
Question: What was that black liquid that filled up the courtyard, and how did Mitchell die?

Answer: The liquid acts like tar leaving residue when it goes. It's toxic and or acidic as it destroys everything it touches. Mitchell I believe is the person who gets caught up the massive snare trap. So He could have been killed by the snare, the black liquid or just died from drowning in the liquid.


Answer: In regard to the black liquid, it is some type of a (fictional) toxic, tar-like substance that kills instantly upon touching living organisms. Mitchell is killed during the assault on the capital. When Peeta experiences a flashback, he attempts to kill Katniss. Mitchell pounces on Peeta to protect her, but Peeta throws him off, and Mitchell gets caught up in netting from a pod. The others are unable to free Mitchell, and he dies as the black tar washes over him.


Question: We were made to believe that they would be helpless without the holo device to spot the pods. Weren't all of the pods triggered by movement? Couldn't they just throw rubble ahead of them as they progressed? They would have to anyway as there could be additional pods that weren't shown by the holo device.

Answer: Knowing where the pods are exactly gives them a major advantage over throwing rubble. We are shown a pod that triggers machine guns. They know the pod is ahead of them so they take cover behind the stone structures. If they just randomly threw rubble and the pod was to the side of them, they would have been hit by the machine guns.


Answer: It saves time, energy, and is safer and more efficient if they can specifically pinpoint where the pods are located rather than randomly throwing rubble in an attempt to find them.


Question: Why would Sam and his friends go to the library?

Answer: Possibly because it was the closest building with height to it as they are about to be hit by a gigantic wave of water. There was no snow yet, so I don't believe burning books or snow was on anybody's mind yet. It turned out to be a great idea as snow soon starts to fall and those books were literally a life saver.

Susan D. Santos

Answer: It was the closest building they could access. While the smarter move would have been to just go back to JD's apartment (which Brian and Laura suggest) it may have been too far a walk to get out of the flooding streets.

Answer: Big building with lots of space and lots of books to burn for heat.


Why did they burn the books and not the wooden shelves that the books were on?

As for burning books rather than shelves, it was just easier. They would have had to expend more energy to break down the shelves into manageable size.

4th May 2018

Bad Boys II (2003)

Question: Are we to assume Tito dies from his gunshot wound?

Answer: I don't think so, a gunshot wound to the thigh is hardly fatal unless you hit a major artery.


And if you do hit an artery you don't have very long to live.


7th Jan 2016

Hot Fuzz (2007)

Answer: Just before "Auntie Jackie's sisters' brothers' boy' legs it, Danny is looking at the DVDs in the supermarket and there's a copy of Shaun of the Dead in the bargain bin...albeit the Spanish version! Only £4.99! It was released as "Zombie Party" in Spain but has the same front cover as UK release.

Answer: Jumping over fences, and "want anything from shop?" "Cornetto". That's just off top of my head having not seen either film in around 3 years.


Question: What was that big ball of flames that broke the jet in half?

Answer: Watching the scene it is the rest of the missile finally exploding causing the jet to split in half.


13th Aug 2018

Kenan & Kel (1996)

Answer: So that didn't feel he was being watched and judged by her.


21st Sep 2018

Trading Places (1983)

Question: Why are Dan and Eddie in wool sweaters on a tropical beach when the women are in bikinis at the end of the movie?

Answer: Character choice. I've seen people doing exactly that if they are not happy with their body image.


6th Aug 2018

Breaking Bad (2008)

Caballo sin Nombre - S3-E2

Question: When Saul buys Jesse's house from his parents, he said that he showed their lawyer, Mr. Gardner, "all the pertinent financials", meaning $875,000 in cash available to buy the house. Jesse only had $450,000 and that money was not in any account. How did Saul show Mr. Gardner that he had $875,000 in cash?


Answer: Saul is a criminal himself. It's not past his capabilities to forge some documents to show the 857k is available.


Forged documents by Saul is most likely the correct answer.


Answer: Saul has a stash of cash himself, hidden in his office. It's possible he used some of that instead as part of the scheme instead of having to go through the effort of falsifying documents.


Answer: In all likelihood, he sold some more meth.

Captain Defenestrator

At the time, they were not producing enough Meth to get that much money in the time frame of the events.


21st Oct 2018

Young Sheldon (2017)

Answer: Mary is highly religious and completely against any form of alcohol as shown in Big Bang Theory numerous times.


Answer: It's as simple as money is tight, it's not "George's money", it's the family's money so the expenditure was selfish.


Answer: It's because Mary is upset that George bought two cases, because it is a lot.

