Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: When everybody is wondering on how to escape the aliens, Fry asks Johns why he doesn't tell the group about the real reason Owens died. Was Johns in someway responsible for killing Owens? If so, then how?

Answer: She's not asking about why Owens died, she's asking why he had to die in agony when Johns had a secret stash of morphine that could have eased his pain.


1969 - S2-E21

Question: In this episode who are the hippies, and why are they so important? Their names were Michael & Jennifer, and when the team are going back to the future the hippies wanted to go also, but Jack started to tell them something and then stopped. I just want to know if they are someone from future episodes or something.


Chosen answer: Michael and Jennifer have never showed up past this episode. SG-1 led them to believe (with the help of a Zat gun) that they are aliens, they never told them they were actually from the future. They were simply a couple of nice people willing to help.

Grumpy Scot

Timeslides - S3-E5

Question: At The End of 'Timeslides', even though all has returned to normal, Rimmer has altered history sufficiently so that he is now alive rather than a hologram. As the Dwarfers walk through the cargo decks Rimmer excitedly yells "I am alive.", The End of which is punctuated by an explosion that presumably kills him. The question is: What in God's name causes this explosion? And why do Lister and the Cat appear completely uninterested that one of their crewmates has just been killed?


Chosen answer: Rimmer pounds his fists on two large crates labelled "Explosives", which causes the explosion. The others had wandered off by the time Holly and Rimmer realised he was alive, so they heard Rimmer yelling followed by the explosion but didn't know Rimmer had been harmed, as they didn't know he was alive to start with.


Question: When Batman is at the docks, where all the drugs are being delivered, Batman somehow manages to take out the driver of Falcone's car, without Falcone seeing him. Could someone please tell me how this would be possible?

Answer: We see Falcone get out of the car before Bruce attacks the final group of men; a couple of seconds later, he's deep into the maze of cargo containers, so there's clearly been a jump in time. Bruce simply took out the driver shortly after Falcone got out, then went back to assault the rest of the henchmen. You have to factor in the time jump for it to work, but it does fit together.


Answer: Claudia Wells, the actress who played Jennifer in the first film, dropped out of acting shortly after the film was made, apparently for unspecified medical reasons, only returning to acting in 1996. As such, she was simply not available to play the part.


Claudia Wells was unable to reprise her role because her mother had cancer.

Question: What happened to Tank? Every time he is spoken of it is as if he is dead. Well he survived The Matrix so how did he die?

Answer: Marcus Chong wanted a large salary increase to return as Tank. Since he was a fairly minor character, the producers refused and he was written out. Thus his character must have died between the Matrix and Reloaded.

Grumpy Scot

Question: At the start of the film, when Tom is with that girl, whats so important about Toni showing up? Is she the girls room mate or something?

Answer: Toni is the other girl's girlfriend.


Answer: Three of them. DJ who played Demon in Snow Dogs played Mac. Koda was Yodel and Maya. Buck was Sniff and Old Jack.


Question: What happened to the kid who was fishing at the end who the guy Harry was after took hostage? I don't think Harry shot through him, but I didn't see him when the camera pans out for the credits, is he dead?

Answer: If you watch closely, you see the killer throw him to the side and then take aim at Harry, at which point Harry shoots him. Since we don't see the kid again, we can assume he ran away as soon as the killer let him go.

Not true. Actually, Harry sees the boy, and appears to be lowering his weapon, and then blasts Scorpio... and when the bullet hits him, he is still holding the boy hostage... It is only after Harry shoots him, and he falls to the ground, that we see the boy running away.

Question: How did David Banner receive such a drastically different power from Bruce, and what exactly did he do to Bruce at the fight in the end?

Answer: They are so different because David received the genetic alterations in a relatively concentrated chemical form, whereas Bruce inherited them biologically. At the end, he absorbed Bruce's essence, but we are lead to believe it was too much for David to contain.


Question: When Inspector Lee is in the Foo Chow Restaurant, why is the waitress's necklace so important? In a later shot, Lee grabs the necklace from the waitress and runs. Was that Soo Yung's necklace?

Answer: Yes, it was. It is the necklace that he gives her at the beginning of the film, before they leave for America. He takes it from the waitress so that he can give it back to Soo Yung when he rescues her.


Question: The singer that we see at the party looks to be male - facial features, dress - but has a very high voice. Is this a eunuch or just a person with a very high voice? Is it even possible for men to sing that high if they are not eunuchs?

Answer: He is probably a "castrato," a male soprano. Exceptionally talented choir boys were castrated before puberty to preserve their high voices. This pracitce lasted from the 16th century until the late 19th. The last castrato, Alessandro Moreschi, died in 1913. There are also some men who can naturally sing in this range, called countertenors.


