
Answer: The gargoyle had been watching Preston through his window for a long while and, falling in love with him, assumed a human form so she could be with him.


Awkward. I mean eww, should've just left him alone as it was a murderous creature who killed for no reason. She could've done the human form without killing anyone you know.


Well, love makes people (and gargoyles) do weird and stupid things.


Answer: She most likely wanted to keep an eye on him, to make sure he would never break the vow.

Question: If they were constantly being bullied then why didn't Ralph and his friends tell their parents about their bully? That and why take the same route home if they knew that's where he'd be waiting for them?


Answer: Until recently, bullying wasn't taken very seriously. Also, school kids don't take very kindly to the idea of 'snitching.' Scut might have gotten in trouble if they'd told their parents, but in the long run, that might have made things worse for them. As for taking a different route home, it's possible he altered where he ambushed them or that he wasn't there every single day.

Brian Katcher

Thanks it's just that when Mad Magazine did their spoof of this I wondered this as did they.


8th Jan 2020

Aquaman (2018)

Question: Why didn't they move? Surely they could've hidden in one of the other states mainly a landlocked one like Iowa, Nebraska, or Kentucky, as in not near an ocean.


Answer: Yes I mean as in his father and mother should've moved, not the Atlanteans.


They both obviously love the ocean very much, and it might have been to hard for them to live away from it. Call it a false sense of security if you will.

Brian Katcher

Answer: If you are talking about the Atlanteans, their entire civilization sunk into the ocean. Instead of leaving it, all that history, culture and technology, they adapted instead. They didn't want to leave their home and be exiled forever. A lot did go and live in other areas of the ocean but by that time humans had taken over on land, and they didn't want to interfere, nor did they need to by that time.


I think the question is asking why Arthur's parents didn't move. Why, knowing that people from Atlantis are hunting you, would you continue to live near the ocean?


Show generally

Question: Hank bears no resemblance to his father, but strongly resembles his mother. Bobby bears no resemblance to Hank (or seemingly Peggy), but bears a strong resemblance to Hank's father. Is it actually possible for a person to bear such a strong resemblance to one of their Grandparents if they are only getting half their genes from that Grandparent's child and that child bears no resemblance to that particular parent?


Answer: It's also said genetics plays a part here. You can look like an ancestor more than a parent. I myself look nothing like either of mine nor do any of my 3 siblings: older brother, older sister, younger sister.


Chosen answer: The short answer is "yes", it is possible to resemble your Grandparent even if your parent doesn't resemble your Grandparent. The old adage is "it's not like mixing paint", meaning combining genes doesn't always get the same result. It's why full siblings don't always look exactly alike even though they have the same genetic makeup. I look next to nothing like my paternal grandmother but I have a child that greatly resembles her.


Is it a mistake then that Hank's Japanese half-brother strongly resembles him, and by extension Hank's mother, or is that still a small possibility?


Sort of. These are animated characters, and the style of animation isn't particularly detailed. The resemblance between the two is played up for laughs. But there are plenty of real life examples of people that aren't related at all but greatly resemble one another. Famous examples are Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Javier Bardem, or Will Ferrell and Chad Smith.


29th Dec 2019

Carrie (2013)

Question: Why did her mother spare Carrie after giving birth? When they made eye contact was she suddenly sane and filled with love for her new daughter?


Answer: It's doubtful she became momentarily "sane" but the mother/child bond is incredibly strong, and apparently was stronger than Margaret's initial desire to kill her infant.


Thank you, happy new year. I found this to be a touching scene, they just love having Julianne Moore hold babies as she's done this in four or five movies now, latest being Still Alice, took them forever to give her an Academy Award, should've won at least for The Hours prior to this win.


Answer: At the end of the movie, Margaret tells Carrie that she wanted to keep her, and asked God to let her. There's also a small implication that Carrie's powers may have stopped the scissors blades right as they were about to stab her (remember that Carrie doesn't always have control of her powers, and the deleted scenes reveal that she's had the powers since she was very little. They aren't new). This may have led her mother to believe that God himself was stopping the scissors and allowing her to keep the child.

14th Sep 2017

Home Alone (1990)

Question: Why was Kevin's family so mean to him?

Answer: I think it was a way to make leaving him "home alone" more realistic and understandable as opposed to absurd. Being perceived as a brat/pest and annoying to be around, it is (somewhat) conceivable that none of the family members would be eager to have Kevin by their side. This "frees" all of them from noticing that Kevin isn't with them. Everyone would just assume that Kevin is somewhere among them and each be glad they didn't have to sit next to him on the way to the airport or during the long flight.


In addition to this, the movie is partially about Kevin learning to have more respect for others. He appreciates his family more as he spends more time without them.

