Super Grover

21st Sep 2004

Love Actually (2003)

Love Actually mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When Karen rips open the wrapping on her gift from Harry, in the close-up of the CD as she holds it with her right hand, it is blatantly obvious that it is not Emma Thompson's hand. Just compare it with the earlier shot of her hand when she sneaks a peak at the card signed - "Sorry I'm such a grumpy bugger.. Bad Harry." (01:27:45)

Super Grover

The Rocky Horror Picture Show mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: When the newlyweds leave, just as Ralph and Betty drive their car towards the camera, the reflection of the boom mic/pole is visible on the car's windshield. (00:06:40)

Super Grover

The Rocky Horror Picture Show mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After Frank-N-Furter makes his initial appearance, when he bumps into Janet on the way out, her necklace chain is under her large pink dress collar. Once Frank-N-Furter leaves, her chain is actually around her neck now, over the large collar, so Riff Raff can easily pull the dress down unhindered. (00:27:00 - 00:27:50)

Super Grover

The Rocky Horror Picture Show mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: In the lab, as Eddie rides his motorcycle on the upper level, in the shot from behind him, the large rectangular reflector/light screen is visible down below to his right. It is angled up, facing the upper level as he rides past. (00:44:35)

Super Grover

The Rocky Horror Picture Show mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the lab, during 'Hot Patootie', Eddie wears red suspenders clasped to his jeans. When he lies on top of Columbia, both back suspender clasps come undone, though the front clasps are still intact. In following shots both of Eddie's back clasps are on properly.

Super Grover

Independence Day mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: On bended knee, when Jimmy opens Steven's gift box with the ring, in the close-up an oblong metallic object is pushing up against Jimmy's left hand, between his thumb and index finger. Likely used to keep his hand steady in the tight close-up. (Only visible on fullscreen DVD.) (00:35:20)

Super Grover

The Rocky Horror Picture Show mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: Just as Eddie rides his motorcycle down from the lab's upper level, in the shot from behind him, set equipment and a few crew members are seen gathered at the top right of the screen, just before the shot cuts away. (00:44:40)

Super Grover

The Rocky Horror Picture Show mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When Rocky lifts Frank-N-Furter's body Rocky is barefoot, wearing only the stockings. When Rocky is climbing the RKO tower, carrying his creator, evidently Rocky is wearing a type of thin shoes under his stockings. The stunt double did this as a safety precaution. (01:30:35)

Super Grover

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl mistake picture

Continuity mistake: At Jack's hanging, when Elizabeth "faints" her hat's wide white ribbon hangs down both sides - joined at the back of her neck. When she lifts her head, to witness Jack's rescue in progress, the ribbon is now gone from the right side of her hat and hangs loose at her left shoulder. However, when she looks over at her father, the ribbon is intact once again. (02:06:15)

Super Grover

28th Nov 2008

Independence Day (1996)

Independence Day mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Jasmine grabs Dylan out of the car, his sneakers are white/black with black laces, but when she is kicking the maintenance door, his sneakers are white with white laces, then it switches again in following shots.

Super Grover

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After Mikaela walks in on Sam and Alice, then leaves, Alice grabs hold of Sam's neck, and during his struggle the tall black floor lamp falls over toward the fridge, but that lamp is back upright thereafter. (00:51:40)

Super Grover

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When Elizabeth first sees the skeletal pirates she stumbles backward, and when she lands on the tarp in the close-up, the flesh-covered thumb and part of a hand is visible behind her, at the top right, though the pirates are in skeletal form. (00:59:05)

Super Grover

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen mistake picture

Continuity mistake: During the forest scene where Optimus Prime is engaged in a battle to the death, Sam is scrambling for safety. In some of the shots both of his hands are uninjured, but in other shots you can see that his left hand is bandaged/splinted. (This is a result of his "real life" injury in a car accident during filming.) (01:00:05)


Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In Egypt, the protagonists are being chased by the police. At first the cops are driving an Alfa-Romeo 164. A moment later they are driving a Peugeot 405s. (01:32:00)


9th Apr 2010

Jaws (1975)

Jaws mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Hooper wears rimless eyeglasses, with the arms either attached at the upper corners of the lenses or at the sides of the lenses. If this didn't happen between shots within the same scenes, it could be presumed that Hooper has two different pairs of glasses and switches between the two, but they do indeed change between shots, such as when Mrs. Kintner slaps Brody, or even later, on the Orca. (00:36:05)

Super Grover

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen mistake picture

Continuity mistake: The Saturn that Mikaela is driving has a moonroof that encompasses most of the roof, over the front and back seats. When the Decepticon Grindor captures them, in the interior shot looking up at Leo as Grindor seizes the Saturn, the car has a solid roof over Leo, which is also seen in the interior shot as they fall. (00:54:05 - 00:55:05)

Super Grover

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Mikaela, Sam and Leo get into the Saturn there are no headrests on Sam's and Mikaela's seats, but when they kill the Pretender and are driving away, the headrests are suddenly there. (00:54:00 - 00:54:55)

23rd Apr 2009

Transformers (2007)

Transformers mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Odd how Mikaela is not wearing her stud earrings when Sam leaves her to go to Bumblebee and she spots the tow truck across the street, and also when she arrives in the tow truck and says, "Sam, help me with this." Yet, she is wearing them between those shots, when she breaks into the tow truck and hotwires it, and in the prior and following shots. (01:55:25 - 01:57:25)

Super Grover

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Sam is in his bedroom, after he finds the Cube sliver it falls and dramatically burns a hole through the floor into the kitchen. But Sam's bedroom is over the living room (there is nothing on the ground floor below Sam's elevated bathroom, and in the first movie Jazz hides in this open space), and the kitchen is actually located between the den and dining room, at the other end of the house. If they were to follow the actual floor plan of the house, the Cube sliver would have landed in the area of the piano in the living room, but where would the fun have been in that? (00:12:30)

Super Grover

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