The Stolen Eagle - S1-E1

Question: I don't understand why Pullo is so angry with Vorenus and thinks he needs to apologise. Having fought in Caesar's army for as long as Pullo has he would be very well aware of the repercussions for what he did, why would he blame Vorenus for abiding the law and doing what is required of him as a centurion?

Answer: Its Pullo's nature to resent people of higher standing than him. His jealousy of Vorenus in later episodes, which in part leads to their falling out, is proof of that. From Pullo's point of view, Vorenus just got better breaks to get where he is in the army and so, isn't really his superior. That, plus his natural arrogance is explantion enough for his behaviour in spite of the fact that he broke the rules and was being fairly punished.


Answer: Worf: Curzon's name is an honored one among my people. Dax: (in Klingon) Yeah, but I'm a lot better looking than he was.


Show generally

Question: Why is it that Carla always wears different coloured scrubs, she's always in red, pink, purple, orange etc. Also, how is it that her scrubs are the same but in different colours yet other nurses throughout the show sometimes wear a floral top, which Carla has never worn?

Answer: In many hospitals these days, your scrubs are entirely a matter of choice. The hospital will provide you with a limited number of pieces in a specific (uniform) color, if you desire, or you can provide your own. If Carla chooses to keep a collection of matched tops and bottoms in various colors, or if the other nurses choose to wear floral patterns (and she doesn't), that's entirely up to them.

Rooster of Doom

Question: During "Masquerade/Why so Silent" Raoul looks around and leaves, where does he go?

Answer: He goes off to get a sword. When he comes back, he has the weapon and was intending to fight the phantom.


Question: Obviously I missed a major plot point, so hopefully someone can answer this. How does Dalton Russell know what Arthur Case has in the safety deposit box? Theoretically, only Case would know the highly incriminating contents of his own box. How did Russell find out? Did someone (the rabbi, maybe?) rat out Case? And how did he know?

Answer: There are groups who have spent their lives tracking down those Nazis and their allies that escaped justice after the war. While the specifics are never spelt out, it seems likely that the Rabbi represents one of these groups, who have presumably been watching Case for many years, trying to find incriminating evidence. They may well, for example, have infiltrated one of their people into the bank as an employee - they could have alerted them to the presence of the unlisted safety deposit box, leading the group, via Russell, to stage the 'robbery' to determine what was within.


Answer: I at first thought that the head theft is somehow related, may be the son or grandson of Case's mentioned a friend who was sold to Nazis.

Answer: The man who was "beaten up" for trying to hide his cell phone was a bank employee and an accomplice as he's shown to be a member of the team.

No, he was not revealed at the end to have been part of the team. There were five in total, including Chaim.

Answer: When the box with the bug was sent to the cops, Case came in and told on himself when asking to help out with the cops.

This answer is incorrect. The thieves already knew that the safety deposit box and its contents were in the bank, long before Case was in the police van talking to the cops.

Question: How much time has passed since the first film?

Answer: In a Saw bonus feature called Full Disclosure Report, the events in it take place 1 year after the first Saw. In the bonus, Eric Matthews is seen alive and well with other officers, and it is stated that he was recently suspended from the force for a short amount of time. Since Eric is chained up in the bathroom in Saw II, the events of Saw II must take place at least a year after the first movie.

Question: How come we didn't get to see Qui-Gon Jinn's spirit in the end when it was he, himself, who taught Yoda and Obi-Wan (who taught Anakin) this force ability? I think it would have looked good.

Answer: Because, when the film was originally made, the character of Qui-Gon Jinn hadn't been created. It was a relatively easy task to remove Sebastian Shaw in favour of Hayden Christensen - to add a new figure in would have required them to change the framing of the shot, shuffle the figures about, plus get Liam Neeson in to film it and so forth. It just wasn't worth doing. From the story point of view, it's established in the books that those who do merge with the Force in that manner do have to "move on" eventually - a series set some years after Jedi features Luke's final conversation with Kenobi before the latter goes on to whatever awaits him. Jinn would undoubtedly have moved on long before the events of Jedi.


Answer: Luke and Qui-Gon have never met and Luke has never even been made aware of Qui-Gon's existence in his entire life. I mean, I'm sure Luke would've been gracious about it and just been like, "Well hello Mr. Random Ghost Jedi, thanks for the well wishes!" but seeing as the spirits' appearance looks to be a private gesture from loved ones it doesn't make a whole lot of sense for Qui-Gon to be there.


Show generally

Question: This may seem a bit stupid, but I'm new to the show, and didn't start with the pilot: what is that place where Max, Cindy, Sketch, etc. hang out (Where Normal works)? Judging by the presence of lockers, I would assume it's a gym.

Answer: It's their job. They are bike messengers and have lockers to hold personal stuff.


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