
7th Oct 2019

A Chorus Line (1985)

Question: Why did Zach keep calling Cassie down from the stage every time she was dancing with the others? Every time he does it, he criticizes her dancing to her face but she's a very good dancer.

Answer: The problem is she's "too good" of a dancer. The audition is for a chorus line where the dancers have to perform uniformly and as one unified group. She keeps doing the extra moves and gestures, making herself standout from the others, which is exactly what Zach does not want. He even tells her that she's too good of a dancer to be in a chorus line. She's talented as a lead or solo, but she needs this job. She has to continually restrain herself to blend in.


Question: When Harry is brought into Malfoy Manor, Draco is told to confirm that it's really him. Even though Harry's face is jinxed, Draco knows that it's him, so why did he lie and say it wasn't?

Answer: Because at his core and despite being an unpleasant person, Draco was a decent and humane person who never could step over the line into being evil. He could not bring himself to betray Harry, knowing he and the others would be killed, and he could not have lived with that guilt. Dumbledore and Snape understood this about Draco, and worked to help him keep his humanity.


That is the moment when Draco is now a good person.


Answer: Draco wasn't entirely sure it was Harry and if he told the death eaters it was and they called Voldemort, he knew the repercussions would be painful, maybe fatal if he was wrong.

Draco absolutely knew it was Harry. He just couldn't bring himself to be responsible for his death.


30th Sep 2019

West Side Story (1961)

Question: During the war council, when Schrute shows up and starts harassing Bernardo, why does Riff look upset? If he hates the Sharks he should be enjoying that. Am I correct to see some hidden meaning, or am I overthinking it?

Answer: As Riff succinctly put it the rumble challenge is for, "All out, once and for all." After Riff and Bernardo have already agreed to the terms and shook hands, that's when Schrank shows up. So when Schrank makes the comment about a "stinkin' pigsty" and Bernardo angrily jumps up, Riff and Ice help restrain Bernardo and his temper in order to benefit their own interests. Riff would not outwardly show that he is enjoying anything that Schrank is saying. Riff's motivation is to eliminate the Sharks from their turf permanently, and he believes the next day's rumble will accomplish this, so they cannot have Bernardo get into it with Schrank (who is shown to make nasty disparaging comments to members of both gangs). Note that before Bernardo leaves he straightens his jacket, and turns around to face Riff, who subtly nods to him.

Super Grover

Answer: You might be overthinking it a bit. It appears to me most of the actors are overacting at being intense.


30th Sep 2019

Batman and Robin (1997)

Answer: As to the first part of your question, Mr. Freeze was temporarily placed in Poison Ivy's cell while his own cell was being remade into a lab for him to continue his research.


Thanks, in the book version of the movie he bribed the guards with diamonds used to power his suit. That and everyone forgets she's a victim like him, not asking to be turned into a monster, so it just seems unfair.


Answer: He was suffering from the early stages of McGregor's Syndrome, a condition causing the lungs to fill with fluid. He was cured using Mr. Freeze's research.


30th Sep 2019

The Craft (1996)

Question: Who put Nancy in the asylum? That and how did Bonnie get those scars on her back?


Answer: Bonnie's scars were the result of a previous auto accident. As for Nancy, it's not specifically shown how or by who she was committed to a psychiatric hospital.


28th Sep 2019

Power Rangers (2017)

Answer: It is implied that she has died, her body freezing as it drifts towards the moon.


Answer: No, she's not dead. This show seems to be following similarly to the original TV show. In the show, she was in a stasis like state trapped in a "trash can" on the moon. After she escapes this prison, she sets up her evil base with Lord Zed on the moon and continues to attack Angel Grove and the Rangers from the Moon. So her being blasted towards the Moon at the end of this reboot is a set up for her establishing a similar base of operations like in the show in the sequels. If the sequels ever get out of development hell.

Quantom X

28th Sep 2019

30 Rock (2006)

Answer: There's probably lots of reasons why Liz stays - money, lack of other job prospects and so on. The reality is, if she left, that would adversely affect the story line and the comedy within it. Tina Fey was one of the stars, and her character is an integral part of the show.


Question: Given how organized she's supposed to be why didn't she sign those papers prior to going home for Jake's signature? That and why not tell her boyfriend the truth? He looked like he'd understand.


Answer: Melanie didn't sign the papers because, deep down, she still loved Jake, and probably, subconsciously, hoped they'd get back together. She didn't tell her fiance' because she mostly was in denial about the state of her feelings and her marriage. She'd fooled herself into believing she had signed the papers.


