Monk mistake picture

Mr. Monk Buys A House - S7-E1

Continuity mistake: In the hardware store, a bright blue sign in the background reads "Electrical" in reverse. When Jake hands Monk his card a few shots later, the camera angle hasn't changed, but the sign has turned around and now reads "Electrical" forwards. (00:15:00)

Jean G

Mr. Monk and the Astronaut - S4-E14

Continuity mistake: When the captain receives the victim's phone record (outside at the neighbor's house) he calls a number on the bill. But the phone starts to ring (on the other end) before he presses the last digit.

Mr. Monk Bumps His Head - S4-E11

Continuity mistake: When Cora goes upstairs, her cat is curled up asleep in a chair. In the next, close-up shot, the cat is awake and sitting at the edge of the chair cushion, looking up at Monk with its front feet hanging over the side. When the shot cuts to wide angle again, kitty is instantly back in his original position, snoozing far from the edge and curled up against the pillows. (00:32:45)

Jean G

Mr. Monk and the Astronaut - S4-E14

Continuity mistake: When Monk is describing the laser pointer incident to Dr. Kroger, the doctor closes his black folder and puts it on the arm of his chair. In the very next shot, it's back in his lap, and he again closes it and places it on the chair arm. (00:25:00)

Jean G

Mr. Monk and the Naked Man - S6-E3

Plot hole: SPOILER Arlene Boras swaps Peter Magneri's MRI scans for those of a healthy person in order to hide the fact that he has a potentially lethal aortic aneurysm. Clearly visible on the MRI scans she is holding are the dates and times of the examination - and the name of the patient. Swapping the records is pointless.

Mr. Monk and the Voodoo Curse - S8-E7

Plot hole: The murderer planted the voodoo dolls after the accidents to make them look like victims and cover up her murder of her uncle, but none of that was necessary! She uses an untraceable poison on her elderly uncle to make it look like a heart attack. So if he'd died...they just would have figured it was a heart attack! No suspicion would have fallen on her anyway, the entire voodoo thing was just needlessly complicated and only exists for the episode's plot.

Jon Sandys

Mr. Monk and the Leper - S5-E10

Continuity mistake: Randy is desperately trying to pry his teenage acne photo off the doctor's wall. He knocks the photo underneath it crooked, but it rights itself in the next shot. Then he pulls his picture free, making a large hole in the wall, but knocks all the surrounding photos off onto the floor. There's no time lapse, but when he turns around, the fallen photos have all put themselves neatly back up on the wall, and the hole is gone. (00:32:30)

Jean G

Mr. Monk and the Billionaire Mugger - S1-E7

Continuity mistake: It's spring in San Francisco in this episode: warm with light rain and people outside in shirtsleeves. That is, until Monk goes to visit Kelly, when it suddenly becomes winter. Everyone's bundled in heavy coats and it's sleeting. After Monk leaves Kelly's house, it becomes spring again. [The Kelly Street sequence was originally meant to be used in "Mr. Monk and the Candidate, " where everyone is dressed appropriately for cold weather. For whatever reason, it instead got used in this episode.]

Jean G

Mr. Monk Gets Stuck in Traffic - S3-E13

Factual error: Monk inspects the wrecked VW Beetle and notes that "the air conditioning is off." But it's a standard 1973 VW: they didn't come with A/C, and though you could add it, it tended to overstress the little air-cooled engine. Look closely and you can see that this VW does not have the bulky under-dash compressor needed to run an add-on A/C.

Jean G

Mr. Monk and the Very, Very Old Man - S2-E5

Factual error: When Stottlemeyer backs up the video tape at Monk's house, we can hear the sound chattering backwards. Only a huge industrial (studio) machine would do that. Little home VCRs, like Monk's, mute the sound during in-play rewind and fast forward modes. (00:34:30)

Jean G

Mr. Monk Gets Cabin Fever - S3-E12

Factual error: Randy calls the cabin and gets a "not in service" message. But he should have heard an unanswered ring instead. The FBI agent tore the cord from the wall, which in the US does not generate a "not in service" recording. That only occurs when the phone company cuts off your service due to non-payment or cancellation. (00:30:00)

Jean G

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Trivia: Brooke Adams, Tony Shalhoub's real-life wife, has appeared on the show 5 times. In S1 as Leigh the flight attendant Monk drives crazy in "Mr. Monk and the Airplane"; in S3 as Mrs. Carlyle in "Mr. Monk and the Kid"; in S5 as Sheriff Butterfield in "Mr. Monk Visits a Farm"; in S7, again, as Leigh the flight attendant in "Mr. Monk's 100th Case"; in S8 as the crazy cat lady in "Mr. Monk and the Badge."

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Mr. Monk and the Garbage Strike - S5-E2

Question: Why would it have been political suicide if it was discovered that Mayor Nicholson was secretly meeting with Cusack to end the garbage strike? If anything, if the people found out that they were meeting to find a way to end the garbage strike, wouldn't that have made everybody happy considering how much garbage was piling up all over the city?

Answer: The two men are trying to work out a secret deal between them without involving the union, which means the workers' interests aren't being represented and defeats the whole purpose of a union. The mayor would lose labor's support and Cusack's union troubles would just be starting.

Captain Defenestrator

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