
19th May 2023

Supernatural (2005)

ScoobyNatural - S13-E16

Other mistake: In the original "Scooby-Doo" episode from which this episode is taken from, the house for the reading of the will was on an island as the Mystery, Inc. gang travelled to the house via motorboat. In this episode of "Supernatural", Sam, Dean, and the Mystery, Inc. Crew merely drive up to the house.


9th Nov 2022

Roots (1977)

Part 1 Roots: The Saga of An American Family - S1-E1

Other mistake: During the voyage aboard the Lord Ligonier, none of the African captives have shaved nor had haircuts during the long voyage across the sea, but they are clean-shaven and their hair the same length when they berth in Annapolis as when they were first loaded aboard ship in Africa.


3rd Jan 2022

The Invaders (1967)

Task Force - S2-E16

Other mistake: After David and June escape towards the hill, an alien with a silenced revolver exits the farmhouse, but there is already a puff of gun smoke in the air before he begins shooting at them.


24th Jul 2020

Combat! (1962)

The Hell Machine - S3-E28

Other mistake: When Saunders' tank and the other tank are sparring against each other, closeup shots of the tanks' rear drive sprockets show them moving in reverse, but overhead shots of the vehicles show the tanks moving forward.


17th Jan 2020

The Shadow (1994)

Other mistake: While Cranston and Shrevnitz discuss Margo Lane, the view through the cab's windshield shows the vehicle heading for a building, but the next shot of Shrevnitz driving shows him making no attempt to turn the cab's steering wheel to avoid the building.


6th Aug 2019

Time Tunnel (1966)

24th May 2019

Time Tunnel (1966)

22nd May 2019

Time Tunnel (1966)

22nd May 2019

Time Tunnel (1966)

The Revenge of Robin Hood - S1-E16

Other mistake: As the King's guards prepare to torture Doug and the Earl of Huntington with red-hot irons, one of them is handling the irons without gloves or any other non-conductive material to prevent his hands from being fried.


14th May 2019

Time Tunnel (1966)

Invasion - S1-E15

Other mistake: During the scenes of the invasion of Normandy, stock footage of U.S. Marines, Marine landing craft, Marine tanks, etc., conducting landings in the Pacific theater is used.


Primal Scream - S1-E13

Other mistake: Considering Jules Kopenic was violently murdered and had his arm ripped off, there was remarkably no blood at the murder scene as Kolchak snaps photos of the crime scene.


Primal Scream - S1-E13

Other mistake: Vincenzo is looking at a photo of the gorilla Kolchak took of it earlier in the episode. It is a side shot, but Kolchak took two pics when he encountered it, one frontal, and the other shot as the creature was running away from Kolchak and the authorities.


30th Jul 2018

Munster, Go Home! (1966)

Other mistake: Actor Robert Pine's English accent comes and goes in his scenes with actress Debbie Watson.


30th Jul 2018

Munster, Go Home! (1966)

Other mistake: The Dragula Herman is driving begins spinning out of control before he hits the oil slick.


Other mistake: During the fight on the dam between von Ragnar and Lance, the protective cover of von Ragnar's deadly middle finger nail is never seen until the closeup shot of von Ragnar removing it.


The Night of the Brain - S2-E21

Other mistake: Throughout this episode Gordon keeps producing orange-sized smoke bombs, but he has no pockets in his clothing large enough for all of them and if he did, the size of the bombs would be obvious in his clothing.


20th Feb 2018

The Invaders (1967)

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