
26th Feb 2017

Apple Tree Yard (2016)

Show generally

Factual error: The sergeant's stripes on the sleeves of the police officer appearing as a witness at the trial are in a completely incorrect style for a Metropolitan Police sergeant (or indeed by any British police sergeant). She also wears small metal stripes on her epaulettes. These are not worn with tunics, where the stripes are only worn on the sleeves; only her number should appear on her epaulettes.


26th Feb 2017

Apple Tree Yard (2016)

Show generally

Factual error: The judge requires £100,000 to be paid to the court in bail and Yvonne's husband later says he had to cash in bonds to get the money. In Britain, bail is not paid in advance. It is sufficient to prove that it is available if necessary and it is only required to be paid if the defendant later absconds.


17th Feb 2017

Lucan (1977)

Show generally

Factual error: David Gerring, one of the senior police officers on the case, always introduces himself as Detective Superintendent. He was actually a Detective Chief Inspector, which is listed correctly on the credits.


17th Feb 2017

Lucan (1977)

Show generally

Factual error: In the first scene, the raid on the gambling party, the policemen all wear white shirts. The scene is set in 1958 and the Metropolitan Police did not switch from blue shirts to white until c.1970.


23rd Jan 2017

Tracker (2010)

Factual error: Major Carlysle's medal ribbons have been sewn on upside down. The Queen's South Africa Medal should be worn first, followed by the King's South Africa Medal, and the KSAM bars should be green-white-orange, not orange-white-green (the QSAM is symmetrical, so looks the same either way up). Sgt Major Saunders, on the other hand, is wearing his medals correctly.


23rd Jan 2017

Tracker (2010)

23rd Jan 2017

The Missing (2014)

23rd Jan 2017

The Missing (2014)

Show generally

Factual error: At both funerals, everyone wears combat dress. Soldiers wear service dress (formal uniform tunic and trousers with collar and tie) to funerals. In fact, combat dress is all anyone ever wears in the series. The British Army has a variety of different uniforms. Combat dress is not worn all the time, especially not by officers or senior NCOs.


23rd Jan 2017

Rillington Place (2016)

Show generally

Factual error: The policeman who comes to visit Christie to tell him about the burglaries and those escorting Christie outside the police station are wearing the divisional letter 'X'; Notting Hill, where Rillington Place was located, was actually covered by F Division, which was the division responsible for investigating the crimes. X Division covered neighbouring Kilburn and Willesden.


23rd Jan 2017

Rillington Place (2016)

Show generally

Factual error: With two exceptions, all the policemen shown in both 1949 and 1953 are wearing the old-fashioned tunics with high, closed collars. The Metropolitan Police adopted the more modern open-necked tunic with collar and tie in 1948, and this is shown worn by the policeman who visits Christie and by the officer who arrests him.


23rd Jan 2017

The Missing (2014)

Show generally

Factual error: Although the regiment at the centre of the drama is fictitious, its cap badge looks like nothing that which would be worn by a British regiment. It includes no crown and looks more like a German cap badge.


23rd Jan 2017

The Missing (2014)

Show generally

Factual error: Eve and Jorn wear uniform most of the time. Although SIB agents (British Army detectives) do sometimes wear uniform, they most often wear civilian clothes, as do German police detectives.


23rd Jan 2017

The Missing (2014)

23rd Jan 2017

The Missing (2014)

Show generally

Factual error: The only person ever addressed as "Sir" is the brigadier, and then only occasionally. No other officers ever seem to be addressed in this way.


31st Dec 2016

Rillington Place (2016)

Show generally

Factual error: The wigs in the courtroom scenes are not correct. The barristers' wigs are too full and the judges are wearing the shoulder-length wigs only worn on ceremonial occasions; for normal court work they have worn similar wigs to barristers since the 1840s.


31st Dec 2016

Rillington Place (2016)

16th Oct 2016

Ripper Street (2012)

16th Oct 2016

Ripper Street (2012)

Men of Iron, Men of Smoke - S4-E4

Factual error: One character refers to another as a wanker. The first recorded usage of this term in a sexual sense is in 1950 and as an insult in 1972. The episode is set in 1897 and its language is consistently that of the time; it doesn't use modern language.


12th Oct 2016

Ripper Street (2012)

Season 4 generally

Factual error: A woman who was sentenced to death while pregnant, as Long Susan was, was never hanged. Her sentence was stayed until she gave birth and then always commuted to imprisonment. Most such women were released after only a few years.


11th Oct 2016

Ripper Street (2012)

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