
24th Jun 2021

Stargate SG-1 (1997)

Threads - S8-E18

Trivia: Two of the names seen the "Ascended Times" newspaper as authors are "Mero Gartin" and "Semaj Snibbor." Martin Gero was a writer and producer in the Stargate franchise. James Robbins was a production designer and art director in the Stargate franchise.


24th Jun 2021

Stargate SG-1 (1997)

Threads - S8-E18

Character mistake: In newspaper article "Anubis plans to retake Dakara", there's a line that reads "being partially ascended has it's benefits." The word should be "its."


24th Jun 2021

Stargate SG-1 (1997)

24th Jun 2021

Stargate SG-1 (1997)

23rd Jun 2021

Stargate SG-1 (1997)

Endgame - S8-E10

Continuity mistake: When Hoskin is shot by Carter, the position of his body changes from how we see him to land to the next shot of him when Carter approaches him. At first his arm is extended and his coat lands to cover his gun. In the next shot his ark is by his side and the coat is tucked under but you don't see his gun.


14th Jun 2021

Dumb and Dumber (1994)

Trivia: Karen Duffy plays J.P. Shay in the film. In the film "Blank Check", which was released only 10 months prior to this film, she played "Shay Stanley."


13th Jun 2021

Heroes (2006)

Distractions - S1-E14

Other mistake: After Peter falls on the cab, a piece of metal is sticking out of his chest. He pulls himself off it, but when he's on the hood, the piece that was sticking though him isn't there, even though it should be visible.


10th Jun 2021

Stargate SG-1 (1997)

The Warrior - S5-E18

Continuity mistake: When Teal'c and K'tano are fighting and K'tano says "is that the best you can do", you see Teal'c's training staff on the ground and it's already broken, even though that hasn't happened yet. When Teal'c stands up, that's when K'tano breaks his staff.


10th Jun 2021

Stargate SG-1 (1997)

Summit (1) - S5-E15

Plot hole: During the briefing at the Tok'ra base about the deadly symbiotic poison, Ren'al says that dying symbiotes release their own toxin which is just as deadly to the hosts. Yet in other episodes when a symbiote dies in the host's body, the host doesn't die, even without medical treatment. For example, the whole infected town of Steveston is just fine when all the symbiotes are killed (s06e05).


10th Jun 2021

Stargate SG-1 (1997)

Ascension - S5-E3

Trivia: In this episode, Orlin is a powerful ascended being of energy who becomes human, but then is ascended again and once again becomes a powerful being of energy. This episode also introduces Frank Simmons, played by John de Lancie. Lancie played Q in Star Trek: TNG, a powerful being of energy who becomes human (as punishment) and then once again becomes a powerful being of energy.


10th Jun 2021

Heroes (2006)

Hiros - S1-E5

Continuity mistake: When the would-be robber takes his gun out, he places his hands on his head. But in the next shot, at least his left hand is no longer on his head. It's back up in the next shot.


10th Jun 2021

Heroes (2006)

Don't Look Back - S1-E2

Other mistake: When Niki looks at the Cadillac's registration, it says the license plate number is "307RTH." When she opens the trunk, you can see the plate and it's "329OCX."


10th Jun 2021

Stargate SG-1 (1997)

Sight Unseen - S6-E13

Stupidity: When Jonas says he saw a creature go through the walls, people want to assume he must be hallucinating. Yes they sweep the base, but Carter questions its ability to pass through solid matter as if she's never seen that happen. When Jonas sees a creature again on the device with Carter there, she gives a look like he's going crazy rather than at least try to use a TER to scan for it. Plot wise it seems this is done just so O'Neill can leave the base and spread the "infection."


10th Jun 2021

Stargate SG-1 (1997)

Unnatural Selection (2) - S6-E12

Other mistake: When Thor reveals to SG-1 that the Replicators have reversed the time dilation device, he says time is moving at a factor of "10 squared" (100 times faster than real time). Carter says that in the hour that passed, 4 days have passed for the Replicators (which is correct), but then says depending on when they did it, hundreds of years could have passed. But that's not possible since that means years in real time would have passed. But the Asgard didn't set this trap years ago, just recently.


10th Jun 2021

Stargate SG-1 (1997)

Show generally

Question: Is it ever mentioned who is in charge of SGC when General Hammond isn't there? By that I mean, when he's home sleeping or taking a few days off, not when he steps down or resigns in certain episodes. Wouldn't SGC have to be operationally 24-hrs a day, especially when there's so many "unscheduled" incoming wormholes? Would Hammond be required to live on base? In real life, are military bases operational 24-hrs a day? Do generals take "shifts", or does the highest ranking officer become in charge?


Answer: The commanding General is always in charge, but generals never live on base (in fact they rarely command bases, that is Colonel's work). One would have to assume he has competent officers in charge of day to day activities; at one point in the TV series there are FOUR Colonels in the staff including Sam and Shepard. The General is usually called in when something is going to happen, as generals usually work at a field HQ or at the Pentagon.

10th Jun 2021

Stargate SG-1 (1997)

10th Jun 2021

Stargate SG-1 (1997)

9th Jun 2021

Stargate SG-1 (1997)

Wormhole X-Treme! - S5-E12

Trivia: Near the end when the alien ship is being filmed, Martin says they (Wormhole Extreme) are going to win an Emmy for this, visual effects category. At that point in the series, Stargate SG-1 had been nominated for 5 Emmys (4 in the visual effect category) but never won. The show went on to receive 4 more Emmy nominations in the visual effect category, without ever winning an Emmy.


6th Jun 2021

Stargate SG-1 (1997)

Prodigy - S4-E19

Question: When Colonel O'Neill is telling the scientist not to go after the unknown alien and Teal'c tells them to listen to him, he says "thank you, Rocco." Who or what is O'Neill referencing?


Answer: In almost every gangster move from the 1930's, there was always a guy named "Rocco." A dumb but lovable guy who always agrees with the Boss. When everyone disagrees, he always says "Listen to the Boss." or "Do what the Boss says."

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