
27th May 2024

The Shield (2002)

Blowback - S1-E5

Plot hole: Detective Vendrell and his girlfriend are out looking for his stolen black Navigator, but they pull over and interrogate drivers of a blue Navigator.


1st May 2024

Blue Bloods (2010)

On the Ropes - S14-E7

Plot hole: Jamie and his witness are in a patrol car when they are attacked by criminals in a van firing machine guns at them. Jamie (of course) chases them away after a prolonged firefight, and when the van is driving away we see another patrol car also shooting at the fleeing suspects. There didn't appear to be any cars with Jamie, nor did anyone come to his aid during the gunfight, and this other patrol car was facing the wrong direction.


1st May 2024

Blue Bloods (2010)

On the Ropes - S14-E7

Plot hole: Early in the show, Jamie is in a patrol car escorting a witness when they are attacked by several guys in a van. The side windows of their cruiser seem shatterproof and withstand many bullets, while the rear window is shattered immediately. NYPD cruisers do not have bulletproof windows.


31st Dec 2023

Round and Round (2023)

Plot hole: Throughout this Hanukkah-themed movie, the family lights Hanukkah candles several times but only recites the first prayer, although Jewish ritual requires two prayers each night, except the first night in which three prayers are recited.


31st Dec 2023

Round and Round (2023)

Plot hole: Rachel and Zach decide to confront her boyfriend in a bar in the Tribeca section of Manhattan. The street sign shown to identify the bar's location is 44th, which is well north of Tribeca.


20th May 2023

Law & Order (1990)

Open Wounds - S22-E22

Plot hole: Price suddenly asks for a recess while questioning the defendant and exits the courtroom. It is dark outside but courts would not be working in the evening during a regular session. Furthermore, the episode was not set in the winter since no-one was wearing coats during the episode.


1st Oct 2022

FBI (2018)

Love Is Blind - S5-E2

Plot hole: When Scola and Nina enter the suspect's apartment and begin the search, Nina, before she enters one of the rooms says to Scola " come in here you should see this" indicating that she was aware of something important in a room that she had not yet been in.


17th Feb 2022

1883 (2021)

The Fangs of Freedom - S1-E5

Plot hole: When the bandits attack the pioneer's wagons they are chased on horseback by the Captain, Jack and others for quite a distance until Ennis is killed in the confrontation with one of the bandits. In the following scenes Elsa is mourning over his body but her mother and others from the wagon train stroll up and the wagons are in the background-all this after a fairly long chase.


9th Apr 2021

Parker (2013)

Plot hole: Although Parker is seeking his revenge on the gang holed up in Palm Beach, he is staying in Boca Raton at the Boca Hotel and Beach Club and hires a real estate agent in Boca to look at properties and scout Palm Beach. Boca and Palm Beach. Boca is about 30 miles from Palm Beach and real estate agents in Boca would have little to no knowledge of real estate there.


7th Nov 2019

FBI (2018)

Outsider - S2-E6

Plot hole: The FBI is looking for a "very tall" guy who has been identified as such by various witnesses and by their own expert due to the entry angle of a fatal bullet wound - 6'5" at least. They send Elena into a bar near the end of the show to meet the Albanian perp who when he arrives is barely average height.


28th Jun 2016

Royal Pains (2009)

Home Sick - S8-E6

Plot hole: Evan talks his and Paige's way into the sterile area where the embryo implantation is taking place. The med technician stresses how sterile it must be, and yet Evan and Paige are shown with neither masks nor gloves.


14th Dec 2012

Unknown (2011)

Plot hole: The Aldon Hotel is seriously damaged by the explosion including scenes in the lobby and ground floor as the principal characters are escaping. Yet, a press conference is held in the same hotel just days later announcing the scientific breakthrough.


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