
Question: When Harry became the champion, why did Dumbledore get mad? I know in the book, he doesn't get mad, he asks Harry calmly. Why did the screenwriters change this?


Answer: It's typical for scenes taken from a book to be depicted a bit differently in a film adaptation. Movies are visual and in this instance, the filmmakers were going for a more dramatic, ramped-up effect. Dumbledore was never mad at Harry, but upset by the turn of events and he had to be certain Harry was not in any way involved.


Answer: He's not mad per se, he is concerned that Harry did it himself and that he put himself in danger. He felt it was careless of him to do that, that's why he asked so furiously.


Question: After she finds out that her father's dead, Elizabeth looks absolutely devastated and Will asks Tia Dalma if there is a way. What exactly does Tia say in reply? And why can't she bring back Elizabeth's father from the dead like she brought back Barbossa?

Answer: She says that he is at peace. It's probably possible that she could bring him back, but he doesn't want to go back.

Greg Dwyer

If she would bring him back, he will be very distraught and not be able to live on normally. He'd probably go insane and commit suicide.


Answer: Tia Dalma (Calypso) brought Barbossa back only because she needed him as part of her plan to escape her corporeal form. The Pirate Lords had imprisoned her in a human body, and only they, which included Barbossa and Jack Sparrow, could release her. There was no reason for her to bring Elizabeth's father back from the dead, particularly as he is at peace and will be reunited with his dead wife.


Answer: He has no concept of money and simply cannot budget at all. Therefore it is likely he squandered his money.


Answer: Scientists actually hardly make any money. Raj is almost fully supported by his parents to live like he lives.


Question: This is a two part question. Firstly how many students did Luke have before his academy was destroyed by Kylo Ren? Secondly what will happen to the New Republic now its capital is destroyed?

Darth Crucible

Answer: Any answer would be conjecture - best just watch the next movie.

Answer: We learn in The Last Jedi that Luke had Ben Solo/Kylo Ren and a dozen other apprentices. Kylo killed 6 of them and took the remaining six as is apprentices, the Knights of Ren.

The knights of Ren are not the six apprentices Kylo takes with him. The knights of Ren are Snoke's followers, dark force users. Kylo joins them and becomes their leader later on.


3rd Apr 2018

Aladdin (1992)

Question: Genie tells Aladdin he cannot kill, or make anyone fall in love, or bring people back from the dead. He also tells Aladdin he cannot wish for more wishes. Shouldn't that make four rules not three?

Answer: The three rules refer to what he could wish for, not how many. It's like a coupon that tells you both what it's good for and limit one per customer. The rules about distinct things that don't affect each other.

Brian Katcher

Answer: The Genie never actually says that he has "3 rules", he just numbers the three you mentioned as he is explaining them. He told Aladdin about the "no more wishes" rule before he sang "Never Had a Friend Like Me." He doesn't include "no more wishes" in his list of rules because Aladdin already knew about it.


Yes of course it's a rule. What difference does it make?


I meant yes it would make four rules.

He says there are a few "provisors", a few "quid pro quo's" (which doesn't make any sense) to the 3 wishes he can do. That's what he can't do because he is limited into doing them. However, the not getting more than 3 wishes is something the Genie himself won't do for him. The 3 limitations he sums up are about the wishes itself, the fact he can do only 3 is a separate rule the Genie himself won't do. So the wishes have only 3 official rules because the Genie can't do anything about them, and 1 particular wish the Genie simply won't grant.


Answer: There is a difference between what he cannot do and won't do.


You're going to going to need to be more specific.

18th May 2005

Braveheart (1995)

Question: Directly before Wallace is beheaded, he sees his dead wife in the crowd. Is this meant to be her ghost or is he imagining it?

Answer: I prefer to think that her spirit is actually there to welcome him to the afterlife.

Its all left for us to figure it out.


Answer: He is imagining it. He is trying focus on the fact he will see his wife again soon, in the after-life, rather than the pain of torture and his impending death.

Mark English

6th Apr 2018

The X-Files (1993)

Trust No 1 - S9-E6

Question: After blowing up the car, when the NSA guy answers Scully's question, "How the hell do you know my size?" he says, "I know the name of your college boyfriend, your true hair colour, your ATM PIN number." This strongly suggests that red is not her true colour. Therefore, my question is: What is the true colour of Scully's hair?

Chop Luftmysza

Answer: He was being facetious. He doesn't specifically know that information, he was merely giving examples of the types of information he has access to.

I think so too.


Answer: Actress Gillian Anderson's natural hair color is strawberry blonde, which she dyed fiery red. (Although in the revival of the show she wears a wig).

The question does not concern Gillian Anderson's true hair colour-it concerns Agent Dana Scully's true hair colour.

Chop Luftmysza

3rd Apr 2018

Shrek 2 (2004)

Question: What caused Fiona to turn back into a human?