22nd Jan 2015

Fast Five (2011)

Question: (SPOILERS) I'm just curious where the cavalcade of money came from. Brian and Mia hit Rio all but broke, which is why they agree to the train heist job. Dom arrives not long after, fresh out of his orange jump suit. Possibly he had a nice stash of cash he could pick up, but no mention is made of this. Then it starts. They've double-crossed the heist and are tearing the car apart in a fully equipped garage. Apparently they know Rio very well to find such a facility, but someone would still want payment/rent. Then they escape with nothing but their clothes and the chip, but end up in an apartment where they can casually plan and sip cold beer. They decide on the super-heist and immediately transfer to an apartment-condo with a million-dollar view. As the crew shows up, they must be bringing some major investment funds with them. A gigantic warehouse-factory for a base of operations. Loads of high end computer surveillance gear. Sure, they steal or win the cars, but they use tons of components to reinforce them. They order a duplicate top-of-the-line vault for practicing on! (Maybe Amazon waives the delivery fee on such a purchase). It just starts to feel that if they divvied up all the seed money, they'd find they really didn't need to commit the robbery.

Answer: They end up in Rio where Vince is major player as shown with him telling his men to stand down. This means he's going to have access to a fully equipped garage and a home for rest and planning. They then decide on the super heist as you put it. This leads to the team meeting up in an abandoned warehouse. Plenty of those around. All the crew have their own talents and contacts. All they need to do is call in a few favours to get their equipment sent over. The even comments on this when he gets the new safe saying "we had a life before we met you." So the equipment isn't a problem.


26th Jul 2018

MythBusters (2003)

Pingpong Rescue - S2-E9

Question: Tory, and the other guys working with him pop most of the balloons, and release only a few. Why not release the entire bunch of balloons they made?

Answer: Because releasing helium balloons is dangerous to wildlife who eat the balloons once they have landed and deflated or popped. Releasing all those balloons would be a major risk.


I thought it was because a plane might run into them.

24th Jul 2018

Saw (2004)

Question: How does Jigsaw make the puppet move and talk? And what did Zep do wrong to make Jigsaw put him in a game?

Answer: The puppet is an animatronic, so he programmed its mouth to move with the dialogue on the tapes. Zep is shown earlier in the film to get personally attached/involved with patients at the hospital, so the implication is that he is inserted into the game in a role where he is too personally involved with the dilemmas of strangers.


Answer: Found online: We don't know exactly what Zep has done wrong to call Jigsaw's wrath upon himself, only that he was an orderly at the same hospital where Dr Gordon works and he was an attendant to John Kramer. Dr Gordon hints to the fact that Zep shows too little professional detachment in forming "very special bonds with the patients." On Zep's tape, Jigsaw says "Will you murder a mother and her child to save yourself?" Perhaps this means Zep's sin is that he is always too involved in the lives of complete strangers, neglecting his own life. He has to put his own life over the lives of two strangers in order to win the game.


3rd Jul 2018

Unstoppable (2010)

Question: Aren't freight trains awfully loud in real life? Triple doesn't seem very loud in the movie.

Answer: Freight trains average 80db at 15 meters. This is loud enough to cause hearing damage over a period of time. As such, movie producers lowered the noise level so that a normal conversation could be heard.


Answer: Yes, they are loud. However, the movie makers probably employed some artistic license to soften the sound so as not to distract from watching the story.


23rd Nov 2008

Saw V (2008)

Question: How does Hoffman manage to get out of the glass box after Strahm is crushed to death?

Answer: Obviously, he must have it set up so that he can escape. In Saw VI the walls open and he is able to escape easily.


Answer: It shows in the next movie the box slides into the next room with a conveyer belt.

Yes. The problem with the franchise is that you need to keep watching to get answers.


Answer: When the room fully shuts, the coffin is transported to another room, where Hoffman can exit the coffin.

1st Jul 2018

Unstoppable (2010)

Question: Bunny says he needs track D-16 track cleared because there are students are going on a field trip on that track. What if a freight train had finished loading at the day the field trip was taking place, and they needed use track D-16 in order to reach its destination?

Answer: They will have chosen a track that is not overly busy for the field trip. Things like this are planned in advance to avoid the situation mentioned above.


23rd Nov 2008

Saw V (2008)

Question: Jigsaw tells Detective Hoffman (While he is in the chair with a shotgun to his throat) that "Unlike you, I have never killed anyone. I give people a chance" In Saw II, one of the traps was a revolver behind a door, barrel aiming straight through the eye slot. There is no sign of this from inside the room, where the victim is. Person turn a knob on the door and the gun fired and killed them. How is that giving someone a chance or not killing them? He didn't give them an option beyond getting killed. This person didn't have any chance, unlike every other trap.

Answer: What fired the gun was not the knob turning, but the key turning in the lock, and the occupants of the room were specifically told not to use that key on the door. Had they just waited long enough, the door would have opened without anyone getting hurt.

Answer: Best part of this is not the fact that you point out this trap but there are a ton of Jigsaw traps that break his I don't kill code. Like Amanda's trap in Saw. No matter what either the drugged guy on the floor must die or Amanda must die either way someone has to die. Second showing in this is the Saw 6 opening trap, same with Saw 7. In both traps someone has to lose and die for the other to live. Actually all the Saw 6 traps are like that for the most part. Most of Jigsaw's traps are just listening to the way he tells you the rules and you'll survive.

