
Factual error: At his hearing, a drone pilot (a lieutenant) is asked where he did his basic training. He replied, "Parris Island." Wrong. US Air Force officers do not go to Parris Island. Some, such as ROTC and Academy graduates, do not go to basic training at all. Others go to Officer Training School. Parris is a Marine Corps base that gives basic training to enlisted Marine Corps personnel.


4th Nov 2023

Farscape (1999)

Thank God It's Friday... Again - S1-E6

Other mistake: The planet population works in the fields, harvesting large brown biconal fruit. They seem to be heavy, as a bag containing about three of them is a burden to the person carrying it. When the leader of the planet shows one to Crighton, she picks one up with three fingers.


4th Nov 2023

Sliders (1995)

Love Gods - S2-E2

Continuity mistake: Quinn finds Natalie and goes over to where she is drinking and conversing with a man seated at a table. Quinn goes over, and in the next shot, she is alone at the table.


4th Nov 2023

Sliders (1995)

Love Gods - S2-E2

Deliberate mistake: Wade and Quinn go to the Top Hat Club. We see a line of people waiting to get in. After they are in the club a while, leave in a taxi, go to the park to meet Rembrandt and Arturo, discuss some things, talk to some passersby, and go back to the Top Hat. We again see a line waiting to get in. It is the same line with the same people in the same place as way earlier. It is a repeated shot of the previous queue from when they went there the first time.


30th Oct 2023

Sliders (1995)

Show generally

Question: The four main protagonists are constantly sliding into a different universe, with just the clothes on their backs, and they are usually very short of money or have money not used in that universe. So, how come they have such a varied and expensive wardrobe?


Answer: They could go to an ATM and withdraw money from the account of that universe's double or, depending on how long they're stuck in whatever dimension they're in, they could do some odd jobs for some extra cash.

That's a good point. Thanks.


You're welcome.

There actually is an episode that shows Rembrandt doing that exact thing.


30th Oct 2023

Farscape (1999)

Premiere - S1-E1

Other mistake: CDR Crighton is on an alien world, many light years away from Earth, but they seem to have identical—and I mean identical—Earth-type 55-gallon drums.


24th Oct 2023

Mafia Mamma (2023)

Other mistake: Kristin takes a photo of her and Lorenzo and posts it to Instagram. A few moments later, her husband shows up and says he came to see what was going on because he saw her uploaded photo. She says it was only one photo. The photo was taken a few moments before. How did he get there so quickly all the way from the US? And came directly to where she was? Impossible.


24th Oct 2023

Mafia Mamma (2023)

Factual error: Kristin meets Lorenzo at the airport. He asks for her number, which she gives him. Later when he calls her, her Mafia family take the phone and smash it to pieces while she's talking. They give her a new burner phone. They say they did a background check on Lorenzo. How? The family never met him at the airport, the only time she saw him. Further, when they meet for dinner (how she found him is another mystery), she shows him a picture of her son on the phone. How did a photo get on her new phone?


23rd Oct 2023

Farscape (1999)

Premiere - S1-E1

Factual error: CDR Crighton has on his astronaut flight suit. He is wearing an American flag on his right upper arm. But the flag has the field of stars to his rear. It is a flag designed to be worn on the left arm, not the right.


21st Oct 2023

Sliders (1995)

Pilot (2) - S1-E2

Other mistake: Rembrandt is being tried in the People's Court. When he is sworn in, the bailiff ends the oath with "so help you God?" In this Earth alternative, the US is under Communist rule. There is no way God would be a part of an oath.


17th Oct 2023

Expend4bles (2023)

Factual error: Lee Christmas commandeers a small wooden boat from Thailand to intercept a container ship carrying nuclear materials. The distance between Thailand and Vladivostok is around 4,000 nautical miles. It is extremely unlikely that a small wooden boat would be able to motor from Thailand and intercept a container ship. It would never have enough fuel to go and return. Further, a container ship cruises at around 21 Knots, a much faster speed than a small wooden boat.


17th Oct 2023

Expend4bles (2023)

Factual error: A clandestine team of men and women is being transported to near the coast of Vlavidostok to parachute down and capture nuclear detonators. They are shown being transported in a US Air Force C-130 Hercules. This is a no-no. The CIA does use the Lockheed L-100-30, the civilian version of the Hercules, but would never have Air Force markings for a clandestine operation, especially inside Soviet airspace.


17th Oct 2023

Expend4bles (2023)

Factual error: The movie makes a mention of a CIA black site in the South Asia Sea. There is no such sea. Between the North Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean there are many "seas", the largest being the South China Sea. But there are also others such as the Andaman, Java, Banda, Timor, Celebes, and Sulu seas. There is no South Asia Sea.


7th Oct 2023

Silo (2023)

Outside - S1-E10

Other mistake: Juliette and two cohorts need to go from Level 22 down to Level 125. Using the normal circular stairs, it would take several hours if not days to get there. They enter a garbage chute and climb down using a vertical ladder on the side - a very clumsy and slow descent. Yet, they make it in what appears to be a very short time.


29th Aug 2023

The Black Demon (2023)

Continuity mistake: Chato is returning to the diving bell. He has on a full face mask and tanks. Yet in the next shots, he is shown approaching the bell and getting out of the water. He has no face mask and no tanks.


Under the Cloak of War - S2-E8

Other mistake: The Klingon ambassador burns his hand when grasping a goblet. It is the palm of this hand that is burnt. When he is treated in Sick Bay with a dermal regenerator, it is being used on top of his hand.


22nd Jul 2023

Space Raiders (1983)

20th Jul 2023

Foundation (2021)

In Seldon's Shadow - S2-E1

Factual error: Season 2, Episode 1: Two women are diving and need to open an electrical panel. The mother drops the knife she is using to twist off the screws. Her daughter picks up the blade – by the blade and not the handle – and then proceeds to twist the access screws. The screws are on the panel at each front corner. When the panel is removed, there are no front-facing screw holes. All the screws seen are on the inside of the panel to the sides.


20th Jul 2023

Foundation (2021)

In Seldon's Shadow - S2-E1

Factual error: Season 2, Episode 1: Cleon is fighting some "ninja" warriors. One of them slices part of an android's head clean off, below the right eye. When the android is next seen - with part of its head cut off - the slice is above the right eye. The right eye is fine.


20th Jul 2023

Locked Down (2021)

Question: In the movie, Paxton's boss decides to give him a chance to do an important delivery although the customer requested someone without a criminal record. His boss gives him fake identity documents, and his name is shown as Edgar Allen Poe. He is referred to as the poet and writer from the first half of the nineteenth century. Does anybody know why they would call him Edgar Allen Poe, when the real name was Edgar Allan Poe? A mistake? A deliberate thing? Is there a real reason for this? I am curious.


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