Answer: The ones who were mean just saw Kevin as a brat. However, it's not uncommon in situations of being in an overcrowded house to easily lose one's patience and temper and become frustrated with small, but irritating things; which seems to happen to his mother. Buzz just has that general big brother contempt for his kid brother, but obviously still loves him, along with everyone else in the family, at the end when he finds out Kevin is safe.


Nuts to that. They all could've tried a little harder, that's one lame excuse for treating someone like garbage and I come from a good sized bunch who've done the same to me. You also forget his uncle didn't care about him regardless of the situation.


Like it or not the answer is perfectly valid. Families have different dynamics. Kevin is something of a brat (he calls his mother "dummy" and openly wishes he didn't have a family), as are his brothers and sisters, especially Buzz. I for one have TWO uncles in my family who behave just like the uncle in the movie. We don't invite them over, but we've had similar situations to what's depicted in the film.

Hey I've had three uncles, father's older brothers, he hated all three of them, cared only when they started dying. Yeah the dynamics and all, my mother has stated "You ruined this family" though this bunch didn't need my help in being messed up. My sympathies to you Mr Hoffman, your uncles Dustin and Philip Seymour must be/been terrible, just kidding only on the famous names there, no offense meant.


It's just a movie! The characters are fictional and were given contrived, exaggerated, over-the-top personalities to fit the comedic plot. It's pointless to compare them to real-life family dynamics.


Exactly. It's done for entertainment.


Also, it's a movie from a child's point of view. Kevin is supposed to be the "victim." As a 35-year-old, I have more sympathy for the adults and older kids. The movie is about Kevin learning to miss his family and be more considerate of others.

11th Dec 2019

Batman and Robin (1997)

Question: How does Ivy get Nora's snowflake necklace without getting her costume soaked in the cyro fluid or whatever it is?


Answer: Maybe she drained the cryo-tube first? Maybe she did get wet but had dried off by the time we see her again? Maybe Bane did it for her? Pick whatever answer works best for you. It's a really small, insignificant detail in the film with plenty of potential answers.


Thanks though keep in mind she wouldn't have a clue as to how it works since she's a botanist not a scientist in cyro genetics.


She pulled the plug on the thing so Nora died and the tank drained (either automatically or Ivy did it). She just took the necklace off the body.


Answer: She most likely used her mind control potion on someone and had them do it for her.

18th Dec 2019

The Fugitive (1993)

Question: When Kimble is in the hospital with the boy he changes the diagnosis to what? I have tried to look but it cuts away as he's writing it down on the boy's file.

Answer: When Richard changes the diagnosis, the first thing he writes down is "AO" which is medical shorthand for aorta. Many people who have medical degrees and saw the movie speculate that Joel had an aortic tear. This would cause blood to flow into the chest cavity making it difficult to breathe and with the impact from the crash it could have caused the fatal injury. An aortic tear requires immediate surgery and by changing Joel's diagnosis, Kimble was able to save his life.

Answer: Kimble is watching as the doctor, Al, looks at the chest film and states "possible fractured sternum, he's stable," and we can see Kimble's bothered by that. Then Kimble is told to take the boy to observation room 2. When Kimble questions the boy and looks at the chest film, Kimble ignores what he was told, and instead heads directly for the surgical OR. In the elevator he draws a line over the incorrect essential diagnosis: "depress chest w/ poss fr" (possible fracture), and begins to write "Ao," then he scribbles a signature on the Patient of Dr line. The essential diagnosis Kimble writes is presumably an Aortic trauma, which is a life-threatening critical injury and requires immediate attention. So when Kimble brings the boy to the OR (instead of observation room 2) for the emergency medical procedure, he tells the doctor the boy was sent up from downstairs. The child is then taken to operating room 4, STAT, saving the child's life.

Super Grover

Its a pneumothorax, is air trapped between the lung and the ribcage and it's very common.

Answer: The presumption is the boy was misdiagnosed and he changed the chart to the correct diagnosis. The doctor says later that he saved the boy's life. Most likely he changed the charge to order specific tests.

Answer: It's never specified what he changed the orders to, nor is it important to know. This was done only add to the plot where the other doctor noticed him looking at the X-ray, arousing her suspicion, then creating suspense as Kimble barely escapes from the hospital.


We know it isn't important know, it's just a point of curiosity.

True and if you notice that's the always reliable Julianne Moore as the other doctor. This was the first movie that she did that was lampooned in Mad magazine, the next would be Mocking Jay Part 1.


"The Lost World: Jurassic Park" and "Hannibal" were both lampooned by Mad before "The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1."


