Quantom X


Continuity mistake: Whenever you see Pacha raise his arms or angles where you can see his undershirt under his green tunic, his undershirt is the same brown as his skirt/kilt and matches it. But in scenes where he takes his tunic off, his undershirt becomes white.

Quantom X


Continuity mistake: When George's wife asks him what made him drive all the way out here, their car is on the back of a large dinosaur at that moment. When it cuts to a closer angle for his reply, suddenly they are on a dirt road.

Quantom X

12th Aug 2019

Breaking Bad (2008)

Abiquiu - S3-E11

Continuity mistake: In the car driving after seeing Saul, Skyler tells Walt "This is what happens when you decide to pay the bills with drug money" The shot from behind shows Walt's head completely in the shadows. When it cuts to a closer angle, suddenly he has light around his head and part of his neck with only a small shadow cast on him.

Quantom X

12th Aug 2019

Breaking Bad (2008)

Abiquiu - S3-E11

Continuity mistake: When Jesse and Andrea are making out on the couch, they discuss having a bear. And she mentions she's cleaned out of anything else. During this sentence, they are positioned where Jesse is leaning forward looking down at her. But mid sentence there is a cut, and suddenly he's leaning his head back with her looking down at him.

Quantom X

10th Aug 2019

Aggretsuko (2018)

Continuity mistake: When Bill and Chris Rock are singing on stage, during the line when Chris is saying "A voice as big as the sea" the camera fade cuts to a different angle while he's saying this line in what's supposed to be a live show. But his face and mouth are in very different positions between these fade cuts. And this happens several more times through the song with these fade cuts.

Quantom X

Continuity mistake: When Bev is saying that Bill has a contractual right to do the best Christmas show he can, Dimitri is using a hair roller on his left shoulder. The camera cuts to a different angle and suddenly he's rolling it on his right shoulder.

Quantom X

Continuity mistake: After Liz and Bev tell Bill that they can't cancel the show, they are helping him put his suit jacket on. Dimitri behind him is using a sticky roller thing to get hairs off the jacket and is down on his back. After Bev mentions the weather issues the camera angle changes and suddenly Dimitri has the roller up on his shoulder.

Quantom X

9th Aug 2019

Bolt (2008)


Continuity mistake: The dog catcher looks down at his gas gauge and sees that it's empty, and it's bright daylight. Then in the next shot he's pulling into a gas station and it's night time. Either bad continuity or if nothing else he managed to keep driving until night time on an empty tank.

Quantom X

8th Aug 2019

Breaking Bad (2008)

Fly - S3-E10

Continuity mistake: When Walt finally goes back home and is sleeping in bed, the shadows of his window blinds are cast over his face and body. But his nose is pretty clear out in the light. When the camera cuts to a close up, suddenly the shadows are over his nose.

Quantom X

8th Aug 2019

Breaking Bad (2008)

Kafkaesque - S3-E9

Continuity mistake: As Saul is trying to explain to Jesse that he needs to launder his money and is trying to get him to buy the nail salon, Jesse says he's not going to and is looking right at him. It cuts to a different angle showing Saul's face and now suddenly Jesse is partly looking off to the side.

Quantom X

6th Aug 2019

Sniper 2 (2002)

Continuity mistake: After Cole's first interrogation, the movie cuts to Tom arriving at Sophia's door. When she opens the door, all is dry and clear, especially in Tom's close ups. When the camera cuts to her face in a close up for a brief moment, rain is in the shot. And it's only raining in that moment. (00:32:55)

Quantom X

Continuity mistake: After Seligman says he's not religions, Joe responds. "That's because you don't know the rest of the story." There is a sudden cut with the film spliced together here with her head suddenly snapping to a different position, only to look towards him again and say "by the way i'm not religious either."

Quantom X

5th Aug 2019

Groundhog Day (1993)

Continuity mistake: Towards the end of day 3 when Phil is drinking at the bowling ally, Gus says he pegs Phil as a glass half empty kind of guy. Phil is looking partly in his direction to his own left when he's saying this. When the camera cuts to a close up, Phil is looking straight ahead and then turns his head.

Quantom X

5th Aug 2019

Groundhog Day (1993)

Continuity mistake: After Phil gets done with the weather report and then talking about his plans for the next day, he goes off to the side talking to some other men. He looks back and sees Rita playing with the blue screen. She looks over to her right at the TV which turns her head to the left of the camera. But then it suddenly cuts to what the TV is seeing and she's looking straight ahead, which means she'd be looking directly at the camera, and not the TV.

Quantom X

4th Aug 2019

Breaking Bad (2008)

Sunset - S3-E6

Continuity mistake: Walt asks Gale to recite the poem he mentions, which Gale does, reluctantly. When he starts the first line, the camera is behind him and he lifts his head to look up at Walt straight in the eyes. When the camera cuts back to a shot of his face, he's suddenly looking down again.

Quantom X

4th Aug 2019

Aggretsuko (2018)

Aggretsuko mistake picture

A Day in the Life of Retsuko - S1-E1

Continuity mistake: After Ton bashes Retsuko for not getting her tea right, she sings some death metal in the bathroom before joining Fenneko back at the computers and they start talking. Between them is a pink cup with some orange scissors, and an assortment of writing utensils. They are fanned out, but show that the red one is closed to Retsuko with the black in the middle and the yellow closer to Fenneko. When the camera changes angles to show them both sitting there, this order of pens is flipped, with the scissors still being in the same spot.

Quantom X

3rd Aug 2019

Hellboy (2019)

Continuity mistake: When Major Ben Daimio is saying the line about putting Hellboy back in his cage, he's walking towards an elevator door mid sentence and looking at the door. The camera cuts to a different angle as he finishes this sentence and suddenly his head has turned 180° with him looking at Hellboy instantly between shots. (00:41:55)

Quantom X

Continuity mistake: After Shosanna switches projectors on the visual cue from the film, the movie cuts to Marcel standing behind the screen smoking a cigarette. The camera pulls back from behind him showing a large billow of smoke rising from his face and he lifts his right arm up to his cigarette. But then the camera cuts to an overhead view, and suddenly his arm is down and the smoke is gone.

Quantom X

31st Jul 2019

Rain Man (1988)

Continuity mistake: After the duo stops at a motel with pink neon, Ray starts reciting his riddle about the guy on first base again, which gets Charlie annoyed and he badgers him over it. After their little exchange, Ray is walking up to the side of the car as Charlie opens the door to their room. Ray is standing very close to the car, standing right on the yellow line of the parking space. The camera then suddenly jump cuts to a higher angle and Ray is now several feet back standing in the middle of the next parking space over.

Quantom X

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