Answer: It wasn't a side effect of the "Happily Ever After" potion, it was the main purpose of it. The potion turned the drinker of the potion and his or her true love into a more beautiful form. However, in order for them to stay in that form, they must kiss before midnight. Since Shrek and Fiona waited till after midnight, they reverted back. Donkey also reverts back. There was a script idea to show Dragon also change, but it was scrapped. However, we only see Dragon after the potion wore off, so she too would be in her normal form, since they didn't kiss before midnight.


Answer: Yes. Since the Happily Ever After Potion causes Shrek to become a handsome man and, according to the instructions, causes the persons one true love to also change into a different form, after Shrek became human, Fiona turned back into a human.

Answer: That was an unintended side effect of the "Happily Ever After" potion that caused Shrek to turn human and Donkey to turn into a white stallion; the reason it caused Fiona to revert to her human form is never really explained within the film.


I meant was it Shrek drinking the potion that caused Fiona to turn back into a human.



But they changed because as it says in the film "true form" which means it's who they are in their hearts.

8th Apr 2018

Shrek 2 (2004)

Question: How long did it take for Shrek, Fiona, and Donkey to get to the kingdom of Far Far Away?

Answer: Roughly 2000 "are we there yet?" questions away. Which to Fiona and Shrek must have felt like 10,000 years. But seriously, they come across signs for "away" and "far away" adding up to 900 miles distance, so I'd say "far far away" is about 3000 miles from the swamp. By carriage that's about 21 days if they keep going day and night and at the same, slow pace (6 miles per hour?) they were going.


The curious thing though is where they would get food while traveling to far far away.

The 21 days I said for calculation purposes, obviously they had stops to eat and drink (pee).


Question: I'm still a bit confused on the tripods' actual height. I can't find it anywhere and I just wanted to make sure how tall the tripods are. Preferably in meters but any measurement is fine.

Answer: They're reported to be about 100 feet tall.

Which is about 30.5 meters.


They definitely seemed a lot taller than 100ft in the movies though that's for sure. I would have guessed maybe a few hundred feet.

Answer: In this film, their height is about 150 feet.


21st Mar 2018

Gladiator (2000)

Question: In the first fight scene as gladiators they are chained up together as pairs. Maximus continues not saying anything...then the next battle scene Maximus walks across all of the gladiators and is greeted just like he was when he was a general to his soldiers, and he has a battle against 6 or 7 people. Why was he singled out to fight all by himself? The movie didn't portray him as standing out in the first gladiator battle when he was chained with the Nubian.

Answer: After the first battle he was quickly identified as being General Maximus Decimus Meridius, the great leader of the roman armies, by his fellow gladiators and Proximo. Although the outside world didn't know, Proximo put him up for more prestigious battles because he is a great warrior and leader.


2nd Mar 2018

Predator (1987)

Answer: Most likely it was an act of defiance and to show that it was controlling its own death and didn't fear dying. It may also been attempting to kill Dutch in the resulting explosion.


Answer: Note that he had just learned to laugh from Billy (after hearing the silly joke of Hawkins). Maybe he misinterpreted the situation or redefined the sense of laughing for his purpose.

This is true, the Predator doesn't understand the human expression of laughter, but uses it anyway. Probably a misinterpretation by the predator.


Answer: The predator began laughing knowing that he was about to kill himself and his greatest rival.

Answer: Dutch may have won the battle, but he lost the war. Even though Dutch beat the Predator, the Predator - by blowing up both of them - was the ultimate winner. The Predator was telling Dutch, "Got ya!" - despite your strategies, persistence, and effort, they were all in vain. But the Predator wasn't around to see that Dutch was able to flee in time and save himself. (Now who is laughing?)


4th Mar 2018

The Dark Knight (2008)

Question: Did Harvey Dent know that Bruce Wayne was actually Batman? His quote "Rachel's told me everything about you", and him telling Rachel that they were coming for her seems to imply this to me.

Answer: No, he doesn't know. His comment to Bruce is a very common expression, and it makes sense that Rachel would have told Harvey all about her childhood friendship with Bruce. Bruce's response, 'I certainly hope not', is a reference to his being Batman and he and Rachel's romantic history, both of which he would rather Rachel not broadcast. Harvey telling Rachel that they will rescue her is just to try and keep her calm while they try to figure out how to escape.

Answer: Additionally, if Harvey knew that Bruce is Batman, he would have had even more of a vendetta against him once he became Two-Face, since Batman rescued Harvey earlier and not Rachel. He may have even revealed Batman's secret identity to Commissioner Gordon at the film's climax.


On the other hand, knowing that Batman is Bruce Wayne could cause Dent to realise he is not the only one of who has lost something, Bruce did too. Batman would have a right to speak about whats fair.


19th Jan 2014

Jumanji (1995)

Question: At the end, how is it that Alan and Sarah remember Judy and Peter, if they grew up as if nothing had happened?

Melanie Elsworthy

Chosen answer: Alan and Sarah remember everything that had happened during the course of the game's length, as would Judy and Peter if they'd been alive yet when the game started. All players retain their memory of the game after it ends, except in this sort of unusual circumstance where two of them didn't exist at the time the game began.


