
Revealing mistake: The interior matte painting of the hangar on the Rebel ship holding the stolen Imperial shuttle doesn't match the appearance of the hangar from the exterior shot of the Rebel ship. The interior hangar shows an extended platform and four banks of vertical lights bordering the opening and then walls. From the exterior, the hangar appears to have a big light bank near the opening, and then thinner light banks behind it spaced further apart than the interior shot. The exterior shot also doesn't have a platform. (00:50:45 - 00:53:20)


Revealing mistake: When Vader throws the lightsaber at Luke and the platform collapses, the point where the platform's columns connect to the ceiling have expanding circles of smoke coming from them as the columns detach from the ceiling, created by the charges used to sever the platform. (01:50:20)


Revealing mistake: The close-up of R2-D2 waiting for Leia to return has a clear shot of the middle wire section of C-3PO in which you can see Anthony Daniels breathing as the spandex underneath the wires expands. This is especially clear on the Blu-ray. (01:02:00)


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