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Character mistake: In the 5/25/17 episode, as the plane is experiencing distress, J. J. Says that Sonny is "as good a pilot as Sully Sullivan." The aviator's name is Sully Sullenberger.


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Revealing mistake: On 4/6/16, Deimos researches Nicole on the internet and finds a full biographical profile of her. However, the contents of the page can be recognized as coming from the soapcentral.com page on the character, and it contains a lot of obscure, private details about the character written in conversational language, pertaining to things that would not be known to the fictional public (but are known to viewers of the show). For example, there is a "Crimes Committed" section that includes "Framed Arianna Hernandez for the Salem Muggings" and "Hid evidence and then lied to police about having proof that Kristen drugged and raped Eric."


22nd Oct 2014

Days of Our Lives (1965)

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Character mistake: In the 7/30/14 episode, Sami informs Kayla of Abby's indiscretion with hospital board member EJ and demands that Kayla fire Abby, or else Sami will cancel a large charitable donation. Sami gives Kayla an explicit choice, "either Abby gets fired or the hospital gets the donation." Sami is misspeaking here, because actually the hospital gets the donation IF Abby gets fired. Sami should have said "Abby gets fired or the hospital loses the donation" or "Abby keeps her job or the hospital gets the donation." (00:01:50)


17th May 2013

Days of Our Lives (1965)

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Continuity mistake: On 5/8/13, Kristen DiMera mentions that her wedding to John Black took place 15 years earlier. This is factually correct in terms of show history. However, it draws attention to the fact that EJ DiMera, the child born to Kristen's impostor around the time of the wedding, was heavily SORASed (Soap Opera Rapid Aging Syndrome) and is portrayed by a 34-year-old actor.


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Character mistake: On 7/5/11, Lexie says that Fay "wouldn't have had that heart attack if she hadn't been assaulted." Fay's eventual death was actually caused by somebody deliberately smothering her, although Lexie doesn't know that. However, as one of the doctors treating Fay, Lexie had concluded that Fay's death was caused by a stroke, not a heart attack. At that time, she also didn't think the stroke was related to her fall down the stairs.


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Continuity mistake: On 12/31/07, E. J. mentioned how he had been struck in the head "the other night." The attack, which had been shown on 12/27/07, was one of the first things to happen that day, occuring in the morning, not at night. It was also the same day (for the characters) as when E. J. was speaking of it.


10th Jul 2007

Days of Our Lives (1965)

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Factual error: On 7/4/07, Hope told Ciara that Alice was her, Ciara's, "great-great-grandma." But Alice is Hope's grandmother and Ciara is Hope's daughter, so Alice is Ciara's great-grandmother, not great-great-grandmother.


29th Jun 2007

Days of Our Lives (1965)

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Factual error: On 6/26/07, Sami's obstetrician told her that she was pregnant with fraternal twins, a boy and a girl, and that the sample of amniotic fluid that had already been drawn could be used for paternity testing on both babies. But fraternal twins always have separate amniotic sacs, meaning that the amniotic fluid must be drawn separately. Since the doctor didn't know there were two babies until the fluid was already drawn, it must have been drawn only once, from one sac, meaning a second amnio would have to be performed.


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Continuity mistake: At the end of the episode on 6/5/07, Julie read Santo DiMera's letter, in which he declares a vendetta against the Brady family. She is translating the letter from Italian, and her husband Doug cuts in to say "Brady" and "Salem" when he was correctly able to guess what was written. On 6/6/07, at the beginning of the episode, the scene was repeated with Julie reading the letter. But this time, she read those words herself.


27th May 2007

Days of Our Lives (1965)

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Factual error: On May 17 and 18, 2007, there were frequent references by multiple characters to a "level four typhoon" on its way. However, there is no such thing as a level four typhoon. Typhoon strengths are not designated by numbers, but by the prefixes "severe" and "super." On the other hand, strong tropical systems near Australia, which is where these events took place, are not even called "typhoons," but "tropical cyclones," although there are numerical categories for them.


10th Oct 2006

Days of Our Lives (1965)

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Revealing mistake: On 10/9/06, John entered the storage facility and reached towards the light cord. He formed a fist, as if grasping the cord, but his hand was actually several inches from it. It was clear that he was not actually holding the cord at all, but then he pulled his fist down and the lights went on.


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Continuity mistake: On 7/4/06, Kayla has a flashback to what she says is her and Steve's first Fourth of July with their daughter Stephanie. That would have been July 4, 1990. They talk about the various characters they're going to see at the barbecue later, including Jack. But Jack and the others they mention were actually stranded on a deserted island during the summer of 1990.


12th Apr 2006

Days of Our Lives (1965)

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Continuity mistake: At the end of the episode on 4/10/06, Billie realized that the trapped girl's cell phone was Chelsea's, and at the same time Bo went into the sewer and discovered that the girl was Chelsea. At the start of the episode on 4/11/06, Billie yelled down to Bo that the girl was Chelsea as soon as she realizes it, and Bo then continues into the sewer, already knowing that the girl is Chelsea before he reaches her.


17th Mar 2006

Days of Our Lives (1965)

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Continuity mistake: At the end of the episode on 3/13/06, Lexie agreed to have sex with Tek in the small clearing where they were standing, while Sami was spying on them. Then, on the other side of the bushes where she was hiding, Carrie suddenly collapsed in pain. At the beginning of the episode on 3/14/06, Sami was still in the bushes and Carrie was still doubled over in pain as if no time had passed, but Lexie was at Marlena's penthouse and Tek was at the Brady Pub.


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Continuity mistake: On 2/28/06, Bo was speaking to a flight attendant when he turned to speak with Pete and Joe. This was immediately followed by a shot that panned from Pete's and Joe's backs (as well as Bo's, even though he had been facing the other two) across the waiting room. When the shot reached the gate at the far end, the flight attendant standing there was the same woman Bo had been talking to on the opposite side of the room.


18th Feb 2006

Days of Our Lives (1965)

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Revealing mistake: On 2/17/06, Kate was looking at a picture of Carrie and Austin on her cell phone. The cell phone wasn't held perfectly still, and whenever it moved there was a jerky movement of the picture. The picture had been added in post-production, rather than actually being displayed on the phone, and it became obvious every time the image moved.


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Continuity mistake: On 2/8/06, Abe Carver said that "two years ago," the recently deceased Zack had given him "the gift of being a father." But Zack, who was originally the Carvers' adopted son, was born in 2000, over five years previously. Perhaps Abe was thinking of his second son, Theo, who was born in 2003.


19th Jan 2006

Days of Our Lives (1965)

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Plot hole: When Zack Brady was hit by a car and severely injured in January of 2006, Dr. Lexie Carver urged Bo and Hope to take him off of life support as Zack had no chance of recovery. To encourage them towards this decision, she pointed out that Zack's liver might be a match for Claire Kiriakis, a baby who was dying of liver failure. However, Lexie failed to mention that liver transplants can be done from live donors because the liver regenerates. Dr. Carver would certainly have known that.


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Continuity mistake: On 1/6/05, one of the police officers said that the paint on Bo's SUV matched the residue on the curb. However, Zack was hit just after he stepped out from between two parked cars. Therefore, there would have been no residue on the curb at the accident site.


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Continuity mistake: On 11/30/05, Mimi's cell phone rang. Before answering the call, Mimi looked at the display and said to Shawn, "It's Belle." After she hit the button, the shot changed to Belle at the hospital. Belle was holding a land-line phone at the hospital. So how could Mimi's caller ID have possibly known that Belle was making the call? It should have said that the call was from University Hospital.


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