
Skins (2007)

21 mistakes in season 1

(3 votes)

Tony - S1-E1

Other mistake: After the car plunges into the canal, Anwar is dripping wet like everyone else in the next shot. However he wasn't even in the car at the time.


Jal - S1-E3

Continuity mistake: When Michelle goes over to pick out a dress for Jal, between a wide shot and a closeup, after she picks the black dress, the curtain moves.


Tony - S1-E1

Continuity mistake: During the party, Cassie's eyeshadow is a pale green, but on the trampoline it is a pale purple. It later returns to being green again.


Cassie - S1-E2

Continuity mistake: When Cassie finds the note that says "Eat!" on it, the appearance of the handwriting of the word changes when she sticks the note on the bus window.


Jal - S1-E3

Continuity mistake: When the school director is talking to Jal, in one shot she takes her glasses off. In the very next they're back on, then off again.


Tony - S1-E1

Continuity mistake: When Michelle is walking to the café, in shots from behind, Sid holds his knife up to his mouth. In shots from the front, it's down on the table.


Tony - S1-E1

Continuity mistake: At the party, Tony's socks are white. However they are black later, as he walks along the road drenched. At no point did he change them.


Michelle - S1-E7

Continuity mistake: At the beginning of the episode where Michelle punches Tony then storms off, Michelle and Jal leave the rest of the group standing under some trees. However, in the background of the next shot we see the space under the trees is empty.


Chris Miles: Last night man, cool. Total blast. Everything you could ever want from an evening. Songs, choir girls, colourful costumes, fellatio... rabbits.

More quotes from Skins

J.J. - S3-E7

Trivia: In Cook's apartment there is some writing on the wall that says "Chris loves fish" which is a reference to generation 1 with the character Chris having a subtle obsession with fish. (00:29:05)

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