
17th Jul 2004

Dracula (1931)

Revealing mistake: When Renfield walks up to the front door of the castle, he is in a court yard where the only light comes from torches. But the light is enough to make him throw a clear shadow on the wall, and the shadow never flickers as it would in torch light.


17th Jul 2004

Dracula (1931)

Other mistake: In the scene where Renfield enters Dracula's castle, it is past midnight and on the outside, it is dark. But there is a LOT of bright light streaming through the windows into the castle, throwing well-defined shadows. (00:09:10)


21st Jun 2004

Troy (2004)

Trivia: According to legend, Achilles' only vulnerable spot was his heel, where he eventually was hit with a poisoned arrow. The movie shows how such a legend can arise - when the soldiers first come to Achilles' body, he has pulled out all of the arrows in his chest and the only one visible is the one in his heel.


15th Jun 2004

Taxi Driver (1976)

8th Jun 2004

Shaolin Soccer (2001)

Other mistake: In the very last scene, we see a poster for Time magazine telling the story of the husband and wife Kung fu athletes. The bottom line reads "Wins World champion Bowling again". It should be "Championship".


3rd Jun 2004

Face/Off (1997)

Audio problem: When Castor wakes up from his coma, he reaches up to his face and pulls out the nose plugs that fed him oxygen. Strangely enough, his heart monitor stops beeping when the plug is removed.


7th May 2004

Savate (1995)

Continuity mistake: Charlegrande stabs von Trotta in his right eye, but in all later scenes it is the left eye that's missing.


7th May 2004

Savate (1995)

Continuity mistake: After Charlegrande is shot in the leg, his entire pant leg (thigh to foot) is soaked with blood. Except for the final scene, when the blood is a much smaller spot, only on his thigh.


22nd Apr 2004

The Simpsons (1989)

Show generally

Question: The Flanders live on one side of the Simpsons, who lives on the other side? Note: Not Gerald Ford, he lives across the street from them.


Chosen answer: A divorcee (Ruth Powers) who has a daughter that Bart fancies. An old couple used to live there, but moved and I remember an episode where Homer was sitting in a paddle pool eating a hot dog, grossing out potential clients.


14th Apr 2004

Willow (1988)

Continuity mistake: When the midwife runs off with Elora, the baby is practically bald. The "dogs" are immediately sent out for them (as you can see and hear the Queen ordering on screen), but they don't catch up until the baby has grown a full head of red hair. Even the fact that you see the midwife struggling through snow to a green forest, supports this. She is going over the mountains (looking down on the castle), and her pursuers still are not able to follow the tracks she left in the snow.


Trivia: Tommy Johnson was a real bluesman of the time, who was rumored to have sold his soul to the Devil. He was supposed to have met the Devil by "the crossroads", where in fact Everett & co first meet him. While this is also true about Robert Johnson, the character in the movie was always supposed to be Tommy (who also contributed actively to spreading the rumor for the PR value, unlike Robert).


26th Feb 2004

Immortal Beloved (1994)

Trivia: Gary Oldman, when preparing for the role, asked the director what biographies on Beethoven he should read. The director told him that the only biography needed was Beethoven's music, since it reflected his soul and emotions the best.


Trivia: No wonder Quatermain knew of Moriarty - in his cabin on the Nautilus (the scene where he evicts the invisible Skinner) you can see a copy of Strand Magazine, the magazine that first published the exploits of one Mr. Sherlock Holmes.


Revealing mistake: The "Old man-ghoul" changes appearances drastically throughout the entire movie. In some scenes, it is Bela Lugosi in vampire cape, in others it is the famous "double" who is a head taller than Lugosi, a lot thinner and has a different hairstyle. He covers his face with his cape, but this does not help a lot...


17th Feb 2004

Ghost Ship (2002)

Factual error: Murphy tells the story of the "Mary Celeste" all wrong. As this is a real incident, from real life, there would be no need for him to make anything up or tell it as a "tall tale", and as a professional salvage expert he would be familiar with it. The "Mary Celeste" was carrying 1700 barrels of denatured alcohol, not cotton, like he says. And she did not sail into the Mediterranean on her own to be found off Tripoli, but was discovered straight on course in the Atlantic, despite having been abandoned for some time (according to the last log entry). See for more details.


17th Feb 2004

Unbreakable (2000)

Trivia: Another comic book reference: Most of the film is shot through door frames, windows, between seats or otherwise "framed" like comic book panels.


17th Feb 2004

Unbreakable (2000)

Trivia: Another comic book reference: they both have signature colors. Mr Glass' color is purple (his clothes, the envelope he leaves on the windshield, interior of his house, etc.) while David's is green (all of the interior in his house, his raincoat, his suit on the train etc.).


Question: Why does the Jedi council decide against training Anakin? One thing is that Yoda senses much fear in him, and that he is past the standard age for training, but with his power level you would think it wiser NOT to have him running around like a loose cannon, developing his powers in all sorts of directions, not to mention the risk of him being recruited by Dark Jedi.


Chosen answer: Yoda and others on the council probably used Jedi farseeing (a power mentioned in the novel sequels which have been said to be part of the universe continuity by Lucas) and learned it to be a bad idea. It is also possible that Anakin's bringing "balance to the Force" is by becoming Vader and bringing down the old corrupt Republic and (indirectly) replacing it with a new Jedi order and a new Republic. They told Obi Wan they wouldn't train Anakin knowing that that is what was necessary to begin bringing back balance.

Grumpy Scot

All The Way - S6-E6

Revealing mistake: In one fight scene, Buffy uses a car door to block a kick from a vampire. The window of the car breaks before the kick connects with it. In fact, it breaks while the foot is still in mid-air. (00:37:00)


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