Answer: If Melanie was happy, why did she take her engagement ring off when she stopped by Jakes and it's obvious he was still her everything seeing as she went there first before her parents.

She took off her engagement ring so Jake wouldn't see it, not knowing his reaction, which could complicate the situation, as well as anger and upset him. She wanted to end their relationship as quickly and easily as possible. She went there first just to get it over with.


Answer: Also the director made a point it was never about rediscovering herself or Jake, it was choosing between what she had planned and what she truly wanted. The director also talked about how she did not pack enough clothes, so she wore her old clothes, she was supposed to be there for a long weekend but she wanted to be there, so it was obvious she wanted to stay.

Answer: She didn't sign the divorce papers on purpose. That is why Jake never signed them because then he might have to face the fact that it was over. That is why Melanie never went home, she might have to accept that it was over and Jake might have moved on, that is why she said yes to Andrew's proposal. Also when Melanie did not sign the papers at the wedding, when she dumped Andrew, that was the first time that Melanie was honest to herself and the people around her about how she felt and what she had longed for, for the last seven years.

The only reason Melanie said yes to Andrew's proposal is because she did not know that Jake felt the same way. The reason that Melanie did not sign the papers at the wedding because she had to be honest with herself and the people around her about how she felt and what she had longed for since she left.

23rd Sep 2019

Charlie's Angels (1976)

Answer: After going through a number of cast changes that failed to improve the show's slumping ratings, Tanya Roberts' character was added as "street-wise" former model. This was probably an effort to give a different and edgier character dimension to the show.


Question: During flight class, when we see Hermione's broom rolling just above the ground, there is something black in front of the broom. I don't mean Hermione's sleeve. What is it?

Answer: It is Harry's shoe. He is standing right beside Hermione.

Answer: I don't think you mean this but you can see the shoe of the person standing next to her. If you mean on the bottom side of the screen then you can see Hermione (or whoever is standing there) kick the broom to make it move I think. But it's not causing all the movement of the broom though, but there is definite contact with a foot. You can't see the top of the broom (I'd say that's the front BTW).


The shoe is what I meant thanks. Whose shoe is it?

It's Harry's shoe.


Answer: I'd say she was more angry than disgusted. Ron had unjustly accused Hermione's cat, Crookshanks, of having killed Scabbers, causing a huge falling out between Ron and Hermione. Hagrid having found Scabbers proved that Ron was wrong. Hermione expects an apology from Ron that she knows will never happen.


23rd Sep 2019

Charlie's Angels (1976)

Show generally

Question: Why in the world would they be comfortable working for a guy they never see? What made them not think he could be a crime boss who only had them take down former associates of his or use them to punish disobedient flunkies? Why does he even start this detective agency anyway?


Answer: Charlie had testified against some very powerful men, and they were sent to jail based on the evidence he collected and his testimony. These men were released from prison on a technicality, so Charlie went into hiding. Charlie believed anyone who knew his whereabouts or had seen his face were also in jeopardy. So that's why he only calls on the telephone and they never get to see his face. The reason why these 3 women would work for a man they never met is because after they graduated from the police academy due to sexism they were only assigned duties like a crossing guard, filing, and answering the phone as police women.

Answer: There is no rational, realistic reason why Charlie is never seen or his real identity known or the reason given about why he started the agency. This is just a gimmick for a silly TV show that is meant to intrigue the audience and to keep them guessing about who he is.


Answer: It's never explained why Charlie is never seen, but there have been hints to his past as a cop. In one episode the Angels meet up with a bitter cop, who says, "When Charlie and I started out together, we were two rookie cops walking a beat. Twenty years later, he gets a Rolls-Royce and I get a bleeding ulcer."

Well do they ever say where he got his money? Stock market, inheritance, being a televangelist? Just kidding on the last one.


21st Sep 2019

The Number 23 (2007)

Question: Why didn't Walter go to prison after he confessed everything?

Answer: As I recall, at the end, Walter had turned himself in and was awaiting sentencing. He was told the judge may go "easy" on him, likely because of his mental instability, but exactly what easy means, is subject to interpretation.


18th Sep 2019

Death in Paradise (2011)

Show generally

Question: Why did the cord on the wall phone in the police station change from straight in the early episodes to coiled later?

Answer: There's probably no particular reason. Sets and props on long-running TV shows often change as needed and for various reasons throughout a series run.


