
21st Jun 2018

Charmed (1998)

Size Matters - S4-E5

Question: At the end of this episode Leo goes outside to heal the glass from the sign of P3. In a previous episode (Season 3 - The Magic Hour) when Christopher is injured in owl form he explains he can't heal animals. An animals genetic makeup would be a lot more similar to a human's, so why can Leo heal glass but not animals?

Answer: There are a lot of factors involved in who and what types of injuries can be healed, or can't be healed, by a Whitelighter, so their powers are limited. The ability to "heal" glass and clothes is more of a mending or restoring ability. But, the trigger for healing is love, so it seems (with speculation) this "Love trigger" only applies to human-to-human love. In addition, there are restrictions for Whitelighters and they're only suppose to heal wounds inflicted by evil, so it's possible animal injuries aren't caused by evil and thus can't be healed.


Thanks for the response - hmm I see what you're saying as that had all occurred to me too however Leo healed Piper's finger after she cut it not by evil but by cooking in the kitchen in "Blinded by the Whitelighter." As for the restoring glass and clothes this is the only time I can recall that he does this as a whitelighter. I'm a big fan of the show and grew up watching it but after my 20th re-watch I realised that had always puzzled me. Still a brilliant show regardless! Thanks again.

20th Jun 2018

Rosemary's Baby (1968)

Question: What is the name of the melody that Mia Farrow sings (La La La Laaaa, La La La Lalala La Laaaaa) at the beginning of the movie, as the title/credits are being displayed?


Chosen answer: It doesn't have a specific title. It was a lullaby written for the film by Krzysztof Komeda. There's a few variations of the lullaby heard throughout the film, the opening credits version is listed as "Rosemary's Baby Main Theme - Vocal."


20th Jun 2018

Carrie (1976)

Question: In the beginning of the movie after Carrie goes home after starting her period, her mother starts reading from something about God cursing Eve with blood and the first sin was intercourse. Does anybody know what she was reading from? I can't find it in the Bible, and it doesn't look like that's the kind of book she was holding.

Answer: It seems completely made up for the movie, especially the line "the raven was called sin." In the movie she's holding what looks to be a religious pamphlet, but it's not anything from a real book. In the remake of the film, after her mother says "the curse was the curse of blood", Carrie adds "that's not even in the Bible."


Answer: I took it to be a reference to the Serpent Seed doctrine. Proponents of the Serpent Seed doctrine believe that the Hebrew and Greek words for "deceived" when describing the story of the first sin actually literally translate to "wholly seduce" (They don't). The doctrine goes that the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil was actually Satan himself, and that "eating the forbidden fruit" is actually a metaphor for having sex with Satan. The doctrine continues with the claim that Eve's son Cain was actually the spawn of Satan, and that descendants of Cain actually survived the Great Flood and are still among us to this day. The Serpent Seed doctrine has been debunked by many scholars, and there is no evidence from the text of the Bible that it is true, but there are still a lot of religious extremists that believe it.

Show generally

Question: What's the name of the episode where Drew, Oswald and Lewis are briefly playing the drums and maybe guitar, and singing "Honey, Honey, Honey" altogether?

Answer: "That Thing You Don't" (s03e10). The gang forms their old band again for a talent contest. Lewis is on drums, Drew is on trumpet, Oswald is on trombone, Kate is lead singer.


28th May 2018

Mr. Nice Guy (1987)

Question: Why do the bad guys want the video tape that they are after?

Answer: The cocaine deal, that had gone bad, between the mob and gang. They were afraid it would be turned into the police.


How did the video get recorded in the first place?

The two reporters, Diana and Richard, were hiding above and filming it. After the shootout there's a explosion which exposes them. The mob boss sees them and tells his men to go after them.


Answer: TV Reporter Diane, played by Gabrielle Fitzpatrick, and her crew film the drug deal between the mob boss and the street gang.

24th May 2018

Robocop 2 (1990)

Answer: They're not related. Hob was just a skilled fighter and leader and Cain essentially made Hob his apprentice in the Nuke Cult.


