Best drama movie questions of all time

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Hancock picture

Question: I'm not sure if I was seeing things but during the fight between Hancock and Mary, when it goes all windy and stormy, at one point it cuts to some people who are screaming and running away. I thought I saw a figure that appears to be made out of rocks or similar material and about 10 foot tall, it wasn't our hero or heroine as they were not in that scene so what on earth was it?

Answer: I saw it, too, and wondered. He's a street performer in L.A. that just happened to be around during filming. See:


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To Kill A Mockingbird picture

Question: Why did everybody in the courtroom go silent when Tom said that he did chores for Mayella because he felt sorry for her?

Answer: At that time in history, Tom, a black man, was considered inferior to Mayella, a white woman. When he says he "felt sorry" for her, it is interpreted as him thinking he is above her or better off in some way. Regardless of his good intentions, for him to think of himself as being in a superior position to help her was considered unacceptable because it was seen as a black person rising above their lower place in society.


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Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World picture

Question: Will someone explain to me navigation. I have never heard of "Sou Sou West" or "Sou East by East."

Answer: There are four major directions (North, South, East and West), four minor (North East, south east, south west and north west) and 16 sub directions. Among these are South South West and South east by East. South South West is between South West and South and South East by East is between south east and east.


More Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World questions
Oppenheimer picture

Question: Were the scientists involved really concerned about igniting the atmosphere?

Answer: The short version is "no, not really". Much like in the film, the possibility was considered, a lot of calculations were done, and it was agreed by everyone privy to them that the chance was basically zero. Also like in the film: "what do you want from theory alone?" - it couldn't be guaranteed to be absolutely zero, but then the chance of almost anything happening is never absolutely zero. A 1946 report by three of the scientists stated: "whatever the temperature to which a section of the atmosphere may be heated, no self-propagating chain of nuclear reactions is likely to be started. The energy losses to radiation always overcompensate the gains due to the reactions."

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Million Dollar Baby picture

Question: Is it ever revealed what Frankie's secret is? Why is he estranged from his daughter and looking for forgiveness?

Answer: No, the cause of conflict between Frankie and his daughter is never revealed - we only know that she returns his weekly letters, and it has been some time since they have had contact.

More Million Dollar Baby questions
The Devil's Advocate picture

Question: During jury selection, Kevin decides to have one of the jury dismissed, I believe, because of the shoes the jury member wore. What exactly do the guy's shoes have to do with anything?

Answer: The shoes showed him this man polishes them every day, also his clothes are custom made. That all means the look he has of a black thug is deceiving, instead he's a cautious, proud person they can't use in the jury. Just to add, Kevin knows all this because the devil (his father, spoiler alert) is giving him the talent to do it, not a logical explanation can be given why he dismisses these people.


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Somewhere In Time picture

Question: When Richard accidentally pulls a coin out of his coat pocket, he sees that it's a penny and he is sent back to his own time. After being weakened upon his trip back to the future, why, after what was likely several days to get his full strength back, wasn't he able to return to the past? His mentor told him returning to his own time would leave him weakened but, given enough time to get it back, he could have gone back to the past again.

Answer: He was no longer able to put everything out of his mind, which was a requirement to successfully time-travel. He was distraught and unable to focus enough mentally. He stopped eating, and as time went on he became weaker and weaker.

More Somewhere In Time questions

Answer: The best information I read was from an online "People" magazine article. Actor Paul Giamatti says he is sworn to secrecy on how the lazy eye effect was achieved, other than to say it was "movie magic." I hope someone finds additional information and shares it here, as I'd like to know more.


According to a YouTube video from WhatCulture that I watched today, Giamatti recently revealed on the Howard Stern Show that he wore a big soft contact lens, which practically blinded him in that eye.


More The Holdovers questions
Thor picture

Question: Since Loki is the son of Laufey the Frost Giant, why doesn't he look like one?

Answer: When initially found by Odin, he does. Something then acts on him that causes him to mimic Odin's more human appearance, which he then keeps until his exposure to the frost giants during the events of the film, which tips him off to his true nature. Whether this was caused by some magic inherent in Loki even as a baby or whether Odin did something to disguise the child's true origin is unrevealed.


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Moulin Rouge picture

Question: Why was Toulouse crying at the end of the Elephant Love Medley? If I am correct he was sitting on a balcony eating and drinking when singing the words "How wonderful life is, now you're in the world." Is it just that he is happy about his dream of finally getting the Bohemian Play? Is it a potential that he is in love with Christian or Satine. Another possibility is that he just happy seeing Christian in love, since Christian previously stated that he had never been in love before?

Answer: The way I saw it, that was Toulouse in present day singing, after the death of Satine etc.

He's a funny little man who is lonely himself. All he has is his bottle when everything is all said and done. He has nobody.

Answer: Maybe it's sort of a foreshadowing.

