Question: Did Obi-Wan know Anakin and Padme are married? Since she thinks Obi-Wan could help them with Anakin seeing with the force that Padme would die giving birth after Anakin broke the Jedi code of getting married. Doesn't it seem that Obi-Wan would not help after what Anakin had done, unless he knew about it?


Chosen answer: Obi Wan didn't know they were married. He only realises Anakin is the father of Padme's child after noticing her emotional response when he asks if she knows where Anakin is. Even though Anakin has broken the Jedi code Padme still thinks Obi Wan might help them because he is their best friend. At worst Anakin would be expelled from the Jedi and the controversy would end Padme's political career but she makes it clear she doesn't care about any of that. Anakin, however does and shoots down the idea.


The fact that they keep the relationship secret baffles me a bit. I mean, they live together in a city. They were obviously shown as close in AOTC.

It makes very little sense, to the point of being absurd. It is portrayed as if Obi-Wan and Anakin are best friends, but Obi-Wan never even asks where Anakin lives when he's not on duty.


It's not like Obi-Wan and Anakin carpool or invite each other to dinner. They are Jedi partners, in service of the Republic and Jedi Order. Even if it were all happening on 1 planet Anakin and Padme could easily keep their marriage a secret, let alone from Jedi who travel from system to system and are extremely busy all the time.


Answer: It's also a joke for Star Wars fans who know that in every movie, R2 has gotten everyone out of a jam and saves the day. Where would everyone be without R2?

Chosen answer: It was a joke. They start laughing after he said it. They feel an astrodroid like R2 is pretty useless in most situations.


Chosen answer: Because Juni told her that her feet stunk so she wanted to see if it was true.

Question: When Carmen takes off her shoe, are we able to tell the colour of her socks? Or at any point in this movie?


Answer: Her sock colour is most likely black during that scene as it was when they were in the treehouse.

24th Apr 2017

Logan (2017)

Question: I have some questions. 1) When exactly did Logan and Charles plan to rescue Caliban? 2) Why does Charles call Logan a disappointment at the start? 3) When does Charles mention Paris? 4) Why did Charles act so strange and treat Logan so coldly when we first see him? 5) What happened to Caliban? 6) What happened in Westchester? And 7) Why does Charles blame himself for whatever happened in Westchester?


Chosen answer: I doubt they planned to rescue Caliban as they didn't know where he was or if he was even alive. Caliban is killed when he sets off two grenades in the van to try and stop Pierce. With all the questions regarding Charles Xavier, he is suffering from dementia, hence the rambling, mood swings and memory loss. Without his medication, the condition can also cause psychic storms like at the silo and the hotel - it is implied that the Westchester incident was such a storm which killed a large number of students at Xavier's school.


Chosen answer: He said he wanted to see Luke with his own eyes rather than through his mask. He was aware that he was doomed and did not care about what would happen if he took the mask off.

Casual Person

31st Mar 2017

Star Wars (1977)

Question: I have 3 questions. 1) How come Obi-Wan lied to Luke by telling him that Darth Vader killed his father? 2) Why didn't Obi-Wan tell Luke that Leia was his sister? And 3) Why does Obi-Wan act like he doesn't know Leia?


Chosen answer: 1) Obi-Wan doesn't view this as being a strict lie. He states in Return of the Jedi that what he said about Vader betraying and murdering Luke's father is technically true, from a certain point of view. He keeps the details hidden to keep Luke from falling to the dark side the same way Anakin did. 2) The identity of Leia was kept secret to protect her from the emperor. Obi-Wan only tells Luke of her identity when Vader begins directly targeting Luke's friends to goad him into a confrontation. By this point there is no reason to keep the secret from Luke. 3) Because he doesn't. Obi-Wan was present at her birth and that's the only contact they've ever had. Leia specifically describes Obi-Wan as someone who once helped her father and nothing more. He knows her secret but he doesn't really know her personally.

Just commenting on your last answer. Leia didn't know that Darth Vader was her father and neither did Luke. However, Obi Wan did fight with Bail Organa, her adopted father so it could make sense either way.

31st Mar 2017

Star Wars (1977)

Chosen answer: Because Han Solo had been established as a cunning, roguish antihero. The scene as it originally played out shows that Han is not afraid to get his hands dirty when facing danger. The altered scene is an awkward attempt to make it seem like Han is acting completely in self defense rather than as an assertive tough-guy, and in the process takes away part of the character's charm. In short it makes Han seem less "cool". It must also be pointed out that the Special Edition changes were met with very strong fan backlash almost unilaterally, Greedo shooting first is just seen by some as a perfect example of why the changes were unnecessary.