30th Apr 2005

Lilo & Stitch (2002)

Question: Does anybody know what "Meega Nala Queesta" means?

Answer: The movie contains two languages one is English, and the other is Hawaiian. Meega translate to I or me, and Quessta translate to destroy. I don't know what Nala means, people are telling me it means no or want, so essentially "I want to destroy".

Or it could be I no destroy but since they hate peace so much, they basically hate him.

Answer: As stated, it means "I want to destroy." But it should be pointed out it's a made up language, "Tantalog." Tantalog is a mix of Hawaiian, Chinese, and Chezcreekian. It's also spelled "kweesta." And "nala" means "want to" or "evil."


Answer: Meega nala qweesta means I want to destroy.

8th Apr 2015

Blitz (2011)

Question: Does Nash call Tom Brant by his real name when at the train tracks when Brant (aka Jason Statham) tries to attack the killer. I thought I heard Nash say "Jason, calm down Jason"?

Answer: No, Brant does yell "Jesus Christ!" and then Nash says "Calm down, calm down", so you may have misheard that as Nash saying "Jason".


Answer: Yes; he definitely says Jason.

Answer: The answer is "no, he doesn't say Jason." After Nash says "get this piece of s*** our of here", he turns to Brant and says "Just calm down."


26th Sep 2008

The Karate Kid (1984)

Question: In tournament action, is the crane kick an actual legal move to use? How about the stance to start the move?


Chosen answer: There are no rules about how a fighter must stand before throwing a kick, and it's basically just a jumping front kick, which is completely legal.

Answer: It was not the technique that was illegal but where and how he made contact with Johnny that was illegal. I'm not 100% sure how to describe what is wrong with it but it is the spot he made contact with and that he kicked Johnny with intent to hurt him (witch may seem weird but believe it or not point based karate sparring is in fact a non-contact sport somehow).

In the film, there was nothing illegal about the contact he made, nor was it determined he had an intent to harm. Bobby was disqualified for an excessive and deliberate attack, but he also intentionally kicked the leg, which was not a part of the body to earn a point. What you may be trying to describe as illegal was lack of control. The ref even says to watch the control. It could be up for debate about if Daniel had control over his kick, but in the film, the ref found it acceptable.


Question: When McClane and his boss are in the van with the FBI agents and Gruber guesses who of the FBI is in the van there is a man sitting in the back. Who is he and why doesn't Gruber guess he is in the car as well?


Answer: He is actor Richard Russell Ramos and he's credited as FBI Chief. Simon does allude he's there because he uses the plural "FBI agents" and Jarvis is not from the FBI. However, it seems Simon's point is made that he knows who is in the van because he's watching them. There was just no need to identify everyone in the van.


1st May 2018

Charmed (1998)

Dead Man Dating - S1-E4

Question: Does anyone know the song that is played right after the intro? Not Secret Smile, but the one played on the Netflix version.

Answer: The song is a studio band original song and not available. I think they didn't even name it. Many of the licensed songs used in "Charmed" originally that Netflix can't or won't pay for have been replaced with similar sounding songs from a studio band. This is one of the few completely different sounding songs.


8th Aug 2009

Coraline (2009)

Chosen answer: It's all nonsense words. It's Bruno Colais (the musical director)'s signature style. It's got some inspiration from French and Hungarian accents.

Answer: It's not all nonsense, if you listen to the song with lyrics you'll see that she's speaking in English but like twisting the words a lot, for example for "we live somewhere" she says "we love somwye".

I don't know which song you're speaking about, but "Exploration" and "End Credits" are gibberish all the other songs I heard on the soundtrack are also gibberish, even if she occasional says a real Hungarian or French word.


Exploration and end credits aren't gibberish, there's actual lyrics for each, it's just in French I believe.

Here is the first verse for "End Credit" and you translate it from French into English for us if this isn't gibberish with an occasional real word. "Creaking van iddli fla lu va. Pretty sah lu feh iddli twu ki padi. Trelly goilly doilly seli pretty chedi. Emi swalin gwoh."


27th Apr 2018

Forrest Gump (1994)

Question: Why does Forrest's mother say "This is not for children's eyes" when they were watching Elvis perform 'Hound Dog'?


