
5th Apr 2023

Poltergeist (1982)

Continuity mistake: When Robbie throws his jacket to cover the clown, he throws it effortlessly and misses by far; one can even notice he throws it quite low. Shot changes and the jacket is flying high at a bigger speed.


5th Apr 2023

Poltergeist (1982)

Continuity mistake: Before the clown attacks him, Robbie stretches his right arm and turns the light off. A shot later his right arm is resting by his side, and he is lowering his left arm.


22nd Mar 2023

Barbarella (1968)

Continuity mistake: While during the trial Honorius says Zira and Galen experimented on Taylor his right-hand swaps between being by his side or resting on the chair.


Continuity mistake: Zira visits the cages and asks Taylor if it still hurts. Taylor holds the iron bars with both hands parallel to each other. A shot later his right hand is positioned higher.


Continuity mistake: When the three arrive at the planet Taylor asks for water and Dodge shows his canteen. Check the strap of his backpack changing between shots.


Continuity mistake: When the movie begins Taylor starts rolling up his left sleeve with his right hand. Shot changes and his hand is away and the sleeve is already rolled. Up.


10th Mar 2023

Logan's Run (1976)

10th Mar 2023

Logan's Run (1976)

10th Mar 2023

Logan's Run (1976)

Continuity mistake: When the surgeon's face is cut he turns his head to the right. A shot later he faces the left side.


9th Mar 2023

Logan's Run (1976)

9th Mar 2023

Logan's Run (1976)

Continuity mistake: Francis walks towards an identity detector machine where he drops stuffs inside and places his hand. The stuff disappears and reappears between shots.


9th Mar 2023

Logan's Run (1976)

9th Mar 2023

Logan's Run (1976)

27th Feb 2023

Columbo (1971)

16th Feb 2023

Thunderball (1965)

Continuity mistake: When Bond meets Largo at the casino there's no-one behind. Then a woman in a white and black dress suddenly appears standing behind, only to disappear one shot later and come walking towards that same spot again.


2nd Feb 2023

Batman Forever (1995)

Continuity mistake: When Nygma is reading his boss' mind he pulls the lever to add more power. The way he holds it differs between shots. (00:20:22)


2nd Feb 2023

The Party (1968)

Continuity mistake: Hrundi arrives at the party and walks to the fountain to clean his dirty shoes. Muddy footsteps appear/disappear randomly between shots.


2nd Feb 2023

Batman Forever (1995)

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