
Trivia: When Chaz is outside the radio station confessing to his girlfriend that his real name is Chester and he was a geek in high school, the guy in the crowd who shouts out "I was the editor of the school magazine" is Lemmy Kelmister, the lead singer of the metal band Motorhead.

Trivia: Not really a mistake but a hidden joke. When the station manager announces that the radio station is changing formats and will be completely restaffed, if you turn the volume up you can hear the blond secretary mumble to herself, "Great, all those b*ow jobs for nothing."

Trivia: In all scenes outside where you see the skyscraper in the background, the building is The Fox Movie Tower that was used as Nakatomi Tower in Die Hard.

Continuity mistake: Near the end of the film the band is rebelling on stage. It shows a shot of Pip pushing a drum over, the next shot shows him pushing the exact same drum over again. (01:26:25)

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Chazz: Who'd win in a wrestling match, Lemmy or God?
Chris Moore: Lemmy.
[Rex imitates a game show buzzer.]
Chris Moore: God?
Rex: Wrong, dickhead. Trick question. Lemmy is God.

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