Trivia: In episode 1, when Miss Strickland is using the megaphone to shout out of her window, she says, "Jack, Diane, I know what you're doing behind that tree." This is a reference to the John Mellencamp song "Jack and Diane" where Jack suggest that he and Diane run behind some trees.

Trivia: Episode 1: It's About Time - The first part of this episode takes place on May 14, 1986. May 14 is also Robert Zemeckis' birthday. Robert Zemeckis directed the three Back To The Future movies.

Casual Person

Trivia: After traveling to 1931 to rescue Doc, look at some of the office signs in the town square. One sign says "The Law Offices of Gale, Zemeckis and Fine." Robert Zemeckis directed the Back to the Future trilogy and Bob Gale wrote and produced it.

Trivia: Episode 2, Get Tannen: After the clip of Doc and Artie leaving, select "Story So Far". The time reads 10:04pm, the same time the courthouse clock got struck by lightning in the first Back To The Future movie.

Casual Person

Audio problem: Several lines in this game are said where the character's mouth is out of sync for at least a third of the line. Especially Doc's lines.

Casual Person

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