I totally get that you're curious about it. Just saying that filmmakers usually aren't concerned with showing small details like that. They use broader strokes to tell the story.


A lot of film makers do put in small details into their work. Yes, some are lazy, for example, repeating 1 or 2 paragraphs in a news article too look like they whole page is filled. Others take time to have the whole thing filled out, even adding funny things for the viewer who paused the video to read. This is why there's a lot of trivia entries and questions about what something small was or meant. A casual viewer wouldn't know if what they saw meant something or was the film makers being lazy.


Answer: Amy does not wear pants because Mayim Bialik does not wear them in her personal life. She is Jewish and observes the Judaic custom of modesty and only wears skirts. The Big Bang producers allowed her to incorporate this practice into her Amy character.


Thank you, I didn't know this. My apologies if I offended anyone.


I don't think anyone is offended. I had to do a little research for the answer as I became curious about the reason for this.


Answer: Character choice.


Question: Why doesn't Ralphie's father realise he's the one who unintentionally taught his son how to cuss, much less buy his lame excuse?


Answer: Because it's a funny look at real life. It's common for parents to cuss around their children, then be shocked when the kids start using the language themselves.

Exactly right. My parents cussed quite a bit when I was a child, but the first time I ever swore in front of my mother, she thought I learned it from watching The Real World with my sister.

immortal eskimo

True. I'd forgotten I learned how to cuss from my folks.


Answer: I think he did know. When he tells Ralphie to get in the car after saying the bad word, he kinda laughs to himself. It's only after Mom razzes him about taking too long to change the tire that he decides to share that Ralphie swore.

22nd Apr 2019

King of the Hill (1997)

Hank's Back - S8-E20

Question: Yogi Victor tells Hank "Lunch is one of the worst things you can do to yourself." Does this have any real-life basis in yoga practice, or is it just a personal belief of his?

Answer: Perhaps he's one of those who believes in keeping their eating limited to stay healthy or he could be anorexic or bulimic.


I don't think he is anorexic or bulimic. He seems quite proud of himself and his opinions, and he confidently flirts with a woman in his class. If I am correct, people with eating disorders tend to have low self-esteem. They also feel disgusted with themselves and hide their unusual eating habits.

Chosen answer: Purely a creative decision, but based on the tone of this question I don't suppose you're honestly after an answer so much as you are just looking for someplace to express your distaste.


Because Schumacher wanted to base the suits on Greek sculptures hence the nipples. Don't forget Robin's shorts or Batman wearing different colored cowls in the comics, perhaps this was a nod to that.


24th Nov 2013

Critters (1986)

Question: Any particular reason why they chose not to have the Krites grow huge in the sequels?

Answer: Maybe it's because they didn't have the budget where they could afford to do such an idea.


28th Nov 2019

Charlie's Angels (1976)

Answer: Hack, who was best known as the "Charlie" perfume model, was brought in after Kate Jackson was let go following numerous disputes she'd had with producers over script quality. At the same time, ratings for the show had been falling. Hack, Tiffany Welles, was supposed to add more glamour and a mystique intrigue to the show. While there was an initial spike in the ratings, they soon declined again. Hack was let go after one season and replaced by Tanya Roberts, who also failed to improve ratings, leading to the show's cancellation.


Thanks. Still let's face, the novelty had worn off and it was just a T and A show. I mean, anyone hear of anything worth watching starring any of them outside of this say a few things like Sheena?


Farrah Fawcett probably had the more notable post-Charlie career. She left a silly hit show to pursue more serious work. She received good reviews for such movies as The Burning Bed, Extremities, etc.


20th Nov 2019

Insurgent (2015)

Question: Why does Evelyn kill Jeannine at the end? This isn't how the book goes and she's executed by Tori in Allegiant at the beginning.


Answer: Movies seldom follow books exactly as they were written. Details change, characters are eliminated or added, locales change, etc. This was probably done to compress and streamline the plot to better serve the film medium.


True but in the book it's more emotional when Tori does it as she did it to avenge her brother George whom she thought Jeannine killed.


Answer: When Tris is in the sim where she identifies Four as a sim. Jeannine says she has completed four sims and Peter says what about Amity, Jeannine says she already passed that when she spared your life. But then Tris ends up doing Amity again as the last one?

20th Nov 2019

Twilight (2008)

Question: How come the vampires don't die during the day and are awake? How can the werewolves transform at will instead of by a full moon?


Answer: Because they are fictional characters, and Stephanie Meyer made up new rules for them to suit her narrative.

She should've still respected the lore as most do. This series is her as Bella and the two guys are based on guys she lusted for in high school who ignored her. Read between the lines people.


Traditional folklore about vampires does not mention sunlight being harmful to vampires. This is a more modern characteristic.