7th Aug 2014

Jaws (1975)

Question: The other night me and some friends were arguing whether or not the shot that Brody makes to blow the tank up to kill Bruce was possible, or would it be too hard to make?


Chosen answer: It would certainly be very difficult, with the shark moving and hitting the tank while slightly underwater. But it wouldn't be impossible.

Greg Dwyer

Answer: This theory was tested on "Mythbusters" and the myth was "busted", twice. https://mythresults.com/mythbusters-vs-jaws.


The Mythbusters did indeed bust that myth by failing to cause the tanks to explode. In case anyone disputes the technology, they used the same type of scuba tanks, rifle, and ammunition that were used in the movie.


Answer: While taking the shot and hitting the tank could be possible, it would not result in an explosion.

What was shown on Mythbusters was the tank, when filled with compressed air, became a flailing projectile as the air escaped from a bullet hole.


12th Sep 2019

The Faculty (1998)

Question: Why are the aliens in that town? If they come from a oceanic planet then why not go directly into one of our five or so oceans?


Answer: The aliens needed fresh water. All the infected were drinking bottled water. When the gang were examining the slug in the garage, it dried up and died from salt, like a snail.

Answer: Whales and dolphins also lack manipulating appendages and the ability to survive on land.


Answer: The aliens need to infect intelligent life to thrive. There is no intelligent life in our oceans.


That is not exactly true. Whales and dolphins are considerably intelligent, arguably near human-level, and live in complex social groups.


Answer: Well if they need to stay hydrated whales and dolphins make more sense than inhabiting people.


Dolphins and whales are also far less numerous. With populations numbering fewer than 10 million total across all species versus nearly 6 billion at the time for humanity.


Answer: It could be the salt or pollution. The aliens were drinking nothing but pure bottled water.

Good answer. Dang all you guys on this site are pretty good at this. I enjoy these answers you give since hardly anybody ever listens to me.


Question: If Erica arrived after Marin and Harry, why was she surprised to see someone in the kitchen? Surely she saw a car in the driveway. And where did that car go? It wasn't in any scene after Marin and Harry parked. Supposedly, they shopped for groceries and ate dinner the same day they arrived. Why did they change clothes so often? It seemed Marin had her black bathing suit on under her dress at the store but wore something different at dinner. Harry had three different shirts, Erica changed from a scoop to a turtleneck and Zoe seemed to put a sweater over her blue top while shopping but changed at dinner.

Answer: This sounds like it could an editing issue. Movies often film multiple scenes that, for whatever reason, are later deleted, but sometimes portions of those scenes are compressed into one sequence, even though there are obvious inconsistencies like wardrobe gaffs.


Question: Why would Lewis confess to Jonathan and Florence that he brought back Issac from the dead? He could've kept it a secret to avoid being yelled at.

Cody Fairless-Lee

Answer: He wanted to take responsibility for his mistake in order to help make things right.


6th Aug 2019

General questions

This has been annoying the hell out of me for years. I'm thinking of an early 1960s (?) black and white American movie that features numerous cameos by A-List Hollywood actors who are so heavily made-up (with wigs and latex facial prosthetics) that they are all thoroughly unrecognizable. At the end of the film, as a complete surprise, there is a sequence of each of these otherwise unremarkable cameo characters removing their makeup for a big reveal. For example, a plain, middle-aged woman who only appeared for a few seconds onscreen grandly removes her latex face to reveal none other than Burt Lancaster. I believe Robert Mitchum and Tony Curtis were also among the reveals. What is this film?

Charles Austin Miller

Answer: "The List of Adrian Messenger" (1963). Burt Lancaster, Robert Mitchum, and Tony Curtis, along with Kirk Douglas and Frank Sinatra, remove their heavy makeup during the epilogue to reveal who they are. Although Lancaster and Sinatra didn't actual portray the characters they claimed to have been.


Thank you. The name of this movie has been on the tip of my tongue for many years.

Charles Austin Miller

Love this movie as a kid. It's rarely shown on TV anymore, but it is (or was) available for free on YouTube.


Lancaster, Curtis, Sinatra, and Mitchum did indeed portray those characters in heavy make-up. However, their voices (except for Mitchum) were dubbed over by other actors, Otherwise, the audience would have recognized their actual voices, spoiling the surprise reveal at the end.


Incidentally, director John Huston (who also made a cameo appearance in the film) tried to convince Elizabeth Taylor to play a disguised part in this movie; but, when Taylor learned that her lovely face would be completely hidden under heavy latex, she turned down the role.

Charles Austin Miller

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