Answer: Many adults in the 50's, like Forrest's mom, found Elvis' gyrations and hip movements to be too sexual and inappropriate for children (especially teens) to watch. In fact, when Elvis appeared on the Ed Sullivan show for the third time, they only filmed him from the waist up to prevent an outcry from these types of parents. Many also found Rock 'N' Roll music in general to be inappropriate for children to listen to.


Answer: He is dead. Although a Jedi can still interact with the living as a Force Ghost, so expect to see Luke in Star Wars IX. It wasn't a hologram of Luke, he used Force Projection to be there. However, the act required too much energy and was too strenuous for Luke's body to handle, and the strain is what caused him to die.


Question: In the beginning of the movie when the father brought the video game home for his son he called his son Kevin...that later become Alex. Did I miss something?

Answer: His dad says "Hey, Kiddo." However, his dad brought him the Jumanji board game he found. The game later turned itself into a video game cartridge.


Question: Is there any relationship or plot dependency on the Clock Maker family and Benjamin Button's birth parents?

Answer: It's setting up the story, so you could interpret it your own way. But as far as I can tell, there is no specific relation, just setting the story up.


Answer: Yes. The wife of the clock maker is the same person as the mother of Benjamin Button through adoption.

Where did you get this information? Queenie (who adopted Benjamin) was a nursing home worker married to Tizzy Weathers, and not married to Mr. Gateau, right? My understanding was the clock that ran backwards was revealed the same time Benjamin was born (or at least the same year, 1918).


Question: When speaking, why was a mixture of different languages used instead of Hebrew? Hebrew was a primary language back then so shouldn't it have been the only language used?

Answer: Hebrew would have been the main language for Jewish residents, especially in religious teachings. However, Aramaic was a common language in Judea and it's believed that Jesus and his disciples spoke Aramaic. The land of Israel also had heavy Greek influences, and the Romans spoke Latin and Greek. The New Testament says the title Pilate wrote to put on the cross was written in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin.


10th Apr 2018

Dementia 13 (1963)

Question: At the very beginning, John and Louise stroll down a dock, get into a row-boat and start across the lake; but John dies of a heart attack half-way across, and Louise dumps his body into the water. Throughout this entire scene, John's transistor radio is warbling a rockabilly song that sounds Elvis-inspired (but it's not Elvis). What is the song and who sang it?

Charles Austin Miller

Answer: "He's Caught" by Buddy Fowler and the Fads. It was an unreleased song used for the movie.


9th Apr 2018

Demolition Man (1993)

Question: While in the future, Simon Phoenix was about to kill what I believe is a priest. Just before he does, the priest says something like, "Isn't there something you should be doing right now?" After the priest says this, why did Simon let him go and run off?

Answer: The man was Dr. Raymond Cocteau, mayor of San Angeles. He was the one who was ultimately responsible for re-programming Simon. He also programmed Simon to kill Edgar Friendly, who was the leader of the resistant group that was rebelling against Cocteau and his established way of life. Simon was also programmed to be unable to kill Cocteau (which is why he also "missed" when he first shot at him). No sense in waking up and letting loose a well trained psychopathic killer if he's also ends up killing you too.


9th Apr 2018

Demolition Man (1993)

Question: At the beginning of the film where were the bodies of the people that Simon killed? John said he searched the whole building but couldn't find anything so, how did the bodies appear after the building was destroyed? And why was John placed in cryogenic suspension? It seems a bit harsh to punish somebody especially since he was able to catch Simon.

Answer: Simon killed the bus passengers before John arrived, but kept their dead bodies in the building. John said he did a thermo search and only saw 8 people (Simon's gang), but that's because the dead bus passengers didn't show up on the thermo scan. John wasn't suppose to go after Simon alone, wasn't suppose to be there, and violated police procedures. John was convicted (because of Simon framing him) with 30 counts of involuntary manslaughter because it was presumed the passengers were in fact still alive and in the building, but died in the explosion that wouldn't have happened if John was trying to apprehend Simon alone. Simon was also convicted for the murders though.


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