Avengers: Endgame

Trivia: Spoilers: Captain America being worthy of lifting Thor's hammer Mjölnir is something that is pulled from the pages of the comics directly, most notably in this context the Civil War comics. He'd previously been able to move it fractionally in Age of Ultron - Joss Whedon has implied he was able to lift it the whole time, just pretended he couldn't so as to spare Thor's feelings.


Trivia: Spoiler! After Tony snaps his fingers at the end, a scene was filmed with him having a vision of his daughter Morgan, now grown up, played by 13 Reasons Why star Katherine Langford. Much like Thanos' conversation with a young Gamora in Infinity War, Tony and Morgan would discuss what he'd just done and she'd forgive him, putting him at peace. The scene was ultimately scrapped because there wasn't the emotional connection with an adult version of his daughter, and the Russos dismissed it as "too many ideas in an overly complicated movie."

Trivia: When Steve is watching Peggy through the glass, she mentions that Braddock "hasn't checked in." This is likely a reference to Brian Braddock, known as Captain Britain in Marvel comics. No confirmation that he'll be appearing any time soon - might just be an Easter egg for the fans - but Kevin Feige has mentioned discussions relating to him and the MCU before.

Jon Sandys

Trivia: Spoilers! The prophecy/vision in Age of Ultron is semi-fulfilled in this film and Infinity War - Captain America's shield is broken in half, Hulk is unable to fight, Black Widow lies on her back in death, same as here, and Thor is in the same position when injured by Thanos as he appears in the vision.

Jon Sandys

Trivia: Stay to the very end of the credits - there is a metallic hammer sound, from Iron Man where Tony was building the mark 1 armour in the cave.


Trivia: When Hank Pym is shown in 1970 New Jersey, the camera sweeps across his desk, and the original Ant Man helmet is briefly on screen.

Avengers: Endgame trivia picture

Trivia: During the climactic battle, before Doctor Strange returns with the other restored heroes, there is a wide shot of Captain America all by his lonesome walking towards Thanos. This is similar to a scene from the "Infinity Gauntlet" story, where amongst a slew of defeated heroes, Cap defiantly walks right up to Thanos and tells him he will never be able claim victory as long as at least one person stands against him.


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Suggested correction: With the exception of Bucky in Civil War and Maw's buddy in Infinity War, only in the Phase 2 movies has someone lost an arm in every movie.

Klaw has his metal arm removed in Black Panther.


Trivia: While Peter and Ned are hugging in the school there is blond girl behind them wearing a Spider-Man skirt.


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Suggested correction: It's not a Spider-Man skirt. It's just a skirt with a black and white spider web design. Especially since the black suit was not something that has happened yet in universe.


Trivia: Spoilers! Tony Stark's line at the end "And I am Iron Man" wasn't in the script, in fact it wasn't even originally filmed, he just snapped his fingers. When editing the final battle together, the directors realised something was missing, and editor Jeff Ford suggested bringing his arc full circle with that line. They filmed it as part of reshoots, only a few months before the movie was released.

Jon Sandys

Avengers: Endgame trivia picture

Trivia: In September 2018, before the title was announced, the Russo brothers posted an image of the set on Twitter, with the caption "Look Hard." Eagle-eyed fans worked out that shapes within the image spelled out "Endgame," later confirmed by the Russos.

Jon Sandys

Trivia: Marvel has been responsible for the first film to gross over $100 million in its domestic opening weekend (2002's "Spider-Man", albeit made by Sony), the first film to gross over $200 million in its domestic opening weekend (2012's "The Avengers") and the first film to gross over $300 million in its domestic opening weekend with this film, "Avengers: Endgame." "Endgame" also holds the record for the quickest film to reach $2 billion, reaching the rare number at the end of its second weekend.


Trivia: The title "Endgame" has been teased in two previous Avengers films - most obviously in Infinity War, when Dr. Strange says "we're in the endgame now", but it actually originates more significantly in Age of Ultron, when Tony says "We can bust arms dealers all the livelong day, but that up there... that's the endgame."

