Movie Quote Quiz

Nature Boy Ric Flair: Wheelin', dealin', jet ridin' son of a gun.

John Cena: You can't see me.

Vince McMahon: Right now. Uh, the following Public Service Announcement is brought to you by the chairman of World Wrestling Entertainment, Vincent Kennedy McMahon. Kids I have a lesson for you. If you're, a user, you're a loser. Don't wind-up like Shawn Michaels. Don't do drugs. Thank you very much.

Chris Jericho: Booker T's haircut looks like a pineapple.

Shawn Michaels: I'm the 'Showstoppa', the Main Event, the icon.

Hulk Hogan: What you gonna do, brother? What you gonna do when Hulkamania runs wild on you?

Stone Cold: Austin 3:16 says I just whipped your ass.

Shawn Michaels: I may be going out on a limb here, but I'm guessing Howard Finkel does not get a lot of chicks.

The Rock: The Rock is gonna lay the smackdown on your candy ass! The Rock is gonna go down Know Your Role Boulevard, hang that right at Jabroni Drive, and proceed to check your candy ass in at the Smackdown Hotel. Know you role and shut your mouth. If you smell... what the Rock is cookin'.

JR: Oh, my God.
JR: Business is about to pick up.
JR: He's running like a scalded dog.
JR: This is gonna be one slobberknocker.
JR: Aw, come on.
JR: He's getting whipped like a government mule.

Eric Bischoff: Batista. Before I go. I wanted to clear something up about last week. You called me a used car salesman. You were kidding right?
Batista: No, I wasn't kidding.

Jerry Lawler: Puppies.

Jerry 'The King' Lawler: She shouldn't even be here right now, she should be in the back with Mr. McMahon, having fun.
JR: How do you know that was fun?
Jerry 'The King' Lawler: What do you mean how would that be fun? You don't think that would be fun?
JR: Well, he's not exactly my type, if you know what I mean.

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