Continuity mistake: Halfway through the film, Mike is wandering inside the room and knocks down a red vase. A second later it appears back on the table.


Continuity mistake: Mike fixes the boat painting, his hair and face are dry. He turns around and sits down and now he is all sweaty and with messy hair.


Continuity mistake: Mike goes to the window, leaving a can, food and a bottle on the night table. When he comes back only the bottle remains.


Continuity mistake: When Mike falls down from the ceiling, he falls on his back, but a second later from a closer angle he is crashing on the table on his butt.


1408 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the scene Where Mike Eslin's hotel room has frozen over and he is laying on the floor talking into his recorder he notices his computer turns on and his wife is talking to him. As Mike tries to get up you see his head touch the alcohol bottle, in the next shot that is further away from Mike you see the bottle is much further away from his head then it should be.

1408 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Mike reaches the phone and hears the operator asking if he is checking out, the phone on the table swaps from facing down to up between shots.


1408 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: While Mike is presenting his book, the cigarette on his ear is semi-hidden by his hair. Half a second later the hair appears shorter and the cigarette is visible.


Continuity mistake: When Mike goes to the window to call for help, his doppelganger across the street is mimicking Mike's every move. After waving their arms in mirror-image synchronicity, Mike leans to his right slowly, and so does the doppelganger, but it should have leaned to its own left to mirror Mike's movement. All its other movements are exact mirror images. (00:45:10)


Continuity mistake: When Mike steps off the elevator, he is between the elevator doors and a dark statue in the middle of the hallway. The statue is seen behind him, slightly to our right. When the elevator doors close, Mike's location is different as he begins to walk down the hall. Relevant to the earlier shot, he is much further to our right and farther from the elevator doors, as now has to walk around and past the statue he was originally already past. (00:25:15)


1408 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Mike enters the hotel and a woman in the back, sitting next to the woman with the pram, disappears between shots.


Visible crew/equipment: When he is fixing the crooked ship picture in the somewhat dark room in the reflection behind him you see an arm with a light blue short sleeve shirt in the glass door.

Continuity mistake: When Mike is in the room holding his crying daughter, the blood trails from his nose and ears change constantly between shots.

Continuity mistake: When water starts to pour in the room Mike's hair is totally messy, except for a brief shot where it looks perfectly combed, and then back to messy.


Continuity mistake: As Mike catches the attention of his mimic in the apartment window across the street, he makes two distinct gestures with his hands to signal distress: the first being the "hand phone" imitation and the next pointing downwards. Right before the mimic begins reflecting Mike's movements, Mike is shown making this sequence of hand motions. However, as the camera pans to the mimic we can see its movements are off-sync with Mike's, incorrectly continuing to point downward when it should be mimicking Mike's phone gesture. (00:44:50)

Continuity mistake: When Mike falls on the frozen floor, after chatting with his wife, the vase swaps from being covered in ice to semi covered between shots.


Plot hole: Time inside room 1408 moves differently than time outside it, as evidenced by the fact that Mike spends weeks or even months in what he thinks is his home in California, while in reality he is still "in" the room. The Hotel's manager states that no one has ever lasted more than an hour inside 1408. He goes on to cite many examples where the guests died after just a few minutes. No previously sane individual commits suicide after spending a few minutes in an eerie room, obviously, so the only explanation is the one offered by the "receptionist" over the phone, albeit in fewer words: guests in room 1408, while experiencing their own time frame inside the room, are in fact reliving the same hour over and over according to the rest of the world's time frame. This being the case, Mike's ex-wife should not have showed up at the climax since Mike's hour had just started over, undoing the call he placed to her earlier in the film but later in the hour. Whether or not the film makers intended this inference is irrelevant as the movie plainly lays out these conditions and must therefore adhere to them lest a plot hole be created. [This keeps being debated back and forth - ultimately there's not going to be any absolute resolution, so it's being locked down as a mistake and viewers will just have to make up their own minds - Jon.]


Continuity mistake: While Mike is signing books, a fat guy bends over next to him. Angle keeps swapping in a matter of seconds from front to back angles and he's always there, except for a moment from the back when the guy disappears, only to appear again in the front angle.


Continuity mistake: The amount of snow on Mike's forehead when crouching on the floor, increases and diminishes between shots in a matter of seconds.