The saw 6 traps were Hoffman's, not Jigsaws.


Answer: From the beginning, Jigsaw has always been hypocritical and inconsistent. Every film has displayed this. You gotta remember - he's a psychopath. Even though he puts people into tests where they will likely die and even gives some people no option other than to die, he doesn't consider himself a murderer because he doesn't directly kill them. Also, in the scene in question from "Saw II", he does indeed give a warning to the group not to open the door (read aloud by Xavier) - they ignore him, hence the man who tries to open the door dies.


6th May 2018

The Truman Show (1998)

Question: I've always wondered why the actors (and Truman) wear 1950's style clothing even though the movie was filmed in 1998. Does Truman believe he's living in the fifties?

Answer: He wouldn't have known he was driving a modern car since his world consisted of whatever was brought in for him.

Well 50's looks includes 50's technology. If he really thought he lived in the 50's a 90's car would seem out of place. He doesn't get shown much from the real world but surely they have car magazines, kitchen appliances, gardening tools. Can't keep it all 50's. Plus, they want to sell stuff they have in the show, but 50's cars aren't made anymore and wouldn't be made specifically for the show, so they have modern technology. Therefor, he knows its the 90's. I'm sure he was taught proper history at school as well.


Everything in his world is fabricated to what the shows producers want him to believe. If they are able to build a set that is visible from space, surely having magazines from the 50s or having him taught in 50s format is not impossible.


Might be possible. But do you think Truman believes he is in the 50's? What kind of history did they teach him? Surely they can't censor domestic and world politics (like elections) and natural disaster events, which requires images to see. Sure they censor the studio, but they can't keep all images from the outside world away from him. Besides, I just put in a movie mistake myself that shows they at last have taught him world history the proper way.


I didn't put the mistake in as the Truman show can take place in the future. What I found out that there is a scene of Truman as a kid in school and the teacher pulls down a map of the world, a 90's map. So they do teach him proper history. And since its a 90's map the Truman show takes place in the future and its the 2010's or something. But it shows Truman knows in what era he lives.


Answer: It's all part of the set of the fictional show that Truman is unwittingly a part of. The '50s were viewed (by some) as a wholesome, uncomplicated time, so it makes sense that the show's producers would choose it for their wholesome, uncomplicated show. And if Truman did believe it was the 1950s, well, why not? He has no outside frame of reference.

Well, he did drive a modern car.


Which is irrelevant. Truman wouldn't know the difference. A modern car was likely one of the many product-placement deals the show had.

Again though, during the segment where they look back at Truman's ambitions to become an explorer they show a world map which is accurate for the time. Also, it would be impossible to convince him anything in the world is different even if they would control the news and TV shows (history books), what about elections for example?


Answer: You need to think outside the box. you know 50s stuff is different and modern appliances would stand out but for Truman, it doesn't. Magazines, TV broadcasts etc would all be controlled by the director so he has no reference to question that anything is out of place or "not of that era." To him, its not different.


Answer: Dude how are you not getting this? They can tell him anything they want. He doesn't have any form of reference to say it's out of place. His entire world is what they've told him since he was a baby. They can tell him it's 2020 but still have 1950s equipment. To Truman, that's 2020 equipment. He doesn't know about all the advances since them. You, me and all the viewers know its out of era but Truman doesn't since he's grown up with it being relevant to whatever year theyve told him it is.

Are you talking to me? if you are, what are you rambling about? The question was if Truman believed he was in the 50's. I argued he didn't. That's all. According to you that's true even. Relax.

Answer: They created his world: the clothing, cars, electronics, everything around him is conceived by the producers of the show. You see some people dresses like the 50's and some like the 80's, and then his TV is 50's but the cars are 90's. He doesn't have a frame of reference so it seems normal to him.

Question: After the ship was turned from hitting the oil tanker and then they returned to the bridge, they saw the ship was going to hit land. Why didn't they just go down again and turn the ship out to sea?

Answer: The ship has no way to stop or steer. By hitting land it would bring the ship to a stop (at a considerable cost) where as if they go out to sea, they would just continue to keep going until out of fuel or hit something they can't avoid and risk everyone drowning. A risk that is not present if they hit land.


13th Jan 2009

Saw II (2005)

Question: Jigsaw needed Daniel to get through the game safe and sound so that he could put him in a safe and later present him to his father. Amanda was also included in the plan. How could Jigsaw be sure that the boy or Amanda wouldn't die from the gas? Or did they already have an antidote?

Answer: Notice how Amanda doesn't cough up blood or have a bloody nose. She clearly had some kind of antidote other then the needles. As for the second question, look when Eric is in the room with the safe and notices the needle on the floor. Amanda gave that to Daniel.

Answer: So Jigsaw doesn't really want to kill Daniel?

No. He used Daniel as bait to get Eric to stay there with him. Daniel was also the key to everyone in the game being linked.


Answer: I figured either those two were given an antidote, or because he says an odourless gas, I figured they shot the other ones up with something that will work in 2 hours.

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