The Warriors

Every Warrior makes it back to Coney Island, except for Ajax (James Remar) who is arrested, and Fox, who is thrown in front of a train while struggling with a cop. When they get back, the Rogues are there waiting for them. They have a standoff on the beach, where Luther (David Patrick Kelly) threatens Swan (Michael Beck) with a gun. Swan swiftly dodges the bullet and throws a knife into his arm. Masai and the Gramercy Riffs show up to put a stop to the Rogues. The Riffs compliment all the Warriors and send them on their way. Luther screams as the Riffs close in on them. All the Warriors go for a walk along the beach in triumph.

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Factual error: In the scene where the Warriors are hiding from the Turnbull A.C.'s under the elevated subway they look up at the train that is approaching the station. The train is marked as a "J" train. At that point they are still in the Bronx. The "J" train never runs in the Bronx.

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Ajax: I'll shove that bat up your ass and turn you into a popsicle.

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Trivia: Originally, Fox was supposed to be Mercy's love interest, but the two actors had no chemistry. This resulted in the love interest being changed to Swan, which combined with other conflicts caused the actor who played Fox to leave the film. His death was written in to deal with this, and the actor demanded his name be removed from the credits.

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Question: Why are the gang members so spread out? I know there was the truce but surely they would he wary of anything going wrong? I know they needed to show off the different gangs but you will see one member of a gang in the middle of 4-5 members of the same gang, surely people would be more cautious than this.


Answer: There was a truce, but just in case you want different members in different parts of the crowd to see all angels and all exits in case of something. You plan if something goes wrong where everybody will be.

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