More quotes from 1408

Question: In the office scene where Mike and Olin are speaking of all the deaths that have occurred in room 1408 they say a specific number for each type of death. I added all the numbers up and got 43 but Olin said there had been 56 deaths total. Is my addition wrong or was is it a coincidence that there were 13 deaths they didn't speak of?

Answer: After they recite the types of deaths and the number attributed to each one Mr. Olin also says that there have also been natural causes of death as well which surprises Mike. The natural causes of death add up to the other 13 deaths.

oddy knocky

First, I don't have a great memory - I had to re-watch the movie, writing down the numbers: 7 jumpers, 4 overdoses, 5 hangings, 3 mutilations, 2 strangulation's plus 22 natural deaths - I get 43 total, but later we hear of a man that drowned in his chicken soup... which fits none of the categories mentioned including natural. There is also mention of heart attacks, which I don't know if you would categorizes these as natural considering the circumstances. That is to say, they just didn't detail all 56 deaths. The book might, and mind you a book made into a movie is always too fast paced with so much detail crammed into 2 hours... there is really no time to digest all the material. I'm guessing this is a much better read. Also this movie PRE-supposes that a person understands a lot of things... I had to look the stuff up after the first viewing... then came to this site (as a means of looking some stuff up). Here's my low down - after the fast forward second viewing, literally taking notes: 1. The room is not haunted - something in the room is evil; this is stated when the hotel owner has conversations with writer just outside of the office on route to the elevator 2. The writer expresses this is : the seventh circle - the 7th circle is where those that committed the following violations are punished: a. Crimes against neighbours b. crimes against self >suicide c. Crimes against God, Art (grand daughter of God) and nature 3. The writer has pleaded Guilty as charged in the hotel managers office to charges of: believing in nothing (this would be God - and he states so later) and believing in no-one but himself 4. The writer opens the bible - and the page falls to Nathans Parable -2 Samuel 12 ==> had to look this one up - this is about being judged - mostly about a man who kills another and takes his wife - it's about judging yourself and paying for your sins. In this story the wife brings forth a child that god strikes down with sickness and the child dies... among other things. 5. It is generally believed that there are 3 things that allow for better mind control - or mind opening/bending experiences: a. Sugar b. Alcohol c. Drugs ==> he was given a bottle of alcohol which he consumes as well as chocolate squares on the bed - presumably the evil force has provided these to allow better mind control 6. All the pictures show some form of evil: the Schooner lost at sea, should we presume an act of evil in addition to potential future acts of cannibalism? The Hunt: which is where I believe the hotel owner originated from: escaping from a pore in the picture - he was the hunted (no glass covering on the picture) and he provided the alcohol - he also tries to stop the writer from taking the room, saying he doesn't have to do this (punish himself) and/or the manager senses the end of the room and potentially his existence Lastly the old women reading to the three children... I just can't make this one fit...which is actually when I started to review the relevance to evil there. The writer says the children are deranged...? 7. The demons all originate from the pictures - I think; the manager of the hotel, the knife wielding woman (schooner) . I'm unsure about the guy in the vent. That is to say, the pictures have brought the evil to the room; and the room has become a room where those who should be punished in the 7th circle are. 8. To prove the punishment room theory: in the file folder, as the writer approaches the room 408 - the notes indicate a man with the notation that: his brother was eaten by wolves on the Connecticut Turnpike - I'm guessing there was an act of cannibalism there. 9. Further to prove the punishment room theory - acts against art are really usury and charging interest (loan shark style - high rates to those that are desperate) - we see a business man jump - which later appears to be the man from the newspaper article that says: Dec. 06, 1938 Chicago factory owner leaps from bridge - stating Financial issues Ultimately this room is about judging yourself, deciding your own punishment and the evil forces dispensing the punishment. Think about the maid that only blinds herself with scissors, and the writer who has presumably already paid for most of his sins (daughter dies) but is still forced to suffer heat, cold, drowning, mental illness, isolation etc.

Answer: Olin simply did not list all of the causes/cases. He mentions the causes of 21 deaths before Mike cuts him off. He then mentions the 22 natural death cases. By no coincidence, the number of cases mentioned, 43, subtracted from the number of deaths Olin says actually occurred, 56, is 13. Afterwards, he reveals one more cause attributed to the unmentioned 13 deaths: drowning.

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