Super Grover

Revealing mistake: Ragetti has a wooden eye, yet, when he rubs it, it makes a funny squeeking sound. When he first comes ashore he has a wooden ball that he obviously palms instead of inserting. Mackenzie Crook, as Ragetti, wears a contact to simulate the wooden eye, and spins it around with his eye. When Pintel takes the fork with the eye out of Ragetti's socket, this ball at the end of the prongs is not made of wood. Props supplied a small rubber ball, and the air hole next to the fork prongs, with the painted 'iris' right above the prongs, can be seen. (00:30:45 - 01:25:30)

Super Grover

Revealing mistake: When Will uses skeletal Jacoby's sword to skewer the other skeletal pirate, he runs behind Jacoby to avoid being slashed and ducks. However, as Will looks at the pirates, his eye contact with the two skeletal pirates and their weapons is not in sync with them. Since they are CG, they were not there during filming, same as the shot of the three skewered pirates. (01:56:35)

Super Grover

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl mistake picture

Revealing mistake: Will walks down the stairs, after the coach leaves and the cottage to the left of the Governor's mansion isn't seen at all. In this close-up, the Governor's mansion behind Will is only a facade built at Marineland. They only built the facade for the main house, not the two servants' cottages on both sides of the mansion. In the next wide shot, both cottages and the mansion seen, are miniatures used in a CG composite on the hill. Given the proximity of the (miniature) cottages at both sides of the house in the wide shot, the left cottage should've been seen in the close-up, but obviously couldn't because the cottages weren't built. Fuller view of the wide shot in deleted scenes. (00:08:45)

Super Grover

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When Jack is standing on the mast of the Jolly Mon, as he's 'sailing' closer to Port Royal, the Dauntless is seen in the distance, as are two very small row boats and the docks to the left. There are no other ships seen along the entire mountain cliffside, some of which is CG. In the next shot showing Dauntless from the dock, there are two other large ships near her, one being loaded with goods which should have been seen in the earlier wide shot. Given the proximity and dimension of Dauntless in the second shot, the other ships should have been seen in the earlier wide shot of the area. Both shots of Dauntless are CG, as is part of the cliffside. This is not because of camera angles. (00:08:55)

Super Grover

Revealing mistake: In the wide shot, when an unconscious Elizabeth reaches the water's bottom, the body is a mannequin that has been weighted down in the middle. The white mannequin head can be seen as the body meets the bottom. (00:15:55)

Super Grover

Revealing mistake: In the wide shot of the Black Pearl chasing the Interceptor, because of its sailing speed the flag at the stern of Interceptor is upright and blowing hard into the wind. Aboard the Pearl, when Barbossa looks straight ahead at the 'speeding' Interceptor, the flag is down and not blowing at all. (01:22:55)

Super Grover

Revealing mistake: When saying, Welcome to the Caribbean, love," Jack, who is beside Elizabeth, starts to walk past her and his right hand nudges her left arm, to move her away. In the next close-up, taken later as a studio pickup, it shows him instead handing the bottle of rum to Elizabeth. In the close-up it's not Depp's hand on the rum bottle - the fingers are short and stocky, whereas Depp's are long and slim. Other differences between the outdoor and studio shots include, Jack's red string tied to his braid, Elizabeth's hair is not as messy and windblown, etc. (The original scene is shown in the deleted scenes.) (01:36:30)

Super Grover

Revealing mistake: When Pintel and Ragetti are below deck with the cannon and hit with forks and other utensils from the Interceptor's canons, Pintel's eyes are seen. The yellow contact lenses that Lee Arenberg wears as Pintel are seen in this and other shots during the movie. (01:25:30)

Super Grover

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When the pirates arrive on shore at Port Royal, Ragetti and Pintel are standing in front of the boats. Ragetti has his false wood eye in his hand, as he sharpens the 'iris' with his knife point. As he does so, the eye socket does not look empty in this shot, only covered. (00:30:45)

Super Grover

Revealing mistake: When Barbossa cuts Elizabeth's hand her nails are short. When Will rescues an unconscious Elizabeth at the cave, she reaches for the medallion and her nails are longer. When Will ties the cloth around Elizabeth's hand and she gives him the medallion, her nails are short. However, when Jack says, "Ahh, where's dear William?" her nails are now manicured and much longer. Once she's marooned on the island her nails are short again. Most scenes were filmed out of sequence, hence the difference in nail length. Her nails should have been kept the same short length for the duration of filming. (01:18:35 - 01:29:10)

