
Invisible House For Sale - S4-E16

Plot hole: When Roger arrives at 1020 Palm Drive, he thinks Major Nelson's house is gone, but he soon discovers the house is still there, but invisible. He opens the door to enter and closes the door behind himself. Yet, from inside the closed house, Roger is able to hold a normal conversation with Mr. Winkler, who is on the street. The window was not open, since Roger opens the invisible window to climb out of the house.


Invisible House For Sale - S4-E16

Continuity mistake: Throughout this episode, the coat rack behind Major Nelson's front door alternates between having a coat of arms decoration in the middle or nothing in the middle. It seems this episode was filmed while a set change was taking place, since previous episodes feature a hand holding a bell as the center decoration for the coat rack and following episodes feature the coat of arms decoration.


Invisible House For Sale - S4-E16

Revealing mistake: At the beginning of this episode, Major Nelson is about to prune a tree branch in the front yard, but Jeannie blinks it down before he can cut it. The wire that was holding up the branch is visible just above Major Nelson's head. (00:00:05)


How To Marry an Astronaut - S4-E10

Continuity mistake: The final scene of this episode is in Major Nelson's living room. Just after Jeannie blinks in the invisible minister, there is a quick shot of Major Nelson turning his head, but the background is an office at NASA, with green paint and paneling. Major Nelson's home has paneling but no green paint. (00:29:50)


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