
14th Jul 2003

Notting Hill (1999)

Corrected entry: During the opening credits you see Anna at a press conference facing an enormous crowd of photographers. There is a blinding series of flashes, but in slow motion you can see that most of them don't originate from flashlights. (00:02:05)


Correction: Isn't there a rule about if it has to be seen in slo-mo then its not a mistake?

5th Jul 2003

I Am Sam (2001)

Corrected entry: When Sam and the visitors wait for Lucy at her birthday party, Brad is told to switch the light off. He pulls the switch but the light doesn't change. (00:29:55)


Correction: That's because it's broad daylight outside, and there is a lot of light coming through the windows. There was no need for Brad to switch off any light, but to these mentally challenged people switching off the lights is part of what you're "supposed" to do at a surprise party, and they would not want to do anything wrong.


21st Jul 2003

Three Kings (1999)

Corrected entry: Before the sliding milk truck comes to a halt the impression of movement is cleverly created by zooming into truck. If you look at the wheels in the sand in slow motion you see that the truck is not moving. (00:22:30)


Correction: The rules of the site are clear...if it requires the use of slow motion to be seen, it is not a mistake.

30th Sep 2003

Forever Young (1992)

Corrected entry: When the freezer with Daniel in it opens you hear the sound of a breathing machine, which would be totally useless under the circumstances. (00:27:00)


Correction: Actually, all you hear is differences in the sound that the air is making as it hisses. It does resemble a breathing machine, but since one is never shown on film, no mistake is made here.


30th Sep 2003

Forever Young (1992)

Corrected entry: The freezer with Daniel in it was misplaced in a warehouse for 50 years and disconnected from whatever utilities. Therefore, there was no chance that it would still be cold after such a long time. (00:27:00)


Correction: Since it was never explained what chemicals, processes, etc... are needed to freeze him, it is likely the container remaining closed is enough to keep his body frozen. The "utilities" attached to it in the beginning could have been nothing more than devices for collecting data or getting the freezing process started.


8th Oct 2003

Dave (1993)

Corrected entry: Dave gets briefed by Bob Alexander and Alan Reed about the basic aspects of a President's routine. They use all kinds of fancy tools, such as life-size cut-outs of the staff members. How on earth did they manage to get those made and brought into the staff meeting room without anyone noticing, as they (and Duane) were the only ones close to the President who knew about Dave's identity? (00:30:40)


Correction: It's likely they would have the cutouts around for various reasons, like seating arrangements, etc. As for how they would get all of that into the room, they could simply tell the staff the president wanted to practice some speaches and wanted to have visual references.

Corrected entry: At the banquet for the English guests plays a top-class European chamber orchestra. How did Anna arrange for this within three weeks, about the time a letter from Bangkok to London would take in those days? (01:03:00)


Correction: Most likely, they did not come all the way from Europe. She could have arranged to have them shipped in from the English colonies in India, Ceylon or Hong Kong; or, if she was allowed to negotiate with the French, she could have gotten them from the neighbouring countries in French Indochina. As the characters themselves indicate in the scene with the egg in the bottle, anything is possible if you go at it the right way (and it doesn't hurt to have the money and influence of the King of Siam behind you, either).


2nd May 2004

Lethal Weapon (1987)

Corrected entry: After Dixie's house has been blown up Murtaugh starts patting Riggs' back, telling him that his coat is on fire, which it is not. (00:56:10)


Correction: If you look closely, Riggs' jacket is not fully in flames, but is smoldering because some embers fell on it. Murtaugh says "You're on fire" as a euphamism.


Corrected entry: When Charlie and Irene approach the cow on the street they act as it had already started decaying. However, the cow is still alive. (00:29:50)


Correction: They never do anything to indicate that the cow is decomposing, they just hold their noses and complain that it smells bad. This can have several different reasons, such that the cow is sick (which would also explain why it was lying in the middle of the road), or that it had been lying in something smelly.


Corrected entry: In the opening scene on the boat, when Keyzer Soze extinguishes the fire by peeing on it, the close-up shows the flames being hit by a rather thick, coherent jet. However, the next shot shows a disintegrated spray, which is quite natural since he is aiming from several meters above. (00:02:30)


Correction: That is because Soze is starting to get dehydrated, and then his urine becomes "lumpy", as he later explains to Kujan. After the initial blockage of the urinary tract is gone, it starts to spray out more. The initial shot of gelatinous urine was actually done deliberately, as yet another hint that Verbal is Keyser Soze.