Jon Sandys

Trivia: Spoiler! Howard Stark's butler/driver Jarvis appearing marks a rare, maybe even only, instance of a character from a Marvel TV show appearing in the films. He was a main character in the Agent Carter TV series.

Trivia: With this film and counting cameos, Chris Evans will have appeared on-screen as Captain America in at least one film a year between 2011 and 2019. With this film, Tom Holland will also become the actor who has portrayed Peter Parker/Spider-Man in the most films with his fourth appearance as the character - he will beat the previous record held by Tobey Maguire, who appeared as the character in the three films of the original "Spider-Man" trilogy.


Continuity mistake: In the final battle, Wasp and Ant-Man are in the van trying to get the quantum tunnel operational. We cut back to the fight and we can see Ant-Man there too, fighting in his giant form. (02:22:20 - 02:23:00)

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Suggested correction: He needed to hot-wire the van. It's quite possible he could have left the van for parts (he's seen slamming a Leviathan to the ground) or to protect it. It also could have been an illusion by one of Dr. Strange's people.


Sorry but the suggested correction makes no sense. For one Dr Strange's people have no idea what Ant-Man looks like, and secondly Ant-Man would have no idea where to get parts from in the middle of a battlefield, let alone know if alien technology would be compatible. Also the time frame given when the scene plays out allows no time for him to leave the van, this is a legitimate mistake.

Dr. Strange's people don't know what Ant-Man looks like? He entered the battle with them long before they went to the van. Earth has had access to the same Leviathan parts since the original Avengers. If Toomes can make wings out of it in Spider-man Homecoming, it's possible he can figure something out. Clint had passed the glove to Black Panther before Ant-Man is seen in the background. There was plenty of time. He also could have been defending the van while they brought the glove.

There is plenty of time for Ant-Man to have left the van and returned to it. As the scenes play out, Ant-Man and Wasp are in the front of the van trying to hot wire it. The film then cuts to the battle for several minutes, as we see the passing off the gauntlet, which includes the brief shot of Giant-Man in the background. A few minutes later the film cuts back to the van and we see Scott opening the rear door of the van. So there's plenty of time for him to have gotten out of the van, saw potential trouble with the Leviathan, turned into Giant-Man to stop it while letting Hope finish activating the tunnel, and then returning to check the final settings. Now, all this raises another question that has to do with the apparent ease Giant-Man has in traversing the battlefield, as in why not just give Scott the gauntlet, have him turn into Giant-Man, take a few steps over to the van, and then shrink back down to take the stones back in time?


More mistakes in Avengers: Endgame

Korg: Thor, he's back. That kid on the TV just called me a dickhead again.
Thor: Noobmaster.
Korg: Yeah, Noobmaster69.
Thor: Noobmaster, hey, it's Thor again. You know, the God of Thunder? Listen, buddy, if you don't log off this game immediately, I am gonna fly over to your house, come down to that basement you're hiding in, rip off your arms and shove them up your butt! Oh, that's right, yes, go cry to your father, you little weasel!
Korg: Thank you, Thor.
Thor: Let me know if he bothers you again, okay?
Korg: Thank you very much, I will.

More quotes from Avengers: Endgame

Answer: No, his snap simply restored all the people Thanos' snap eliminated. They discuss it before he snaps. Tony reminds him to not try to do anything other than bring the people back.

We don't know that's all he did. Considering the Ancient One's warning that removing a stone for one's universe could have disastrous affects on that universe. One would think he would return the stones.


She was talking about removing them from the timeline, nothing about destroying them. According to the comics when the stones are destroyed the powers they represent will be made physical again in a different way. This does not happen when they are removed completely, since the power inside (the energy) cannot be reassembled again.


Destroying the stones almost killed Thanos. Hulk would not have been able to bring back half the universe and the stones with no further impact.

We do know. As stated in the answer, Tony and Hulk specifically discuss ONLY bringing the people back. Since it's stated in the film, we can say with certainty that's all he did.

As stated in the film, he also tried to bring Natasha back who wasn't one of the half Thanos snapped away, so while unlikely, perhaps he did try more.


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