The Ring

Trivia: Between some scenes you can see a flash of the ring, as seen at the beginning of the tape (and what Rachel sees when she looks up in the well as the lid is pushed back on).

Trivia: When you see Samara standing in front of the well (before Anna pushes her in) she is singing the same tune as the music in the video.

Trivia: This film is an American remake of the Japanese horror/suspense film "Ringu."


Trivia: There are many references to heat and water in this movie. For example: 1. It is almost always raining. 2. Samara drowns in a well. 3. The horse jumps off a ship and dies. 4. The tree image that the two characters find was burned onto the wall. 5.The color of the tree's leaves is orange in the sunlight, resembling fire. 6. The sound of a hissing teakettle can be heard on the tape (the joining of heat and water). There are many more.

Trivia: The number on the door of Rachel's apartment is 601, and it is circled by a ring. 6 0 1=7, hinting to the seven days.

Trivia: Long before the movie premiered, the killer video was used as a commercial. The commercial did not mention any movie for nearly a month.

Trivia: When the main character enters the home of Samara's father, a large ring flashes on the screen for a split second. If you blink, you'll miss it. It happens a number of times throughout the film.

Trivia: Notice the freaky music when "the tape" is being displayed on the movie and you first see the ring on the screen. Then listen as Anna pushes the cover onto the well towards the end of the movie. The sound you hear on the tape is the sound of the cover being pushed over the well.

Trivia: In the original version there were scenes featuring a child killer (played by Chris Cooper). Early in the movie the killer is begging Rachel to write a story saying he is rehabilitated and deserves to be freed, and she refuses. At the end of the movie Rachel is seen sending the copy of the tape she made to him.

Trivia: On its first week of release in the US and Canada, select cinemas put actual copies of "the" cursed tape on seats for unsuspecting viewers as freebies. The cursed video is now available as an Easter egg feature on the DVD.

Trivia: In "The Ring", after the big well scene, we hear Rachel and Noah coming to the conclusion that the reason why one dies seven days after viewing the video is because that's the longest someone (Samara) could survive in the well. The makers of the original, "Ringu", never mention any of this. Apparently, it's a Western necessity to explain away as many of the vague or open-ended points of the film as possible.

Trivia: A lot of people don't see this because they brush it off really quick. In the beginning of the film, they show the Dreamworks logo and there is a flash in the moon that looks like bad tracking, like on a tape. If you look closely at the moon there is a line connecting it all together, making it look like The Ring.

Trivia: The reason why everyone who's seen "The Tape" unconsciously scratches the faces of pictures is because that's the way Samara looks: with black hair over her face. Notice how every picture that's scratched is done in an up-down manner, resembling Samara's hair. "She just wants to be heard".

Trivia: The film's title "The Ring" refers to the recurring ring/circle imagery seen throughout the film, as hinted by the tagline "Before you die, you see the ring." Somewhat oddly, this idea was completely original to this American remake. In both the original Japanese film and in the original novel series that inspired it, the title "Ring" is actually a reference to the neverending nature of the curse... it just keeps going on and on in circles. The filmmakers of this remake decided to make the ring literal in addition to being metaphorical.


Trivia: Despite receiving prominent billing, Brian Cox has only four minutes of screen time.

Revealing mistake: In the scene when the main character is in the library on the internet, she goes to a couple of websites. When the shot shows the URL up top, it is C:\windows98\mydocuments\etc.html. Instead of actually searching on the web they used a premade html page and accessed it from their computer.

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Dr. Scott: You don't want to hurt anyone.
Samara Morgan: But I do, and I'm sorry. It won't stop. Everyone will suffer.

More quotes from The Ring

Question: When does Rachel realise if she shows the film to someone else she won't die? And if she knew, is that why she showed it to Noah, to kill him on purpose?

Answer: Rachel doesn't know that showing the film to someone else will cause you not to die until death skips her. She remembers that Samara wanted to be "heard". She never meant to kill Noah.

Ginger Painter

Answer: At the end of the movie, she is crying about why she wasn't killed and Noah was. She vocalizes "What did I do, that he didn't?" That's when she sees the copy she made. It wasn't that she just showed it to someone else. She made a copy and Aiden watched that copy. Aiden is why it skipped her.

Almost right. It's just the copy. Copying the video makes it skip you. That's why she has Aiden make a copy as well.


You have to show the copy to someone else as well. That's why Aiden asks Rachel at the very end "What about the person we show it to? What happens to them?"


But doesn't he have less than a day left by then? Hardly a time to relax, they need to make a terrible decision, quickly. I always had the idea making a copy was enough because of that.


He watched the tape the morning of either Rachel's 4th or 5th day, so he should have at least 3 days left by this point. Though it appears the film was being inconsistent with the markings that Samara leaves on the tape's viewers, since Rachel noticed Samara's hand print on Aiden's arm and then his nose started bleeding. For Rachel, she got her nosebleed before receiving the mark on her arm.


Actually, you need to do both: make a copy and show it to someone else. This is further explained in The Ring 2. At the beginning, the guy had made a copy but since the girl covered her eyes and didn't watch the whole thing, he was still killed by Samara. So making a copy is not enough in itself to be spared if no-one else watches it. The same goes for Rachel. She made a copy on the 2nd day, but Becca tells her she only has 4 days left when she visits the psych ward indicating she hadn't been spared yet. It's only after Aidan watches the copy she made that death skips her for good.

Answer: No, it's wrong. Just making a copy won't save you; you need to show it to someone else, and then this someone else is cursed instead of you. The Japanese movie explains it well. Plus, in the official second movie, a man dies from Samara after making the copy because nobody watched it. Also, at the end of the 1st movie, Aiden asks from the copy, "What will happen to the one who will watch it?"

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