Answer: The moon has no effect on the Quileutes because they are not werewolves. In the books, they are shape-shifters that can change at will. Rather than being created by a werewolf's bite, some Quileutes are born with a gene that becomes active and transforms them into wolves when vampires are near. They cannot turn other people into wolves. The movie series glossed over this fact, apparently to avoid confusion about the differences. Even though they are called "werewolves" in the movies, that is not what they are.


In addition, actual werewolves do exist in the Twilight universe. They are called "Children of the Moon." They follow most of the standard werewolf myths: changing only during the night of a full moon, feral behavior, infecting others by biting them, etc... They are also immune to vampire venom. The Volturi hunted them nearly to extinction after one nearly killed Caius.


Answer: It seems like you already decided your own answer, but like a lot of mythology and lore, hundreds of variations occur. Most often werewolves can change at will once they've gone through their first transformation. In a lot of lore, the full moon only forces them to change, even if it's against their will. It does not mean it's the only way to change. Meyer did add a twist to vampires in the sun, but in many stories, sunlight is not fatal, they can be safe in the shadows, or the sunlight only weakens, not kills, them, and/or they are strengthened by the moonlight (which is why they came out at night).


Didn't decide, only observed what I'd seen with the like of Chaney's Wolfman and Lugosi's Dracula, that's all.


The horror movies of that era, like Dracula, Frankenstein, The Wolfman, etc. freely adapted their own interpretation of traditional folklore.


20th Nov 2019

Forrest Gump (1994)

Answer: In the sequel novel 'Gump and Company, ' it's revealed that Jenny died of Hepatitis C. The odds of passing that to a child are about 1 in 25, so Forrest, Jr, is likely in the clear (and it's possible she contracted it after he was born). Https://

Brian Katcher

Thanks, just curious like I was if she took advantage of Forrest given his mental capacity which would be heavily scrutinized.


30th Sep 2019

Batman and Robin (1997)

Answer: As to the first part of your question, Mr. Freeze was temporarily placed in Poison Ivy's cell while his own cell was being remade into a lab for him to continue his research.


Thanks, in the book version of the movie he bribed the guards with diamonds used to power his suit. That and everyone forgets she's a victim like him, not asking to be turned into a monster, so it just seems unfair.


23rd Sep 2019

Charlie's Angels (1976)

Show generally

Question: Why in the world would they be comfortable working for a guy they never see? What made them not think he could be a crime boss who only had them take down former associates of his or use them to punish disobedient flunkies? Why does he even start this detective agency anyway?


Answer: Charlie had testified against some very powerful men, and they were sent to jail based on the evidence he collected and his testimony. These men were released from prison on a technicality, so Charlie went into hiding. Charlie believed anyone who knew his whereabouts or had seen his face were also in jeopardy. So that's why he only calls on the telephone and they never get to see his face. The reason why these 3 women would work for a man they never met is because after they graduated from the police academy due to sexism they were only assigned duties like a crossing guard, filing, and answering the phone as police women.

Answer: There is no rational, realistic reason why Charlie is never seen or his real identity known or the reason given about why he started the agency. This is just a gimmick for a silly TV show that is meant to intrigue the audience and to keep them guessing about who he is.


Answer: It's never explained why Charlie is never seen, but there have been hints to his past as a cop. In one episode the Angels meet up with a bitter cop, who says, "When Charlie and I started out together, we were two rookie cops walking a beat. Twenty years later, he gets a Rolls-Royce and I get a bleeding ulcer."

Well do they ever say where he got his money? Stock market, inheritance, being a televangelist? Just kidding on the last one.


26th Sep 2019

Grease (1978)

Question: Why did Principal McGee look so upset during ChaCha and Danny's dance?

Answer: They had mentioned as part of the rules that any vulgar dancing would result in disqualification, so I think her reaction wasn't just displeasure about the dance moves, but she's stressed and on the fence about whether or not to step in and disqualify them.

Answer: They were dancing in a very suggestive manner, and it made her uncomfortable.

So what? She could've had it broken up, them tossed out but logic's not used in musicals.


Breaking them up and tossing them out, that was not as easy as you make it sound. Before the contest started, McGee even said rule #3 was "tasteless or vulgar" dancing will be "disqualified," however she was not judging the contest. Despite McGee's uneasiness with Danny and Cha Cha's very suggestive dance moves, she chose not to have the popular pair disqualified. Rydell's dance was being televised, and at that point Danny and Cha Cha were the only two dancers left on the floor, surrounded by everyone else's exuberant enthusiastic support.

Super Grover

She was not judging the contest nor was she enforcing the rules, thus making her powerless in this situation.

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