb some of the blows Kirk delivers to him.


19th Nov 2017

The Polar Express (2004)

Corrected entry: When the hero boy opens the window to grab the girl's ticket, you see few cars between them and the engine. When the shot pans out as the ticket flies away, there are several more cars than before.

Correction: The Polar Express is a magic Christmas train that defies logic and physics throughout the movie. Further, this whole experience could be a dream of the Hero Boy, so it is likely the train would change the number of cars, as well as bend with the tracks as it corkscrews up a mountain, etc.


16th Oct 2016

The Santa Clause (1994)

Corrected entry: Charlie and Santa get to the North Pole for the first time and they land. Santa gets out and starts talking to the one Elf. When Bernard comes over, he asks "who's causing the trouble here?" There is a red headed kid with a yellow shirt on sitting in the Sleigh just staring at Santa and Bernard. However, a moment later when it goes back to Bernard, the kid is mysteriously gone. (00:30:00)

Jarrad Trythall

Correction: The cutaway from Bernard to Scott Calvin was long enough for the elf in the yellow shirt to exit the sleigh or duck down inside it.


Correction: The next shot is not of Clark holding a blue package, but of Francis wondering why it's so cold, discovering the stairs are down, then closing them. That is plenty of time for Clark to discover another hidden and forgotten package from the past, which happens to be a blue one, now.


Corrected entry: When Luther and Alma are eating chicken noodle soup together in the restaurant, Alma's boyfriend comes in and begins making fun of Luther. He gets angry and storms out, telling the cashier to put the bill on his tab. She replies that he doesn't have a tab, and he begins to feverishly dig for money in his pocket. If you watch as the scene begins to fade out, Don Knotts stops searching for the money and acts calm really quick, like the director just yelled "cut".

Correction: I have observed this scene many times, and as the scene ends, Knotts' hand is dug deep into his pocket, and he approaches Ollie and Alma as if to sheepishly ask for some cash to cover the cost of his and Alma's meal.


24th Jan 2017

The Santa Clause (1994)

Corrected entry: When Santa arrives at the north pole he asks an elf who is in charge. She tells him she has shoes older than him and turns to walk away. Santa goes after her and camera angles change. The elf is a different actor in the second part of the scene.

Correction: The first elf Scott Calvin asks is Larry the Elf (who is later ordered by Bernard to get Charlie some chow) who says he has pointy shoes older than Calvin. Calvin then turns to another busy elf, who is female and asks her who is in charge. Two different elves.


Corrected entry: Charlie opens the shower door and sees Rose washing her hair. Not even a minute later, she's dressed and downstairs on the couch and her hair is completely dry and styled. Charlie even looks puzzled because he looks at her then looks up at the bathroom.

Correction: Not a mistake, but an example in the movie about the weirdness of Rose and Harriet. The scene cited where Charlie looks up stairs and is confused as to how Rose was in the shower then down stairs before him is a preview of strange things to come as Charlie sees clues pointing to Harriet as being the Axe Murderer.


23rd May 2016

The Peanuts Movie (2015)

Corrected entry: When Snoopy cleans off the soot that he has got on him he leaves some around his eyes, However after it cuts to Fifi fixing her airplane the soot around Snoopy's eyes disappears.

Jacy Sorkenn

Correction: There was plenty of of time during this scene sequence for Snoopy to quickly wipe off the excess soot off his face.


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