Corrected entry: On his pursuit of Mickie and Irene on the decrepit bridge Charlie stops at a rather wide gap between the planks. If he can't pass it, how could Mickie with the struggling Irene in his arms? (01:34:25)


Correction: Charlie is afraid of water, and that's a big part of why he has difficulties crossing the gap. Mickie does not have any such problems, and in addition, he has a gun on Irene. He could have forced Irene to cross first, and followed her later, to regain his hold on her on the other side.


Corrected entry: When Charlotte is in the hotel bar with her husband and Kelly the actress, her hair is switching between tucked behind her ear and hanging down in alternating shots. (00:36:20)


Correction: Her hair is tucked behind her ear. but there is so much hair that it doesn't all fit. When you look from certain angles you can't see the ear. Some shots are from the back, and those seem like it is not tucked, but if you notice you can see that there is some hair that is tucked someplace.

James Storck

Corrected entry: When Charlotte and Bob run away from the guys with the toy guns she is carrying a handbag. When Bob puts her on the bed later the handbag is gone, but then it's back on their next outing. (00:52:00 - 01:01:35)


Correction: When he is carrying her to her room she is holding the bag. In the next scene she doesn't have the bag, but that doesn't mean she didn't drop it in between scenes. The scenes are not continous so we don't know what she did once she entered the room, until she got to the bed.

James Storck

28th Oct 2003

Philadelphia (1993)

Corrected entry: When Andy is called to Wheeler's office to be informed that he is given the Highline case, his front hair is hanging down, concealing a lesion on the side of his forehead. When Walter Kenton appoaches him and asks him what this thing on his forehead is, his hair is standing up and the lesion is visible. In the next shot, when he thanks Wheeler for his confidence, the hair is down again as before, and the lesion is not visible. (00:11:10)


Correction: His hair was hanging down covering his forehead but then he started to move around. Like the rest of him, the hair also moved (as it always does- hair is not static). His hair goes back down over his lesion after he smooths it down (we see him do this).

26th Dec 2003

Fierce Creatures (1997)

Corrected entry: In the scene where the keepers apply some fake wounds on themselves Rollo barges in and starts shooting at coffee mugs. The last shot hits a brown one, but when the camera angle changes the pieces are white. (00:27:00)


Correction: This is not a mistake,the mug in question is white with a picture of an elephant on it, the pieces show the inside of the mug and there would not be a picture on the inside.

9th May 2004

Lethal Weapon 2 (1989)

Corrected entry: After Rudd and his men enter the office the hiding Riggs closes the door behind them. However, after Riggs shoots the aquarium he leaves through the open door. (01:03:20)


Correction: After Riggs shoots the aquarium it cuts to the bad guys trying to pick up the fish which gives Riggs plenty of time to open the door. As a matter of fact you can see the door move when the scene cuts back to him as he says 'Big Smiles', mocking the arian salute.

4th Nov 2003

Michael Collins (1996)

Corrected entry: When DeValera returns from America his formerly round spectacles are replaced by modern rimless ones, far ahead of the time the movie is set. (01:09:45)


Correction: Eammon Devalera always wore rimless spectacles.

27th Jul 2003

Chocolat (2000)

Corrected entry: Blérot's dog is supposed to stick his nose under Mme. Audel's skirt and expose her underwear. When you look closely you see that she lifts her skirt herself. (00:18:40)


Correction: This is not a mistake. She pulled her skirt away from the dog to keep it away from the dog. The dog did not lift the skirt, nor was it intended to look that way.

Corrected entry: When Elizabeth tells Hundert about their trip to Greece she addresses some stereotype tourist activities, like drinking too much Ouzo or having shish kebab near the Akropolis. The latter is the Turkish skewer version and certainly not typical fast food in Athens in the mid seventies, at a time of extreme tension between Greece and Turkey. (00:12:45)


Correction: In the US, "shish kebab" is a fairly generic term for any skewered meat. There is no evidence that the restaurant she ordered the food from called the food "shish kebab." Rather, it's only her vague recollection of the day, hazed by the ouzo no doubt, that could have lead her to fall back on the more generic "shish kebab," rather than the likely more appropriate "kalamaki."

14th Jan 2004

The Godfather (1972)

Corrected entry: When the heads of the other families get killed during Michael Jr.'s baptism one guy gets shot through a blocked glass door. The first shot that's aimed at his body shatters the glass but leaves the man unharmed, only the second shot causes a visible wound. (02:34:05)


Correction: First: the child being baptized is Michael Francis Rizzi, Carlo and Connie's child; there is no Michael Jr. Second: The first bullet could have been deflected by the glass in another direction. The man behind the glass (Cuneo?) isn't reacting to being shot; he's already shouting because he realizes what's happening to him.

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