Super Grover

Charlie Harris at Large - S1-E20

Visible crew/equipment: After Rockford's lunch with Bannister at the club, Rockford goes to find Charlie at the house and instead he is surprised by Sgt. Garvey's presence. When Garvey tells Rockford that Charlie's gone, in the next shot facing Rockford (and also a following shot) the boom mic is moving around in the bottom right corner of the screen. (00:39:50)

Super Grover

26th Jul 2022

The Waltons (1972)

The Waltons mistake picture

The Abdication - S4-E11

Visible crew/equipment: Near the end, when John-Boy thinks he may know where AJ has gone he gets into the vehicle with Martin Walters, then as Todd starts driving away the reflection of a reflector screen becomes visible on the rear window, and it looks like the reflection of the boom operator's raised arm is visible as well. (00:46:40)

Super Grover

Counter Gambit - S1-E17

Visible crew/equipment: When Rocky enters the trailer while Rockford is still monkeying around with the tape recorder, Rocky tells him that he got some staples. At that moment watch the space between Rockford's arm and the desk at the bottom of the screen, where we can see the boom mic moving around beside Rockford. (00:24:00)

Super Grover

19th Jul 2022

Gilmore Girls (2000)

Gilmore Girls mistake picture

The Big One - S3-E16

Visible crew/equipment: When Lorelai and Rory are at Richard's while Emily is away visiting her friends, Richard steps out to answer a call. When Richard returns we can see a blue T-mark taped to the floor behind Rory's side of the sofa. This T-mark is visible again when Richard asks about Rory's speech, because he'd like to be there. (00:20:00)

Super Grover

One Night with the King mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: After Haman lies to Esther about the two eunuchs, Esther and Hegai walk away leaving Admantha standing alone, and in the last shot from behind Admantha, there are two white T-marks visible on the ground near his feet, at the bottom of the screen. (01:04:40)

Super Grover

7th Jun 2022

Double Dragon (1994)

Double Dragon mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: After Shuko is arrested and escorted to the squad car, Marian joins Billy and Jimmy. When Marian points to the Dragon Wagon, her mic transmitter bodypack is visible at her lower back. Then when Jimmy gives Abobo the car keys, and she walks away, Marian's transmitter wires are also visible at her back. (01:27:35)

Super Grover

7th Jun 2022

ER (1994)

7th Jun 2022

ER (1994)

ER mistake picture

All in the Family - S6-E14

Visible crew/equipment: When Dr. DeRaad asks Kerry if she knows Paul Sobriki she tells him to check the board, and as Kerry walks past the door we can see the reflection of a crouched crew member walking backwards, pulling a rolling microphone stand. (00:02:45)

Super Grover

House on Haunted Hill mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: When the severed head in Nora's suitcase has vanished, she shouts for everyone to get out and leave her alone. In the hallway when they disperse, as Loren and then Trent walk past Lance, something that shouldn't be there (it looks like fingers perhaps) pops up into view at the bottom, left corner of the screen. This is clearer in the colorized version of the film. (00:49:00)

Super Grover

7th Jun 2022

Double Dragon (1994)

Double Dragon mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: When Jimmy (possessed by Shuko) suddenly appears at the Power Corps base he attacks Billy straight away, and in the wide shot as Billy flies backwards, the stunt springboard is visible under Billy's feet, at the bottom left side of the screen. (01:16:35)

Super Grover

One Night with the King mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: When King Xerxes appoints Haman as his Regent he taps the scepter on Haman's signet ring, then there's a brief shot of Esther running in the rain, and in the next long shot we can see a crouching crew member, who's wearing a watch, at the lower, left side of the screen. This person is a bit visible in an earlier shot from the same angle. (01:41:05)

Super Grover

7th Jun 2022

ER (1994)

ER mistake picture

All in the Family - S6-E14

Visible crew/equipment: When Luka and Mark are questioning Amira about the knife Sobriki had used, Kerry walks in then tells Amira to go upstairs to get security to open the personnel office, and the green T-mark taped to the floor is visible near Luka's feet. (00:16:45)

Super Grover

7th Jun 2022

Double Dragon (1994)

Double Dragon mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: With compliments of Koga Shuko the united gangs attack the Lee brothers, and while Jimmy and Billy defend themselves Billy goes up against a guy wearing a school uniform. Just as Billy slams a car's engine hood down onto that guy, in this shot we can see the camera, the camera operator, and a crew member under the raised car hood, at the lower left side of the screen. (00:45:00)

Super Grover

7th Jun 2022

Double Dragon (1994)

Double Dragon mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: During the tournament Billy tags Jimmy, then Billy kicks the opponent's head, and in the next wide shot as the opponent goes down, the crew's Steadicam becomes visible on the right side of the screen. (00:06:05)

Super Grover

7th Jun 2022

Double Dragon (1994)

Double Dragon mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: While Billy battles Jimmy (possessed by Shuko), Billy gets frustrated and tosses his medallion, which promptly returns to him then activates its power. In the next wide shot, when Jimmy does his flip in mid-air, a camera being held can be seen at the upper left side of the screen, as it follows Jimmy's movements. (01:18:40)

Super Grover

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