
25th Dec 2023

Daredevil (2003)

Trivia: Despite already being very tall at 6'5", Michael Clarke Duncan was often standing on boxes or wearing lift shoes in many of his scenes to add several more inches and make him look almost inhumanly massive. Specific camera angles were also used to make him look larger.


25th Dec 2023

Daredevil (2003)

22nd Dec 2023

Super Mario Bros. (1993)

Trivia: Filmmaker and actor Harold Ramis wanted to direct the film as he was a big video game fan and especially a big "Super Mario" fan (even putting a reference to Mario in "Ghostbusters 2"). He took a meeting with the producers but ended up passing on the project, as he had a bad feeling about it.


20th Dec 2023

Total Recall (1990)

Revealing mistake: When Richter's arms get cut off and he falls down the elevator shaft to his death, you can very obviously see the outlines of his real arms inside his shirt when his leather jacket flies up as he falls.


14th Dec 2023

Saw X (2023)

Continuity mistake: When Valentina grabs the wire in front of her neck and cuts her hands, the blood pattern changes between cuts. (There's suddenly less blood in the second shot, revealing it's a different take.)


14th Dec 2023

Saw X (2023)

Continuity mistake: When Gabriella is kidnapped, as Amanda approaches the door of the stall she's in, the way she's holding her purse changes between shots. When it cuts to the angle above, the straps go from over her hands to under her hands.


14th Dec 2023

Saw X (2023)

Visible crew/equipment: When John returns to the clinic to drop off a gift for Gabriele, when the cab pulls up, for a split second, you can see what appears to be the reflection of a crew member (likely part of the camera crew) walking in the green doors right before John opens his door. (It's very hard to see, but you can see it if you pay close attention.)


14th Dec 2023

Saw X (2023)

Audio problem: When John wakes up after the surgery, his lines "Hemoglobin's normal" and "After that, what happens then?" are obviously dubbed in after the fact. His voice is much louder than he appears to be speaking, revealing that they were re-recorded during post-production.


14th Dec 2023

Saw X (2023)

Continuity mistake: When John is fixing Carlos' bike wheel, throughout the scene, it is leaning backwards towards John. However, right before he pulls it out of the vice, it is suddenly leaning forwards towards Carlos. (John never pushed it forward.)


14th Dec 2023

Saw X (2023)

Continuity mistake: When John puts Carlos' bike wheel in the vice, his right hand goes from cranking the vice to holding the side of the wheel as it cuts to Carlos.


14th Dec 2023

Saw X (2023)

Continuity mistake: After Cecilia points out Carlos and his father to John while showing him around, they begin walking again. John goes from walking a few feet behind Cecilia to right next to her between cuts.


14th Dec 2023

Saw X (2023)

Continuity mistake: When John is watching the video of Cecilia, he reaches up and puts his right hand against his face. It then cuts to the opposite angle, and suddenly it's switched to John's left hand being against his face.


14th Dec 2023

Saw X (2023)

Other mistake: When John is watching the video of Cecilia on her website, the video progress bar we've seen twice makes no sense. The first time we see it, it's moving far too fast for the length of the video. Later, we see it a second time, and it has seemingly reset back to the beginning despite it being the same video, and again, it's moving way too fast.


14th Dec 2023

Saw X (2023)

Stupidity: If you pay attention to John's computer desktop, it's hilariously clear that it's just a mockup made for the movie. There are about a dozen files on his desktop that literally just say "File." Every icon has an unrealistically generic name. Etc.


14th Dec 2023

Saw X (2023)

Continuity mistake: When the custodian twists the dial to position two on his trap, his fingers go from extended to curled instantly between cuts.


14th Dec 2023

Saw X (2023)

Continuity mistake: When the custodian grabs the watch out of the drawer at the start of the film, the way he's holding it changes instantly between cuts. (First he's only holding it in his right hand, then he's suddenly holding it with both hands.)


14th Dec 2023

Saw X (2023)

Continuity mistake: When the custodian parks his vacuum near the hospital bed at the start of the film, in the first shot, his vacuum is near the middle of the bed. The camera cuts, and suddenly it's down near the foot of the bed.


14th Dec 2023

Saw X (2023)

Audio problem: When the CT technician asks John if he'd like some help getting down, John says "Thank you very much", but you can tell that he's not saying anything and that the line is just dubbed in. (True, the camera is facing away from him, but his jaw and face aren't moving at all.)


14th Dec 2023

Saw X (2023)

Character mistake: John would have no reason to ask the CT technician if she had any results. He says "that was a long one," indicating he's had this done before and should know it typically takes around 24-48 hours to get results. (Likely just a line of dialogue added for the benefit of the audience, who may not know.)


14th Dec 2023

Saw X (2023)

Trivia: The doctor on the surgery DVD John finds in the ransacked clinic is actually the film's production designer, Anthony Stabley, in a cameo appearance.


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