Quotes from John Cusack movies and TV shows - page 6 of 6

Corey Flood: Did you sleep with her?
Lloyd Dobler: I admit nothing.
D.C.: Lloyd, it's us.
Corey Flood: Look at his face. He did the deed.
D.C.: You're an inspiration, Lloyd. You should go on the 700 Club or something.

Lloyd Dobler: She's gone. She gave me a pen. I gave her my heart, she gave me a pen.

Lloyd Dobler: I don't want to sell anything, buy anything, or process anything as a career. I don't want to sell anything bought or processed, or buy anything sold or processed, or process anything sold, bought, or processed, or repair anything sold, bought, or processed. You know, as a career, I don't want to do that.

Lloyd Dobler: One question: are you here 'cause you need someone, or 'cause you need me?.. Forget it, I don't care.

Lloyd Dobler: You used to be fun. You used to be warped and twisted and hilarious... and I mean that in the best way - I mean it as a compliment.
Constance: I was hilarious once, wasn't I?

Lloyd Dobler: Hey my brother, can I borrow a copy of your "Hey Soul Classics"?
Jason Dobler: No, my brother, you have to go buy your own.

Lloyd Dobler: I am looking for a dare to be great situation.

Corey Flood: I'm sorry, it's just that you're a really nice guy and we don't want to see you get hurt.
Lloyd Dobler: I want to get hurt.

Lloyd Dobler: I'm gonna take Diane Court out again.
Corey Flood: Well, that's unlikely.
Lloyd Dobler: Is the movies a good second date? You know, as a date?
Corey Flood: Well, you never had a first date.
Lloyd Dobler: Yes we did. I sat across from her at a mall. We ate together. We ate. That's eating. Sharing an important physical event.
Corey Flood: That's not even a scam.
Lloyd Dobler: What's a scam?
Corey Flood: Going out as friends.
D.C.: No, it's not. Scam is lusting.

Lloyd Dobler: Joe. Joe. She's written 65 songs... 65. They're all about you. They're all about pain.
Joe: So what's up?

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Brand Hauser: Did you know that the word "person" comes from the Latin word "persona", which means mask? So maybe being human means we invite spectators to ponder what lies behind. Each of us will be composed of a variety of masks, and if we can see behind the mask, we would get a burst of clarity. And if that flame was bright enough, that's when we fall in love. What's your opinion on these divine matters?
Natalie Hegalhuzen: I'm not going to fuck you. You know that, right?

Brand Hauser: Be still my trembling hands, for how you would tremble if you knew where I would take you next.

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