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Unfaithful picture

Question: The final scene in the car at the red light in front of the Police station. They are discussing escaping to Mexico for the rest of their lives. They hold each other. The car doesn't move. Do they give themselves up to the police? Is that what the writer is implying?

Answer: Although Connie wanted them to go to Mexico and assume new identities, it is implied that Edward, who initially goes along with that idea, will likely turn himself into the police. However, there's no definitive ending given, so the audience is left to interpret the outcome.


An alternative ending was shot in which Edward says goodbye to Connie in the car and walks into the police station. The director discusses this on the commentary track. The alternate ending is on the DVD.

Answer: Connie wants to say she is guilty and asks her husband to forgive her.

Answer: I think that they had already decided that Edward would turn himself in after the school event. That's why the were so sad when they danced and why they engaged in an escape fantasy conversation at the red light. They knew that the police would soon figure it out and it was only a matter of time before Edward would be arrested. Rather than live in fear, they decided that it would be better for Edward to turn himself in. That's my answer but I have two other questions that I can not answer. 1. WHY did she do it? 2. How long did the affair last? I can't figure out the season but m y guess is between fall and the end of November but I can't be sure because the seasons don't seem to be correct. Is it sunny/warm enough to plant a garden in November in NY? I don't think so.

"Why did she do it?" I think that is the question she asked herself once she realised that she had made a terrible choice. Initially, it made her feel alive and young and excited. She had everything, but she began to feel invisible. Ultimately, her son will suffer the impact of her choice, and she will never have peace again.

More Unfaithful questions
Scarface picture

Question: Was the double cross with the chainsaw scene a set up by F.Murray Abraham? Or was it a genuine deal and did he just suspect it may be dangerous, and sent Tony because he annoyed him?


Answer: It's unlikely a set up. Tony is supplied with money and guns to defend himself. If this was a setup, the toad would've had more details. He would've known Tony had backup with guns and they would've waited to ambush them. Also makes no sense for Omar to put himself at risk without a legitimate opportunity to make cash. Frank knew about the deal as he supplied the buy money. Omar seemed loyal to Frank. Why would he send some low level thugs to be set up losing his boss' money in the process? All he would do is lose trust and be suspected.

Omar was an informant. He wasn't loyal to anyone. Omar's driver is the one that suggested to send Tony to the Colombians. And I think Omar knew the Colombians were shady, and that's why he sent Tony. It was, in a sense, a setup.

Chosen answer: While it is never really mentioned I think it is a safe bet that it was a double cross. F. Murray Abraham was seen later in the film to be an informant and killed because of it.

oddy knocky

It wasn't a double cross, as it was the driver of the car that suggested/whispered it to Omar the first time Omar met Tony and Manny outside the restaurant they were working at.

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Julie & Julia picture

Question: Julie starts getting "stuff" in the mail from her readers. But when you do a blog, you wouldn't put your address in there, would you?


Chosen answer: It's entirely possible that she got a PO Box, which would allow her to receive goodies and keep her address private at the same time.


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Places In The Heart picture

Question: What is the symbolizim of the church at the end of the film? Could it be Heaven? but if you actually believe in Heaven then you might not think that some of those people will be going there. Another possibility is that it could be, well, places in the heart.

Answer: I think the church represents three things: one, showing that we're all one with God, whether we're alive or dead. Two, that those that have died are still in the memories of those that are living (places in the heart). And three, forgiveness, as shown in the last shot with Mr. Spaulding and the kid who killed him.


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The Family Stone picture

Question: At the end of the movie, the family is around the Christmas tree. At the left side of the dad there is a guy standing as part of the movie scene, who is he?

Answer: I think you're talking about John Trousdale, Susannah Stone's husband, played by Jamie Kaler.


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Old (2021)

Old picture

Question: Why didn't the lady who was originally with Mid-Size Sedan decay quicker, and we were able to see her body intact when she hit young Trent in the water?

Answer: Because she was 'freshly' dead when she hit Trent.

More Old questions
Stuck On You picture

Question: At the end of the movie when Walt is singing the song Summertime, is he lip syncing? If so, who is the singer? I know this song has been covered by any number of people over the years, but this particular rendition was popular in the 60's or 70's. Does anyone know who the singer was?


Chosen answer: Greg Kinnear is singing himself - DVD commentary.


More Stuck On You questions
Dirty Harry picture

Question: Is Callahan holding the binoculars upside down when he is peering down on the apartments looking for Scorpio? He is on the rooftop with the Jesus Saves Sign. They look upside down to me. (00:38:39)

Answer: Yes the binoculars are upside down.

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Reservoir Dogs picture

Question: Why does Mr. White snap his fingers when trying to light his cigarette lighter?

Answer: It's a way of lighting a zippo lighter. If you snap your fingers close to it, your middle finger will strike the wheel and light it.

Nick N.

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Fifty Shades of Grey picture

Question: During dinner at Christian's parent's place, what was Mia saying in French? It can be kind of hard to hear but in grey it actually showed the conversation.

Answer: She says "ugh. Seattle baseball".

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