Answer: In the original, Greedo doesn't even fire a shot. The film established Han as more ruthless, and the antihero, for killing Greedo in this way. In the special edition, Lucas altered the film so that Greedo fired first (and in a later version both shoot about the same time.) Any changes to original releases is often met with criticism for a number of reasons, especially by adults who watched the film as kids and remember it certain a way. Another example of this is when E.T. was digitally changed so the police were holding walkie-talkies instead of guns and was met with such criticism that even South Park made fun of it. However, ultimately, Greedo shooting first changes the character of Han, who becomes less proactive and more reactive and less of an antihero. And it raises the question of how could Greedo miss at such close range? Given that the film already has stormtroopers with terrible aim, it seems like another cop-out to let the good guys win.


30th Mar 2017

The Santa Clause (1994)

Chosen answer: Even though Charlie did not want to stay with his Dad for Christmas Eve, he did want to stay at home with a family member, fragmented as it was. Eating Christmas Eve dinner at a Denny's restaurant was not his idea of a Christmas dinner at home with family.

30th Mar 2017

Spider-Man (1994)

Chosen answer: Felicia and Peter's friendship in this series was depicted as being on-again-off-again. At this point in the series they may have been on good terms. Plus Felicia is a wealthy socialite and Peter and Mary Jane's wedding was a big event due to Wilson Fisk paying for all of it.


Chosen answer: He simply survived the crash without much explanation of exactly how. However, he hid from everyone after the crash to find out his truth, so everyone just thought he died. (This is common is comics where someone is presumed dead or in a situation "no one could survive" and then later shows up alive and the how isn't explained).

Question: Lupin said 'Your father and Sirius were the cleverest students in the school. Good thing too because an Animagus transformation can go horribly wrong' but how can the transformation go horribly wrong?


Chosen answer: In the same way that the Polyjuice potion can go wrong. Magic when messed with can have disastrous consequences, as shown by Professor Lockhart who ends up in St Mungo's Hospital due to a backfiring charm. If performed incorrectly, an Animagus can splinch and get stuck halfway between a human and animal. When stuck like this, the accidental magic reversal squad will be required to deal with it.


Chosen answer: In the pumpkin patch, Hermione turned and glimpsed the "other" Harry and Hermione hiding behind the trees. She either thought she'd imagined it or else she realised that it was her time-traveling self and could not let Harry and Ron know what was going on.


I couldn't see any part of either of them. What part of them was Hermione seeing?

1st Mar 2017

Spider-Man 2 (2004)

Chosen answer: Because Peter is one of Mary Jane's closest friends. It would be awkward inviting him but not having him there would no doubt be upsetting to Mary Jane. Inviting Peter is simply the right thing to do.


Chosen answer: It's not known how or in what way Obi Wan is powerful or if that power can be physically extended to the living world. Also, for various reasons, Luke, to fulfill his destiny to be a Jedi, must be the one to confront and defeat Vader, though Obi Wan can still guide him.


There seems to be a common theme (in movies, shows) that a dead person must "move on", and those who are still alive must forge their own path, complete their own journey, etc. This also happens when Dumbledore dies in the Harry Potter series.

Chosen answer: Hermione did not cry that often during the series. When she did, it was minimal. Actors can become so immersed in the scene that they feel the emotions they are portraying and produce real tears. Actors also use eye drops to simulate crying.


Chosen answer: They stayed behind the pumpkins until they were sure no one would see them. As for when they were running up the hill, they are kids and act on impulse when in a difficult situation. Most likely they were not thinking about what they would see or Hermione's reaction to it.


Season 4 generally

Question: Scarlet Spider says 'the last time I had a family, I almost destroyed them. Won't be making that mistake again' but how could he destroy them again? Also, why didn't he come back to S.H.I.E.L.D.?


Chosen answer: Scarlet Spider considers Spider-Man and the team his new family and he won't make the same mistake of getting his new family almost destroyed. He wasn't talking about his last family. SPOILER ALERT: After it is revealed Scarlet Spider worked for Doc Ock as a spy and he unmasks Spider-Man, he goes into hiding. He also attempts to figure out the truth of his origin, which he can't do very well while working for S.H.I.E.L.D., or if they lock him up. However, at the end of Season 4, Scarlet Spider does come back and becomes a S.H.I.E.L.D. Academy teacher.


Chosen answer: Earlier, Malfoy had called Hermione a "mudblood," which is a very derogatory remark directed at Muggle-born wizards. (Hermione's parents were both non-magical). She was upset and crying a little when Harry and Ron were telling Hagrid about what happened.


16th Feb 2017

X-Men 3 (2006)

Chosen answer: Why wouldn't Storm believe Jean is gone? She saw her (Jean) crushed by a giant wave and consumed by a giant lake. She has no reason to think that Jean will "come back, " and she tries to move on after her best friend's death, as you or anyone else would.

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