Unanswered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Question: When Vincent's friends set him up, they set the scene so that the police would think that the girl drugged Vincent and then cut her wrist with the knife. But they already know the girl killed herself with the pills, or at least they think she did. At the end of the movie, female police tells Chris that the cause of death was not the pills, but it was the wrist cut. But if she really had killed herself with the pills, police would have been telling him the opposite, which would have raised a lot of questions. Were they lucky? Were they dumb enough to think that the cause of death would not have been discovered in the autopsy, or magically it would appear as the wrist cut? Or am I missing something here? Or the writers missed this?

Question: When Webster whistles David, he puts his fingers about a centimetre away from his lips, like people do when they whistle but they put their fingers in their mouths, so this does not make sense, why bother putting your fingers near your mouth at all?


Question: Due to the Audi having a left side steering wheel, Chihiro's father being brown haired and overweight (rare in Japan), Chihiro having a whiny nature, her confusion of work responsibility, and her parents eating food with gluttonous abandon (all stereotypical American characteristics), could Chihiro have been the product of a Japanese-Anglo American mixed marriage? It would explain that the reason for her exposure to the spirit world is to broaden her Japanese heritage via work ethic, gratitude, maintaining calmness, understanding hierarchy, and belief in the existence of iconic yōkai.

Gordon Rice

Show generally

Question: In the actor/actress introductions at the end is "someone" in a long black dress who is not identified - who is the actress?

Question: The hat worn by Boss Godfrey (Morgan Woodward) I believe that it is a Homburg style hat, can anyone tell what brand or hat maker?

Question: Why does Javier get upset with Katie when she say no to his offer to go with him to the club La Rosa Negra?

Murder Among Friends - S12-E16

Question: I think most MSW episodes are wrapped up pretty nicely, however, there is a loose end in "Murder Among Friends" that is bothering me - why didn't Dyan take the script from Ricki's safe after she killed her? We know that safe was open when she killed Ricki and that the script inside named Carly as the one being written-off the show (not herself like Dyan wanted). She had no way of knowing that Gene would switch out the script (a good red herring) or that Leo would opt for a re-write anyway, so why leave it? We also know that Leo didn't want to let Dyan do the movie either, so killing Ricki alone wouldn't necessarily solve Dyan's problem. It doesn't seem plausible that she killed Ricki out of pure rage without caring whether or not it would even help her cause. Is there any explanation? It just bothers me that they never addressed why Dyan didn't take the script...after all, it WAS the McGuffin!

Question: I've been puzzling over this for decades: who smashes the mirrors in the music room? Is it Charlotte, in a drug-induced state - that would explain the marks on her arm, pretty bad ones, too - but she loves the house, she wouldn't hurt it? Or is it Drew, and they - he and Miriam - imply she did it, to make Charlotte think she's crazier than she already is? It can't be Miriam - she was in bed, asleep.


Question: When the Czech bad guy is reading out the numbers to set the nuclear device is he reading out in Greek, not Czech?

Show generally

Question: Which episodes feature the "Howling Dog" (usually used on outside shots of buildings)?

Question: I don't understand the floor plan of the farm. In the first scene of interest, Whip is in the living room and Nicky, to his right, comes out of the bathroom, having had a shower. But, in the second scene of interest, Whip is drunk in the living room and Nicky, to his right, comes in through the front door - where before it was the bathroom.


Question: What is the song that plays when Sgt. Gerry Boyle is approaching his mother near the start of the film?

Question: During the ending credits, about eight women are listed as Bart's girls. The only two I saw were the ones Bart tried to have sex with. Where were the other six?

Show generally

Question: At what point did someone decide that the rangers should always be in the same civilian clothes? In the early years of the franchise the characters wore different outfits but now they are always dressed in the same things every episode.

Question: How did the assassin, Maitland, know where and why to find Karim? and later, after Amy ran away, how did he know how to find her?

Quantom X

Question: There is a piece of music that you can hear for just a split second when Mr. Blond is tuning through the radio stations looking for K. Billy's super sounds of the 70s (right before he tortures the cop). The exact same piece of music is also heard for a split second in Kill Bill Vol 2 when the camera is looking down on the bride's body in the church. What song is this piece of music from?

Question: In the nightclub scene, Tony goes into the bathroom with a girl and they begin making out. it's obvious they are about to have sex. The movie cuts to a different moment in a montage for a moment, then back to Tony and the girl. Suddenly he is jumping up from between her legs and screaming and runs out of the bathroom really quick. What was that all about?

Quantom X

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