Avatar: The Last Airbender

Chosen answer: Toph had Katara use it to send a letter to her parents. It never returned.

The Avatar and the Firelord - S3-E6

Question: At the end of Sozin's story, he says that he wiped out the Airtemple, and we see one burning. But it isn't one of the four they visited during the three seasons. The Western Airtemple hangs from the cliff, the Northern and Southern both are on one solitary peak and it doesn't have the distinctive bridges of the Eastern Airtemple. Is it ever explained or shown which one it is in Sozin's story?


Chosen answer: When Sozin says "So I wiped out the Air Temples," we are indeed seeing the three mountains of the Eastern Air Temple burning, with the two bridges being gone in this shot (S3-E6). This does conflict a bit with the image we see of the Eastern Air Temple, with the two bridges intact, when Aang and Appa fly to that Air Temple seeking Guru Pathik (S2-E19). This may possibly be considered a mistake, but the fact is that when we are seeing the burning of the Eastern Air Temple it's from the point of view of Zuko, who is merely reading from Sozin's autobiographical account, and envisioning everything he's reading, which in his mind includes the bridges having been destroyed.

Super Grover

The Ember Island Players - S3-E17

Question: Is there an inside joke or added meaning to the names that worked on the "play"? The "surprisingly informed cabbage merchant" is obvious, but besides that.

Answer: The pirates are from the episodes "The Waterbending Scroll" and "The Waterbending Master" (They're the ones Katara stole the scroll from). The traveling musicians are from "The Cave of Two Lovers. The prisoners of war likely refer to the Kyoshi Warriors, the men of the Southern Water Tribe, and possibly Bumi and the other citizens of Omashu.

Nightmares and Daydreams - S3-E9

Question: In Aang's first dream, his hair, dress, and movements are supposed to resemble Naruto. In his second dream, he's looks like Vash from Trigun. However in the last dream (the one where Aang tells the Firelord that he is the one without pants), I can't quite place who he's supposed to look like. Any help?

Answer: Aang is meant to resemble Goku from Dragon Ball Z in the first nightmare. Though Naruto's and Goku's outfits are very similar, the hair is the clue here. In the final dream, Aang is a caricature of Jin from Samurai Champloo.


Answer: She was banished by her husband, Ozai, for High Treason. She planned and played a significant role in Ozai's seizure of the throne from Fire Lord Azulon. Without her aide, Ozai would have been forced to kill his son, Zuko. Ozai's elder brother, Iroh, would have taken the thrown upon Azulon's death. It is assumed, though never specified, that either she or Ozai killed Azulon to ensure Ozai could be crowned Fire Lord before Iroh's return from the failed siege of Ba Sing Se. In the comics it is revealed that she met a spirit and changed her face and mind so she couldn't remember her kids. She also reunites with her old love and has daughter. When Zuko first meets her he doesn't know who she is, but in the end she asks for her face and memory back. Its also revealed she killed Azulon with a colorless and untraceable poison.


Show generally

Question: I don't remember which episode this is but it's the one where at the end Iroh gets out a picture of his son and some incense and tells his deceased son happy birthday. Then at the end, where it's over in the top right-hand corner of the screen, it reads, "In Memory Of Mako" or something along those lines. Who's Mako? I thought his son was Lu Ten.

Answer: Mako Iwamatsu, often credited simply as "Mako" was the actor who voiced Iroh during the first two season of the show - he died of cancer in July 2006.


The Siege of the North (Part 2) - S1-E20

Question: When Aang is told by Roku that he must ask questions of the centipede monster, why can't Roku ask the centipede monster the questions, then relay the answers to Aang? Roku is already in the spirit world, and would have course have much more experience in these matters. Aang is already taking on enormous burdens simply by knowing his full identity at 12 instead of, as they say several times, 16, then having to train by going on this enormous journey.


Answer: As the Avatar, Aang's main function is to be the bridge between the spirit world and human world. Roku, being a former Avatar knows that Aang has to learn how to interact with spirits. He's certainly under a heavy burden but that's mainly his fault for running away from his responsibilities in the first place. Difficult or not, this is simply a lesson Aang must learn.


Bitter Work - S2-E9

Continuity mistake: When Iroh draws the symbols of the Four Nations in the sand, there is grass on the left side of the Earth symbol in the close ups. In the shots that show all four symbols, the grass is gone. (00:14:25)


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The Ember Island Players - S3-E17

Sokka: Listen to this: The Boy in the Iceberg is a new production from acclaimed playwriter Pu Won Tin. He scowered the globe gathering information on the Avatar. From the icy south pole to the heart of Ba Sing Se. His sources include singing nomads, pirates, prisoners of war and a surprisingly knowlegable merchant of cabbage.

More quotes from Avatar: The Last Airbender

Trivia: All three seasons start out on a boat: season one with Sokka and Katara, season two when Team Avatar is saying goodbye to Pakku, and season three when Aang wakes up on the Fire Nation ship.


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