
Continuity mistake: Akeem stops a cab at the airport and a black car followed by a red wagoneer pass by. When Eddie approaches the driver, the same cars are passing by again.


Continuity mistake: When Akeem and Semmi are training, before Semmi says, "Don't you want a wife with huge breasts like melons?" he is standing in the center of the gym. In the close-up he is half a meter next to the wall, close to the guards.


Continuity mistake: When Akeem is woken up, from the angle above all of his head is resting on the pillow. In the close-up, just half of his head is, the rest is very close to the wall.


30th May 2010

Fish Tank (2009)

Continuity mistake: When the family is in a parking lot, the amount of beer in the glass on the car's rooftop keeps changing between shots.


30th May 2010

Annie Hall (1977)

Continuity mistake: The day Annie and Alvy first meet, she drives him in her car. From their POV they're about to crash against a truck, but the next shot shows them driving straight. No sign of swerving to avoid the crash of the truck.


29th May 2010

Two Lovers (2008)

Continuity mistake: When Michelle and Leonard are up on the rooftop for the last time, the left side of her hair keeps swapping from being behind to in front all the time.


29th May 2010

Splash (1984)

Continuity mistake: When Walter soaks Madison she falls forward towards the curb. In the close-up a flowerpot appears, which disappears in the wide angle, where she lies 45ยบ to the left of the curb.


29th May 2010

Splash (1984)

Continuity mistake: Allen arrives to the market dancing and juggling potatoes. Behind Freddie there's a man scratching his nose. In the next shot his hand is down and he is raising it to scratch his nose again.


29th May 2010

Splash (1984)

29th May 2010

Splash (1984)

29th May 2010

Splash (1984)

Continuity mistake: When Freddie, as a kid, is in the boat throwing the coins, a man in the background on the left side appears several meters to the right in the next shot. The second time he throws the coins, a guy next to the flag disappears between shots.


29th May 2010

Splash (1984)

Continuity mistake: Before Allen asks his secretary if anybody called, she holds a yellow paper at chest level. Half a second later, when the angle changes, the paper is down and she is raising it again.


29th May 2010

Splash (1984)

Continuity mistake: While Allen is stuck in a traffic jam, several close-ups of Kornbluth show a yellow cab next to him. In the wide angles the car swaps to a dark coloured private vehicle.


29th May 2010

Splash (1984)

Continuity mistake: When Allen is fighting with Kornbluth at the dentist, the position of the large lamp in the background changes between shots.


29th May 2010

Splash (1984)

Continuity mistake: Freddie leaves the Penthouse magazine on a counter, where a woman behind picks it up. In the next shot, she picks it up again.


29th May 2010

Splash (1984)

Continuity mistake: At the wedding, Freddie throws coins on the floor and Allen scolds him. The position of the kids and adults behind keeps changing drastically between shots.


29th May 2010

Splash (1984)

Continuity mistake: When Hanks sneaks Madison out of the lab, his right arm is close to her chest, covered by a grey cloth. When the angle changes the arm is uncovered.


29th May 2010

Splash (1984)

Continuity mistake: When Allen is brought home blindfolded and is interviewed by the press, two journalists without a camera approach from behind. In the front angle, a split second later, a TV camera appears out of nowhere.


29th May 2010

Splash (1984)

Continuity mistake: When Allen tells his secretary that his father passed away, she is either holding the note from the side or from the top, depending on the angle.


29th May 2010

Splash (1984)

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