Super Grover

Revealing mistake: After Haldir dies, Aragorn jumps onto the only ladder resting against the steps 'inside' the Deeping Wall. Hanging onto the ladder, he then falls on top of the Uruk-hai down below. The ladder is now lying on the ground perpendicular to the steps of the wall. However, when Aragorn runs up the stone steps on the side of the Keep, in the aerial CG shot of the wall below, the ladder is not lying on the ground where it should be, under the scurrying feet of the Uruk-hai. (01:14:35)

Super Grover

Revealing mistake: In the two scenes, when Frodo and Sam are both up on the rocks and later, down below, hiding out of view, the Black Gate is in front of them. Earlier, is the view inside the gate. The two Trolls are pulling and pushing the wood 'pulley', to open the gate, while walking on the tall ramp that curves around. When the gate is open, that ramp should be in full view, from the angle that Frodo and Sam are positioned, but it is not. (01:03:55 - 01:05:55)

Super Grover

Revealing mistake: When the Uruk-hai are running through the rock canyon while carrying the Hobbits, the Uruk with the painted white hand on his face holds up his right fist. In the theatrical release and regular DVD, a second Uruk then asks of the painted one, "What is it, what do you smell?" and he answers, "Manflesh." The very next shot is of Pippin saying, "Aragorn," followed immediately by the second Uruk saying, "They've picked up our trail." The Uruk who should have the painted hand on his face no longer does. He gives a low growl, then all the Uruk-hai run again. However, in the extended DVD, same scene, when the painted Uruk holds his fist up, it cuts to the Orcs hiding behind the rock, and the very next shot is of those two Uruks, and just like in the regular DVD, the Uruk who is supposed to have the painted hand on his face, does not. It is that Uruk who later in the scene says, "Manflesh," and unlike the regular DVD, without the painted hand on his face. Side note: It may be a different Uruk standing next to the 'second Uruk', in the questionable shots and that's why he doesn't have a painted face, but either way, it's still a mistake between shots. (00:14:50)

Super Grover

Revealing mistake: Soon after the Uruk-hai breach the wall with the ladders, Aragorn uses his sword to slice the leg off of one of them. In the wide shot, the Uruk has leg guards on, but in the close-up of the leg being cut off at the knee, no guards are on that leg. Also, visible in the close-up, it is obvious that the 'leg' is prepped to be cut in half. (01:05:30)

Super Grover

Revealing mistake: At the Dead Marshes, Frodo tosses to the ground a piece of Lembas bread, for Gollum to eat. However, Gollum doesn't reach for the 'tasty' food in the same place that Frodo tossed it. Extended DVD. (00:43:25)

Super Grover

Revealing mistake: When Gandalf, Aragorn, Theoden, Legolas and Gimli all ride up the hill on horses towards the end, there is a man on a horse on the left of the screen. Who is he and why is he there? He's Éomer's body double (Karl Urban was unavailable) and at some stage they were going to put Éomer's head on him digitally, but they never got around to it. Director's commentary, extended DVD. (01:43:05)

Super Grover

17th Nov 2003

The Art of War (2000)

Revealing mistake: The young Asian driver of the car was shot in the head by Snipes, and is very dead. As Snipes is trying to escape from the car by crawling out the back left window, the older Caucasian stunt guy is driving the car - with his very open eyes. (00:39:40)

Super Grover

17th Nov 2003

The Art of War (2000)

Revealing mistake: There are supposed to be two dead young Asian males sitting in the back of the car, but in this shot, it is so obvious that there are two dead 'dummies' riding in the back. Also, in the crash, a few seconds later, very blatant dummy heads are flying everywhere. (00:40:40)

Super Grover

Revealing mistake: When Mrs Arness and her dog, William Shakespeare, are at Peter's house, the dog walks over to Georgie. You can see the actor who plays Georgie had to hold dog treats in both of his hands to keep the dog near him in the scene. Confirmed in the audio commentary. (01:09:05)

Super Grover

Revealing mistake: In Osgiliath, when Sam and Frodo are falling down the stone steps, both of their knee pads are revealed because their knickers ride up at the knees during their fall. (01:34:15)

Super Grover

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