With the logic of Jumanji 2, Judy and Peter will also remember Jumanji in 1995. They still do not remember it because the final scene of the first film is at Christmas 1994.

Too bad Jumanji 2 has no logic and has nothing to do with this one except the name.


The logic of Jumanji 2 (which this is) doesn't apply because the idea is in the original Jumanji film, Alan and Sarah changed Judy and Peter's history and they ended up never playing the game. In Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle, Alex does nothing to change the history of the 4 main characters, therefore, they go on to play the game after Alex returns to his own time.


Answer: Actually I believe the kids did remember there was a silent look shared between all them at the end when they meet up that many people say is confusion but I think its more along the lines of "hey don't blow this shared secret none of us can explain"

Nah there is no indication that Peter an Judy remembered as well. Think about it, they would have remembers from since they were born. Also, they would then also know their parents will die in an accident. Thats crazy. They had that look because Alan and Sarah reacted that way and were wondering why they did that. They didn't say anything and even wondered why Alan and Sarah so emphatically said "no" to their parents going skiing (where they would have their accident).


I feel Judy and Peter remember Alan and Sarah because when Alan and Sarah shouted that Judy and Peters parents cannot go for the skiing vacation Judy and Peter did not have a shocked look on their face instead they had a smile on their face.

Question: I've been wanting to finally watch the TV series, but I've never understood one thing... I know the movie is technically not 100% canonical with the series, but I've heard they later tried to connect it with the series with a comic-book adaptation. So should I watch the movie before the series? Or should I just go ahead and watch the series on its own, and treat the movie as an entirely separate "thing"? Or can it be done either way?

Answer: I'd say you treat them as 2 separate things. My personal opinion is that you should just watch the series and forget about the movie.


Question: Why did Barty run away, letting Harry go at the world cup? I know he heard the voices of Hermione and Ron but he's smart enough to know that he could've killed them and then just taken Harry. After all, isn't that why he was there in the first place?

Answer: Taking Harry and killing Ron and Hermione at that time would have made it too obvious that Voldemort was behind it. Voldemort's plot hinged on abducting Harry in a way that no one would immediately know what had happened to him. The TriWizard Tournament was traditionally extremely dangerous, resulting in students in past events being killed while competing. Harry's disappearance in the maze would initially be attributed to some tragic mishap, giving Voldemort time to complete his resurrection.


Yeah, the ritual needed to be made ready too I think, for Voldemort's revival.


22nd Feb 2018

Jumanji (1995)

Question: Why did anyone believe Sam killed Alan? Nobody saw it happen and everybody knew Sam loved him. What made anyone believe that Sam killed his own son?

Answer: People believe the craziest things. I don't think it was widely believed Sam killed Alan, but that he ran away from home. Through the passed time stories pop up about murder and hiding Alan behind the walls of the house. It was just a rumour.


Answer: The only mention of the rumor we hear is from the exterminator in 1995. Maybe he just made it up to try to spook Judy and Peter, or he heard a rumor that got distorted over time and didn't question it himself.

Actually Sarah also mentions the same rumor.

Answer: I think it was a way to solve the mystery of the town. All kinds of theories are created.

Even though Sarah Whittle was the only witness to Alan's disappearance.


Question: Why does Darth Vader's mask need to alter his vision (there are digital symbols and a red shade to the lenses)? I had a classmate who had been burned in a fire, including his face, but he could see normally.

Answer: Anakin Skywalker's eyes were fine, the mask visor just gives him extras probably like heat vision and a HUD. Since he was wearing the mask, he might as well wear a visor with technology that enhances his vision.


He had become Darth Vader before the fight with Obi-Wan on Mustafar. He is no longer Anakin Skywalker when he first receives the mask.

11th Feb 2018

The Truman Show (1998)

Question: What did he see in the picture book which made him suspicious?

Answer: Meryl's fingers were crossed in their wedding picture, which made him think she was hiding something or that it was fake somehow. Later when he sees her, he says "I'll cross my fingers for ya" indicating he realises something is up.


Answer: In addition to what Bishop73 responded, he also notices other oddities. For example, the "Mount Rushmore" they allegedly took a vacation to was, in retrospect, pretty miniature.

Michael Albert

I don't think he suspected much from the mount Rushmore miniature, he probably doesn't really know any landmarks that well. You see him wonder for a moment but that was only what spurred him to look closer at his wedding picture.


Question: What was the point of the ending? What message was it trying to send? We have a whole movie sending an anti-racist message, but then a black guy kills Danny for blowing smoke in his face. I'm sure this wasn't the movie's intention, but it kinda seems like we're supposed to believe Derek was originally right and shouldn't have changed.


Chosen answer: No, the message is absolutely not that Derek was originally right. The last part just shows there is evil on both sides and not only the neo-nazis need change. Danny changed, but too late to be saved from being murdered for racist reasons. Its a classic Shakespearean tragedy.


Answer: In the original unaired ending of the movie, it shows Derek staring in the mirror at his home. He takes his shirt off exposing his swastika, then you see hair falling into the sink as he shaves his head.

Anywhere to find that alternate ending?


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